Открытый урок по теме: "Достопримечательности Лондона". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

1) учебная - совершенствовать синтаксические и грамматические навыки;

2) воспитательная - формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка, воспитание толерантности;

3) развивающая - развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся.

Задачи: 1) учить учащихся применять Present Perfect с ранее усвоенной грамматической конструкцией Past Simple;

2) развивать логичность высказывания с опорой на прочитанный текст.

3) организовать прослушивание диалога и проверить его понимание.


1. Сообщение темы урока.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

3. Контроль домашнего задания.

4. London: 1) аудирование песенки;

2) сообщение о достопримечательностях города;

3) Quiz;

4) аудирование диалога I went to 10 Downing Street.

5. Подведение итогов.

6. Домашнее задание.

Оформление урока: постер с видами Лондона, грамматическая таблица с глаголами Present Perfect,

Present Simple, перфокарта для викторины, магнитафон для прослушивания песенки "Have you ever been to Boston", диалог.

Ход урока:

1. Сообщение темы урока.

Good morning. Sit dawn, please. How are you?

Today we are going to speak about London, revise Past Simple and Present Perfect, listen to the dialogue.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Will you open your books? Let us revise 3 forms of irregular verbs. Thank you.

3. Let' s check your homework.

Anna read the task.

P1: about Richard } last week What about you?
P2: about Jane } last week Prove that you were
P3: (о себе) last week good last week.
P4: About Richard} this week What about you?
P5: about Jane} this week Prove that you've been good this Week.

4. Listen to the tape.

"Have You Ever Been to Boston?" (song)
Have you ever been to Boston?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
Have you ever been to Boston?
Yes, I have.

No, I haven't.
Have you ever been to Boston?
Have you ever been to Boston?
Have you ever been to Boston?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.

T: Have you ever been to Boston?

P: No,I haven't. No,never.

T: Have you ever been to London?

P: No,I haven't. No,never.

T: Have you ever read about London?

P: Yes, I have.

T: How many times have you read about London?

Let's speak about London.

P1: About London.

P2: Trafalgar Square.

P3: Picadilli Circus.

P4: Buckingham Palace.

P5: St.James's Park.

P6: The Houses of Parliament.

P7: Westminster Abbey.

P8: The Tower of London.

P9: Convent Garden.

5.We've spoken about the most famous sights of London.

Thank you. What about you? What do you like to visit in London?

"London. Sightseeing"

1.You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in ...

a) Piccadilly Circus; b) Hyde Park; c) Trafalgar Square.

2. ... is a very democratic park.

a) Hyde Park; b) Regent's Park; c) St. James's park.

3. London Zoo is in ...

a) Regent's Park; b) St. James's Park; c) Hyde Park.

4. They change the Guard every day at ...

a) 9:30 a.m.; b) 11.30 a.m.; c) 12 o'clock.

5. Piccfdily Circus is the meeting-point of ...

a) 5 streets; b) 7 streets; c) 6 streets.

6. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the...

a) pelicans; b) ravens; c) ducks.

7. The London home of the Qeen is ...

a) Buckingham Palace; b) Westminster Abbey; c) Piccadilly Circus.

8. The seat of the British goverment is...

a) the Houses of Parliament; b)Buckingham Palace; c) Piccadilly.

6.You've got sheets of paper with quiz about London. Will you fill in the blanks? Then you'll exchange your answer and check each other. What is your score?

7. Listen to the dialogue.

Mary: Hi, Nicolai. I haven't seen you for a while. How have you been?

Nicolai: Fine! I've been to London.

Mary: Did you have a good time?

Nicolai: Fantastic! I went to 10, Downing Street.

Mary: You did?

Nicolai: Yes, I went on Monday. And I met the Prime Minister!

Mary: You didn't!

Nicolai: Yes. I shook his hand.

Mary: You shook his hand?

Nicolai: Yes. And I sat in the Cabinet Room.

Mary: You sat in the Cabinet Room!

Nicolai: Yes! And I visited the Houses of Parliament.

Mary: You visited the Houses of Parliament?

Nicolai: Yes, I was there on Tuesday. I've got photographs.

Meet - met - met встретить

Shake - shook - shaken пожать; I'm shaking his hand. Did I meet you yesterday?

T: Will you show us 10, Downing street. What did Nicolai visit in London?

8. What have we done at the lesson?

9. Homework. Please open your diaries. Speak about Nicolai. How old is he?

Where is he from & what he did in London?

The bell has gone. Stand up. The lesson is over. Goodbye.