Открытый урок по теме: "Natural Disasters". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Topic – Natural disasters. Working on the new vocabulary and text .

1. Introduction into the topic.

Teacher- Will those who have ever experienced a) an earthquake

b) an avalanche
c) a volcanic eruption
d) a rainstorm
e) flooding

sit down.

Thank you. So you see that none of you is standing now, which means that all these natural disasters are well known to everybody. Today we are going to work on the words on the topic “Natural Disasters” , read texts connected with it and listen to some news.

2. Working on the vocabulary

a) Give the definition of the following wordsavalanche, droughts, flooding, landslides, volcanic eruption.
b )Match the words with their definition

deforestation process of destroying something
destruction the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area
habitat a sudden shaking of the earth's surface
endangered species to have a very bad effect on something or someone over a long period of time
famine the natural home of a plant or animal
flooding a type of animal or plant that may soon no longer exist
overpopulated a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain
poverty a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water
avalanche the situation or experience of being poor
drought What a volcano does
earthquake a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live
landslide a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time
erupt has too many people
take its toll (on) a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill

c) Match the columns

a volcano casualties
during the famine people injured
an earthquake shakes the city
the land suffers erupts
a tornado damaged
people can be the dead and the wounded
things can be sweeps the island
during the accident there can be draught
during the war there can be starve
during the battle there are victims ( those who suffer the results of the disaster)

d. Working on word formation.





e) Here is some information about the earthquake in Armenia . Match the beginning of the sentence with the correct second part .

  1. The earthquake struck at 11.41.am
  2. Snow fell during the next few days
  3. At first it was thought 55,000 people had died
  4. As soon as the news of the tragedy had been broadcast,
  5. A plane carrying humanitarian aid crashed
  6. Restoration of the affected area began
  7. A government official promised the town would be rebuilt
  1. when trying to lend.
  2. as the people of Spitak, Armenia , were busy with their morning work.
  3. by the end of the following year.
  4. two weeks after the earthquake.
  5. but later the figure was put at 25,000.
  6. which made rescue operation difficult.
  7. aid worth millions of dollars began to pour in.

3. Listening

Listen to the tape and state which issues are mentioned . See Opportunities Upper Intermediate Students’ Book, page 87,ex 2.

4. Read the text on p. 88 (See Opportunities Upper Intermediate Students’ Book)

In 3-4 sentences give the main idea of the paragraphs.( Teaching summarize the given information)


5. Compare the pictures and decide which of them show natural disasters and which are man-made, which can be prevented and how and which are difficult to prevent.

Рис.1 Рис.2 Рис.3

6. Working with additional texts (Expanding the given information and changing it into a text ).


Earthquake rocks northern Japan. Friday, September 26, 2004

TOKYO, Japan -- An earthquake measuring 8.0 hit the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido early Friday, thousands forced to evacuate. The strongest quake anywhere in the world this year.

Another temblor of similar intensity less than two hours later. Multiple aftershocks felt. Residents on the eastern side of Hokkaido urged to evacuate.

CNN Tokyo Bureau Chief Rebecca MacKinnon said no deaths reported. Japan's national broadcasting agency, reported 236 hurt.

An estimated 41,000 people forced to evacuate their homes and 16,000 residences blacked out, The Associated Press reported.

Text 2

Prague citizens evacuate as flood tide nears.

Prague residents began to evacuate parts of the historic Czech capital before yesterday.The worst flood in over a century hits the city.

Prague authorities order the evacuation of up to 50,000 people after days of rainfall filled rivers in the south of the central European country and killed seven people.

Torrential rains also hit neighboring Germany and Austria and, the death toll from European reaches 70 in a week.

Water overflows the Vltava's banks and the rain continue to fall.

Water may rise to one to two meters in some residential areas.

Text 3

Nicaraguan landslide kills 14.

Rescuers have found the bodies of 14 victims of a landslide that buried eight mountain villages in central Nicaragua.

Authorities fear the death toll to rise to 50.

Rescuers looking for survivors after a landslide in central Nicaragua.

Rising rivers and the destruction of roads prevent the emergency workers from arriving immediately , and are brought to the area by helicopter.

Nearly affected 1,400 people from the communities leave for the nearest town of Rio Blanco but a spokesman reports many people still missing.

7 . What should be done to prevent man-made disasters? Give your opinion.

