Обобщающий открытый урок для 2-го класса по теме: "World around Us"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Практические задачи урока:

  • Работа над структурами:
    • What is his/her name?;
    • Where is he/she from?;
    • How old is he/she?;
    • What is he/she?;
    • Has he/she got…?.
  • Контроль восприятия устной речи.
  • Ознакомление со счетом от 11 до 19.
  • Повторение и употребление пройденной лексики:
    • Colors;
    • Parts of body;
    • Animals;
    • Things around us.

Оснащение урока:

  • Наглядный материал:
    • письмо мальчика;
    • лента с числами от 11 до 19 (на доске);
    • карточки с подлогами места (на доске) – in, on, under, near, at;
    • карточки с вопросительными словами (на доске) – what, where, how old, what color;
    • вопросы на доске:
      • What can Bob do very well?;
      • What does not Nick know?;
  • Видеоматериал:
    • “What is your name?”;
    • “Numbers”.
  • Игрушка на руку.
  • Флажки.
  • Раздаточный материал:
    • цветные карточки ( red, blue, green, black, yellow, white, brown, grey, purple);
    • медали с числами для игры в “Ручеек”;
    • лексические карточки и таблицы для игры;
    • картонные “5”.

Языковые единицы и грамматические структуры.

  • Структуры:
    • What is his/her name?;
    • Where is he/she from?;
    • How old is he/she?;
    • What is he/she?;
    • Has he/she got…?;
  • Предлоги: in, on, under, near, at.
  • Прилагательные (цвета): red, blue, green, black, yellow, white, brown, grey, purple.
  • Модальный глагол: Can.
  • Числительные: 1–19.


I. Оргмомент

Teacher: Good morning, children. I am so glad to see you.


Good morning to you,
Good morning to you.
We are all in our places
With sunshine faces.
Good morning to you,
Good morning to you.

Teacher: OK. Sit down please. You know, today we are going to have a very interesting lesson. We will try to revise almost everything you have already learnt. You will get some new information and of course play games. So I see that you are ready to begin and let’s sing our favorite song about Billy and Dolly (на экране видеозапись песни улиток Билли и Долли, исполняющих песню на тему “What is you name ?”).

Учащиеся исполняют песню под запись.

II. Развитие навыков устной речи посредством постановки вопросов

Teacher: Now I can see that you remember how to meet the person and to get information about him. And I have got surprise. Our little Monkey (игрушка на руку) is here and he has a letter for you. This letter is from a boy. But monkey wants to know how well you can ask questions. So before reading it for you, you will ask him some questions about this boy (дети задают вопросы, а Monkey отвечает. Педагог изменяет голос).

Possible questions:

Pupil: What is his name?
Teacher: His name is Nick.
Pupil: Where is he from?
Teacher: He is from Grate Britain.
Pupil: How old is he?
Teacher: He is seven.
Pupil: What is he?
Teacher: He is a pupil.
Pupil: Has he got a father? (A mother, a sister, a brother).

Teacher: Now we are going to listen to the letter, but before listening to it, I would like you to pay attention to these two questions (учитель указывает на два вопроса на доске).

  1. What can Bob do very well?
  2. What doesn’t Nick know?

Teacher: Are they clear to you? You will answer them after the letter.

Учитель зачитывает письмо.

Hello, my friends. My name is Nick. I am seven. I am from Great Britain. I am a pupil. I have got a mother, a father, a sister and a pet. My mother is from Great Britain. Her name is Helen. She is a teacher. My father is from Great Britain, too. His name is John. He is a doctor. My sister is eight. Her name is Pam. She is a pupil. I have got a pet. It is a dog. Its name is Rex. I love my family very much. I have got a friend. His name is Bob. He is from America. He is ten. He can swim very well. I can swim very well, too. But can you help me? I don’t know colors. Do you know colors?

Teacher: I see that you are ready to answer. The first question is: What can Bob do very well?
Pupil: Bob can swim very well.
Teacher: Yes, that’s right and what doesn’t Nick know?
Pupil: Nick doesn’t know colors.
Teacher: Yes, you know that he has a problem. Are you ready to help him? Do you know colors?
Pupils: Yes.

III. Психологическая разрядка учащихся посредством выполнения команд с наглядным цветовым материалом

Teacher: So, let’s check it. You have colored cards on your tables. Lay them out in front of you.

Учащиеся раскладывают цветные карточки, с которыми они будут выполнять команды.

Teacher: Now listen to me and do what I say.

Stand up and show me red
Hands up and show me blue
Clap! Clap! Show me green.
Sit down, nice of you.
Stand up and show me black
Hands up and show me yellow
Hop! Hop! Show me white
Sit down, nice of you.
Stand up and show me brown
Hands up and show me grey
Clap! Clap! Show me purple.
Stop! Very nice of you.

Teacher: Thank you very much. I see you know colors. But children, do you know, what color is the national flag of Azerbaijan?
Pupil: Of course, yes. It is blue, red and green.
Teacher: You are absolutely right. And who can find this flag in this room? Where is it?
Pupil: It is on the shelf.
Teacher: Yes, it is.

