Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему: "Clothes"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • развитие информационной культуры учащихся средствами английского языка;
  • развитие логического мышления познавательной активности;
  • воспитание культуры внешнего вида.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, dear children, guests and colleagues.

We are very glad to see you hear

- Now let’s start our lesson

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What season is it now?

- Who is absent today?

- Thank you sit down, please.

2. Now let’s start our lesson.

Teacher: Today we shall speak about clothes and fashion. We are going to learn some idioms and some facts from the history of clothes. Good let’s start our lesson. What words concerned theme clothes do you know?

Pupils: Original (fashionable, traditional, suitable, warm, the lightest, clean, dirty, trendy, neat, conservative) clothes, to wear, to choose, to buy, to change, to follow fashion, to dress.

Teacher: What words on theme fashion do you know?

Pupils: The latest fashion, to be in fashion, to be out of fashion, a fashion designer, to design fashion, new fashion, fashion for the young (for the adults), old-fashioned.

Teacher: O.K! Do you think that fashion is important? Use these words to answer. You have 2 minutes to think about.

Pupil 1 (a girl): All my classmates say that I’m trendy. I enjoy wearing stylish clothes. I like to look smart and attractive. We can’t go through life with the same hairstyle or make-up. It’s very important to follow fashion. I hate when people dress alike. I prefer hand-make or design clothes. When you are up with fashion you feel you’re an individual.

Pupil 2 (a boy): I don’t care what other people wear. My mum says that only the rich can afford following fashion and wearing trendy clothes. I prefer casual things: jeans, T-shirts, homemade sweaters.

Teacher: And what do you think you are in or out of fashion?

Pupils’ answers:

1) I’m in fashion.

2) I’m out of fashion.

3) I don’t mind.

4) I don’t care…

Teacher: Fashion is changing. What do you know about clothes people wore in Britain in various period of its history? Look at the photos (pictures) which show the interiors and fashions of different periods.

Pupil 1: In Tudor Times the most successful men and women of that period showed off their wealth wearing silk, woolen and linen clothing. Children wore the same style of clothing as their parents.

Pupil 2: In the 18th century girls were victims of their parents wish to match the popular idea of beauty: slim bodies, tight waists and pale appearance. To reach this aim parents made their daughters wear tightly waisted clothes. They gave them little food, because they didn’t want their daughters to have unfashionably healthy appearance.

Pupil 3: (1837 – 1901). These years were the years of prosperity for Britain. The whole nation was influenced by the standards set by Queen Victoria. In the mid-Victorian era, people who followed fashion were condemned. It was not only bad taste but also a sin to wear lace of frills.

Pupil 4: In the period after the First World War British women won the right to vote. Their sense of independence they showed off in wearing their short and wearing low-waisted and brief dresses.

Teacher: Good! Thank you! And what can you tell about the history of costume in Russia? Welcome to the Russian National Costume Museum. We hope you will enjoy our tour with us today. We’ll see a variety of national costumes that come from all regions of Russia. Here is our guide! Please, listen to her. (На доске размещены рисунки или фотографии костюмов, можно нарядить манекены в эти костюмы).

A girl: If you follow me, we will go to our first exhibit… this is an example of an 18th century peasant skirt, kosovorotka. A very popular item of clothing that could he worn every day and on special occasions, at home and at work. Men wore skirts to their knees and women wore them to their ankles.

The next exhibit is a sarafan from the 18th century. The sarafan was either a sleeveless dress or a high skirt with stripes. Girls and young women wore it. The exhibit on your left is the most common type of festive headdress, the kokoshnik. It was in the 18th and 19th century. The materials used to decorate the headdress were gold, silver, pearl and decorative stones. Kokoshniks were very expensive and would be handed down from generation to generation.

Please walk this way.

In winter both men and women wore sheepskin overcoats, usually with fur on the inside, called polushubok.

If you look down to your right, you’ll see some best shoes lapti, which were worn over homespun onuchi – narrow strips of cotton wrapped around the lower leg – and valenki – felt shoes.