Homework: Write your answer to the questions: What are most serious man-made disasters? What should be done to prevent them?



deforestation the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area
destruction process of destroying something
habitat the natural home of a plant or animal
endangered species a type of animal or plant that may soon no longer exist
famine a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time
flooding a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water
overpopulated has too many people
poverty the situation or experience of being poor
avalanche a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain
drought a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live
earthquake a sudden shaking of the earth's surface
landslide a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill
erupt what a volcano does
take its toll (on) to have a very bad effect on sth or sb over a long period of time


a volcano erupts
during the famine people starve
an earthquake shakes the city
the land suffers draught
a tornado sweeps the island
people are injured
things are damaged
during the accident there can be casualties
during the war there can be victims ( those who suffer the results of the disaster)
during the battle there are the dead and the wounded





mud muddy muddy
evaporation evaporate evaporated
shanty ----- shanty
eruption erupt -----
poverty ----- poor
overpopulation ----- overpopulated
flooding flood flooded
starvation Starve Starving
destruction estruct destructed
deforestation deforest -----


  1. The earthquake struck at 11.41.am as the people of Spitak, Armenia , were busy with their morning work
  2. Snow fell during the next few days, which made rescue operation difficult.
  3. At first it was thought 55,000 people had died, but later the figure was put at 25,000.
  4. As soon as the news of the tragedy had been broadcast, aid worth millions of dollars began to pour in.
  5. A plane carrying humanitarian aid crashed when trying to lend.
  6. Restoration of the affected area began two weeks after the earthquake.
  7. A government official promised the town would be rebuilt by the end of the following year.

Useful vocabulary


deforestation noun -the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area. deforest -verb

destruction noun - the act or process of destroying something: the threat of nuclear destruction

destroy verb

habitat noun the natural home of a plant or animal: The polar bear's habitat is the icy wastes of the Arctic. | natural habitat: Mountain areas are the natural habitat of the golden eagle.

endangered species noun -a type of animal or plant that may soon no longer exist: The whale is an endangered species.

exploitation / noun - a situation in which someone treats someone else unfairly in order to get money or an advantage for themselves: the exploitation of children in factories in the 1900's

famine noun -a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many people die

starvation noun -suffering or death caused by lack of food: people dying of starvation in the famine

flooding noun -a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water, for example because of heavy rain

malnutrition noun -illness or weakness caused by not having enough food to eat, or by not eating good food

disaster noun - 1 a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering: 108 people died in the mining disaster. | natural disaster (=caused by nature, not by an accident): The 1987 hurricane was the worst natural disaster to hit England for decades. | disaster area (=a place where a disaster has happened) | disaster strikes: Disaster struck on the first day, when all our equipment was stolen.

disastrous adjective -very bad, or ending in failure: Warrington's disastrous early marriage | Chemical leaks have had a disastrous effect on wildlife.

disastrously adverb

overpopulated adjective -a city or country that is overpopulated has too many people: a programme of resettlement from the most overpopulated areas overpopulation noun

poverty noun

1 [uncountable] the situation or experience of being poor : dire/abject/grinding poverty (=very bad poverty): Thousands of children live in dire poverty.

avalanche noun - a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain: Two skiers were killed in the avalanche.

cyclone noun - a very violent storm that moves very rapidly in a circle: Darwin was flattened by Cyclone Tracy in 1974.

drought noun -a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live

earthquake noun - a sudden shaking of the earth's surface that often causes a lot of damage: Mexico City was badly hit in the 1985 earthquake.

hurricane noun - a violent storm, especially in the western Atlantic ocean

landslide noun - a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill, cliff etc

volcano noun plural volcanoes or volcanos - a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which hot rocks, lava, and ash sometimes rise into the air from inside the earth: Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79AD. | active volcano (=a volcano that may explode at any time) | dormant volcano (=a volcano that is not active at present) | extinct volcano (=a volcano that is no longer active)

erupt verb - if a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the sky

windstorm noun -a period of bad weather when there are strong winds but not much rain

thunderstorm noun -a storm with thunder and lightning

shanty noun - a small, roughly built hut made from thin sheets of wood, tin1 (1), plastic etc that very poor people live in

evaporate verb -if a liquid evaporates or if something evaporates it, it changes into steam

evaporation noun

slope verb if the ground or a surface slopes, it is higher at one end than the other

[+ up/down/away etc]: The land slopes down to the sea.

waterlogged adjective -an area that is waterlogged is flooded with water and cannot be used

mud noun -wet earth that has become soft and sticky: His shoes were covered with mud.

take its toll (on) to have a very bad effect on something or someone over a long period of time: Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.

a volcano erupts

during the famine people starve

an earthquake shakes the city

the land suffers draught

a tornado sweeps the island

people are injured

things are damaged

during the accident there can be casualties

during the war there can be victims ( those who suffer the results of the disaster)

during the battle there are the dead and the wounded.