IV. Введение нового лексического материала

А. Повторение числительных от 1 до 10

Teacher: OK . You know colors very well. But can you count all the flags in this bookcase? Let’ revise our numbers and count from 1 to 10.

Учащиеся все вместе считают от 1 до 10.

Teacher: So, how many flags can you see?
Pupil: I can see four flags.

B. Введение числительных от 11 до 19 с использованием видеоматериала

Teacher: Yes, you are right. You can count very well. And today we are going to learn numbers from 11 to 19 and listen to the song about numbers.

Вдоль доски в ряд висят карточки с цифрами от 11 до 19. Учитель сперва вводит цифры 11 и 12, а затем объясняет образование остальных числительных при помощи карточки, прикрепленной на магните к доске, на которой написано “-teen”, спуская ее к каждой цифре.

Teacher: Now repeat this numbers after me.

Учащиеся повторяют цифры за учителем.

Teacher: And now you will listen to the song about all the numbers you already know.

Дети просматривают песню с использованием числительных от 1 до 19.

Teacher: Did you like the song?
Pupils: Yes.
Teacher: And now, children, we will play the game “Ручеек”, using this numbers.

Учитель объясняет правила игры. Учащиеся становятся парами и держатся за руки над головой. Учитель вешает им на шею бумажные медали с числами.

У правой колонки все цифры “1”, а у левой от “1” до “9”. Ученики из правой колонки выбирают партнера из левой и становятся в конец, при этом вслух называя получившуюся цифру.

V. Повторение лексического материала по темам “Parts of Body”, “Animals” и “Things around Us” с использованием наглядного материала

Teacher: I see that you enjoyed the game. Now we are going to play another game. But before it, I would like you to revise some words. First we will revise parts of body and it is our rhyme “Can you? Can you?”. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Учащиеся двух колонок поворачиваются друг к другу. Дети одной колонки задают вопрос, одновременно изображая его, а учащиеся другой - отвечают.


Can you eat? Can you eat?
I can eat with my mouth.
Can you walk? Can you walk?
I can walk with my legs.
Can you smell? Can you smell?
I can smell with my nose.
Can you touch? Can you touch?
I can touch with my hands.
Can you hear? Can you hear?
I can hear with my ears.
Can you see? Can you see?
I can see with my eyes.

Teacher: Thank you. You did it very well. And now some words about animals. Get ready, you will answer my questions. What animals like bones?
Pupil: A dog.
Teacher: What animals like milk?
Pupil: A cat.
Teacher: What animals have got a long tale?
Pupil: A crocodile, a dog, a cat, a monkey.
Teacher: What animals can be red?
Pupil: A fox.
Teacher: What animals can swim?
Pupil: A fish, a crocodile.
Teacher: What animals can fly?
Pupil: A bird.
Teacher: Thank you very much. I can see that you know animals. And now, what things around us in this room can you see?
Pupils: A chair, a table, a picture, a blackboard and etc.
Teacher: Excellent. You are really ready to play the game now. I will divide you into two teams. You will choose a leader for each team. I will give you 21 cards with the names of animals, parts of body and things around us and a piece of paper with three columns where you must write down these words.


The first and right team is the winner.

Учащиеся, закончив игру, сообщают учителю.

Teacher: Now let’s check it. Leaders, please read out the words. (Ведущие сначала зачитывают слова “Parts of Body”, затем “Animals” и “Things around us”. Команда победителей награждается похвальным листом.)

VI. Обобщение пройденного на уроке

Teacher: Thank you very much. I see that you can work in groups very well. You all are very active and I think that you like the lesson. And our monkey likes it, too. But he wants to know if you remember his letter. Who can answer his questions?

Учитель надевает на руку Monkey и задает вопросы.

Teacher: What is the boy’s name?
Pupil: His name is Nick.
Teacher: Where is he from?
Pupil: He is from Grate Britain.
Teacher: How old is he?
Pupil: He is seven.
Teacher: Has he got a mother?
Pupil: Yes, he has.
Teacher: What is her name?
Pupil: Her name is Helen.
Teacher: Absolutely right. But what about our numbers? Let’s count from 11 to 19. Repeat them after me.

Учащиеся считают за учителем.

Teacher: Very good. Thank you very much. Children, look at our little monkey. He wants to ask you to write a letter to Nick. Write about you and your family, about your friends and your hobbies. So, it will be your home task.

Teacher: Ok, Children. Today you have worked very well. I like it very much. And I want to present you something for you work.

По завершении урока, учащиеся получают большие “5” из красного картона.

VII. Завершение урока

Teacher: Our lessen is over. Let’s stand up and say good buy.


Bend your head
Bend your head
Grow as tall
As a tall tree
Raise your head
Jump up high
Wave your hand
And say goodbye.

Teacher: Good buy, children!

Используемый видеоматериал: “Английский язык” – видеоучебник для младших школьников. Телекомпания “Видео для дома”.