A girl I would like you to tell about Bashkir National Costume. In the 19th century Bashkir men wore wide and long shirts and wide trousers. Over their shirts they wore sleeveless jacket (камзул). On special occasions they usually wore gowns made of dark material (бишмэт). In winter men wore sheepskin overcoats (тирэ тун) or half-lenghth sheepskin (билле тун). In winter usual man’s hat was fur-hat (бурек).

In the northern districts of Bashkortostan almost all year round people wore lapti (сабата) In winter they wore valenki (быйма) Old men and noble people wore soft leather boots (итэк).

Women wore dresses (кулдяк) and wide trousers (ыштан). Over dresses they wore rough linen apart (алъяпкыс).The most common type of headdress was cotton kerchief (аулык).

Thank you for your attention.

Teacher: Have you ever wondered what we’ll wear in the future?

What fashion will be, for example, in 2200?

Pupil: In the year 2200 we will all wear electronic clothes with microchips in them so that we can talk to our friends. Our clothes will be very light and cool to protect us from the strong sun. We will go cybershopping for clothes.

Pupil - I think that in year 2200 there won’t be much water so when clothes get dirty people will throw them away.

People will buy their clothes on the internet, not in the shops. It will be great.

Pupil - In the future everyone will wear platform shoes because they won’t want to walk in all rubbish in the streets. People will wear breathing masks to protect themselves from air pollution and protect themselves from the sun.

Now listen to Mrs. Johnson ordering clothes by telephone then fill in the order form.

Smart Choice Order form Name: MRS. J. Johnson Customer: 278-349.
Item material colour Size Items
  woollen black large 1 1
blouse   checked   1 1
belt leather   small 1 1

(Звучит запись диалога.)

- One large black woollen jumper. Anything else?

-Yes, the checked cotton blouse on page 39, please.

-What size?

- Medium, please.

- One medium checked cotton blouse. Anything else?.

- The brown leather belt on page 42, size small and that’s everything.

One small brown leather belt. Thank you . Wait just a moment please (pause) Right, Those items are all available and will be sent to you today.

- Thank you, bye.

- Thank you for order. Goodbye.

Teacher Now let’s check your answers. What is the first item?

  1. What is Mrs. Johnson ordering?
    (Black woollen jumper).
  2. What is the second item?
    What material is the blouse made of?
    (Checked cotton blouse).
    What size is it (medium size).
  3. What colour is the belt?
    (Brown leather belt).
    Good thank you. You are great.

Teacher - Now I want you to learn some idioms on our topic.

1) To be in someone’s shoes/

2) One’s heart sank into one’s boots.

3) To keep it under one’s hat.

4) Old hat.

5) To lose one’s shirt.

Read them aloud, please.

Choose the correct meaning for each idiom.

  • To keep a secret;
  • To be old - fashioned. (To be out of fashion).
  • To lose everything.
  • To be in one’s situation.
  • To become frightened.
  • 1) d; 2) e; 3) a; 4) b; 5) c.

Very good done!

Using one of these idioms, try to make up a dialogue. (2 minutes for you).

Dialogue 1.

  • Hi, Misha.
  • Hi, Victor.
  • How are you?
  • So-so.
  • Why? What’s the matter?
  • Oh, I have many problems with my parents.
  • Would you like to share your problems with me?
  • I’m sorry Victor I prefer to keep them under my hat.
  • I see. I’d like to help you.
  • Thanks a lot. But my problems depend only on me. Bye!
  • See you later.

Dialogue 2,

  • Hi, Yulya.
  • Hi, Katya.
  • How’s life?
  • Not so bad. And how are you?
  • No complaints, thanks.
  • What are you doing here? Are you going to buy a new dress?
  • No, I want to buy a mini-skirt. And what do you think about it?
  • Oh, you know, mini-skirts are old hat now. I think you’d better to buy blue jeans.
  • Oh, thanks. I’m sure they will suit me well. Thank you for your advice.
  • You are welcome. So long!
  • See you later.

Teacher Have you ever wondered what we’ll wear in the future? Some designers are already experimenting with putting wires (провод) and electronics in their clothes.

Pupil 1: Clothing that make scents (запах).

The tiny tubes in a dress can carry smelts. You can choose any smell you like and change it to suit your mood.

Pupil 2: Rain that lights up.

This is a luminescent raincoat that glows (светится) in the rain. The front circles are “electroluminescent lamps”, wired to sensors on the sleeve and back. As droplets fall on a sensor, the corresponding lamp lights up. The harder the rain, the faster the lamps light up.

Pupil 3: Mop suit.

This suit shows a “journey” through physical and computer environments.

Absolute Zero!

This is the warmest and lightest jacket you’ve ever seen! To create it, the designers sewed bags of powerdered Aerogel – one of the lightest substances on earth – between two layers of fabric.

Pupil 4: Airplane dress.

This cool Airplane dress was created by Hussein Cholayen. The famous designer was obviously inspired by flight technology. The dress is made from the same materials used in aircraft. Believe it or not, but it changes shape by remote control (дистанционное управление).

Thank you very much.

Teacher And now imagine that you are going at two-day hike you’ll live in a camp in a tent. You may take only one thing with you:

  1. a coat and a jacket;
  2. jeans;
  3. a gown:
  4. a mini-skirt.

So make the advertisement for this piece of clothing.

Учащиеся делятся на две группы. Каждый ученик высказывает свое мнение, активно участвует в работе. На доске выписаны ключевые слова.


  • to feel very comfortable;
  • to protect somebody from…
  • to keep warm;
  • not to live a day without;
  • to compare something with…
  • to use something in different ways;
  • to look very beautiful in…
  • to have no problems;
  • to be the most necessary thing in a hike.

Примеры реклам:

Group 1 (a jacket and jeans):

We think that jeans and a jacket are the most comfortable clothes on a hike. You feel very comfortable in jeans. You can do everything you like – climb trees and mountains, run and jump, play different games, lie on the ground near the fire. They keep you warm and protect you from mosquitoes. Wear jeans and a jacket and you’ll look very smart and have no problems.

Group 2 (a gown):

A gown is a very important thing on a hike. Without this piece of clothing you can’t live a day in the forest. At first it will make you warm, when the weather is bad. When the weather gets hot, you can tear off the sleeves and it won’t be hot for you. When you are going to bed, you can put the gown under your head like a pillow or you can use it instead of a blanket. You feel very warm and comfortable. You can’t compare a gown with any other piece of clothing, e.g., jeans. When you have to cross a puddle you can pull it up and won’t get wet. A gown has pockets; you can put there many things, such as clocks, tights, gloves and so on.

Take a gown when you go hiking and you won’t be sorry.

Group 3 (a mini-skirt):

We are sure that a mini-skirt is the most comfortable piece of clothing on a hike. It is very light, short. It doesn’t get caught on branches of the trees. It takes a little room. You wouldn’t be hot in a mini-skirt. It doesn’t disturb you. It’s very comfortable.

Besides, you look very beautiful in it. You can dance with your friends and do many other things wearing a mini-skirt. A mini-skirt is the only necessary thing on a hike!

Group 4 (a coat):

I’d like to advise you to take a coat on a hike. A coat is a very comfortable piece of clothing. If you want to sunbathe you can put a coat under your body. During your hike you can play cards or chess and other games on it. At night you can cover yourself with it. In cold weather you may put a coat on and keep warm. So take a coat when you go hiking and you’ll get a prize.

Teacher: Well done. Thank you very much.

Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to the end. What did we do during the lesson?

Pupils: We revised new words, learnt idioms, and used them in our speech. We learnt some facts from the history of clothes.

Teacher: Which part of the lesson did you like best of all?

Thank you! You were very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today.

Your homework is to design and advertise teachers and pupils’ clothes in future school. What do you think they will wear?

Good bye!