Сценарий праздника английских сказок для учащихся 5-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

“No pain, no gain!”

Boys: Come, follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, follow me!
Come follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, follow me!

Girls: Where shall I follow
Follow, follow,
Where shall I follow
Follow, follow you?

Boys: To the green field
To the green field
To the green, green field

Под звуки песни маленьких утят участники выбегают на сцену.

Декорации фермы:

All together:

Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had some chicks E-I-E-I-O
And a chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there
Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere chick-chick.

Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had some ducks E-I-E-I-O
And a duck-duck here, and a duck-duck there
Here a duck, there a duck, everywhere duck-duck!

Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had some sheep E-I-E-I-O
And a sheep-sheep here, and a sheep-sheep there
Here a sheep, there a sheep, everywhere sheep-sheep.

На сцену выходит ученик в костюме вороны и спотыкается о мешок

Crow: Caw, caw!
Just what we need - a sack of seed!
Look what I found just lying around
Who will help me plant
these seeds in the ground?

Cow: I’m a cow. Not now!

Sheep: I’m a sheep. I’m asleep!

Chickens: We are chicks “Nix, nix”

Donkey: I’m a donkey. Why me?

Bunny: I’m a bunny. Don’t be funny!

Crow: Oh, then I will do it all by myself!

Все участники: Soon the sprouts were tall and green,
but weeds were growing in between.

Crow: Who can help me to pull the weeds?

Cow: I’m a cow. Not now!

Sheep: I’m a sheep. I’m asleep!

Chickens: We are chicks “Nix, nix”

Donkey: I’m a donkey. Why me?

Bunny: I’m a bunny. Don’t be funny!

Crow: Oh, then I will do it all by myself!

Все участники: He has a little garden -
And every summer day –
He digs it well,
And cleans it well,
And pulls the weeds away!
He has a little garden,
And every summer night
He waters all the pretty corns
And watches with delight.

Участники танцуют танец маленьких утят, образуя хоровод вокруг вороны.

Cow: The row of corns grew tall and thick

Sheep: Soon fat green ears

Chicks: Were ready to pick

Crow: Who will help me to pick the corn?

Cow: I’m a cow. Not now!

Sheep: I’m a sheep. I’m asleep!

Chickens: We are chicks “Nix, nix”

Donkey: I’m a donkey. Why me?

Bunny: I’m a bunny. Don’t be funny!

Crow: Oh, then I will do it all by myself!

Все участники: All work and no play made Jack a dull boy!

Все участники: The crow put the corn in a pot...

Crow: What we need is a fire that’s hot!

Все участники: So the little black crow
Shook the corn in the pot...
And suddenly

Bunny: Inside the pot

Donkey: Тhe pot got hot!

Chicks: And wouldn’t stop

Sheep: It just kept going...

Все участники: Pop-pop-pop

Cow: Where is my share?

Sheep: I’ll take that

Chicks: First licks!

Donkey: For me! For me!

Bunny: Let’s eat!

Crow: No-no!!!
I planted the seeds
I pulled the weeds!!!
When the corn was tall
I picked it all.
I shucked it, shelled it,
and built a fire.
I shook the pot
till it got hot.
And now I’ll eat
this nice, hot popcorn.
All by myself.

Cow, Sheep, Donkey, Bunny поют грустную песню:

I don’t want to play in your yard
I don’t like you anymore.
You’ll be sorry when you see me sliding down our cellar-door.
You can’t holler down our rain-barrel, you can’t climb our apple-tree.
I don’t want to play in your yard, if you are not good for me.

Crow: No pain - no gain!!!

Three little kittens.

Все участники: Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Humpty-Dumpty - Oh, what’s this?

Все участники: This is the key to the kingdom!

Humpty-Dumpty: In that kingdom

Все участники: there is a city

Humpty-Dumpty: In that city

Все участники: there is a town

Humpty-Dumpty: In that town

Все участники: there is a street,

Humpty-Dumpty: In that street

Все участники: there is a lane

Humpty-Dumpty: In that lane

Все участники: there is a yard

Humpty-Dumpty: In that yard

Все участники: there is a house

Humpty-Dumpty: In that house

Все участники: there are some cats!

Декорация английского интерьера.

Cat I: Who is that ringing at my doorbell?

Cat II: A little pussy that isn’t very well.
Rub its little nose with a little mutton fat,
That’s the best cure for a little cat.

Cat I: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat
Where have you been?

Cat II: I’ve been to London
To look at the Queen.

Cat I: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat
What did you do there?
Cat II I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair!


Cat I: I think mice are very nice

Все участники: Their tails are long
Their faces are small,
They haven’t any chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white
They run about the house at night
They eat things
They mustn’t touch.

Cat I: And no one seems to like them much
But I think mice are very nice.

Cat II: Oh, look at those funny kittens!

(котята идут, опустив головы)

Все участники: Three little kittens - they lost their mittens
And they began to cry,

Kittens: Oh, mother, dear
We greatly fear
Our mittens we’ve lost
Mother Cat: Lost your mittens!!!
You, naughty kittens!
Then you will have no pie!

Humpty-Dumpty: Where are you going
My little kittens?

Kittens: We are going to town
To get some mittens.

Солдат №1: What! Mittens for kittens?

Солдат №2: Do kittens wear mittens?!

Cat II: Who ever saw kittens with mittens?

Все участники: Three little kittens
They found their mittens
And they began to cry,

Kittens: Oh mother dear,
See here, see here
Our mittens we have found!

Mother Cat: Found your mittens?
You clever kittens:
Then you will have some pie!

Все участники: Apple-pie hot
Apple-pie hot
Apple-pie in the pot
Nine days old
Some like it cold
Some like it hot
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.

Все участники: Three little kittens
They soiled their mittens
And they began to cry

Kittens: Oh mother dear!!!
See here, see here!
Our mittens we have soiled.

Mother Cat: What! Soiled your mittens?
Then you’ll have no pie!!!

Humpty-Dumpty идет по сцене и пускает мыльные пузыри, котята в это время стирают варежки


Все участники: Soap is green or red or white
Or brown or black as ink
But when you wash they all turn white
That is so strange I think
Soap, soap, soap is red
Soap, soap, soap is green
Soap, soap, soap is white
Soap, soap is black as ink

Все участники: Three little kittens they washed their mittens
And hung them up to dry.
Kittens: Oh mother dear, do you not hear?
Our mittens we have washed.

Mother Cat: What?! Washed your mittens?
You good little kittens!
Now you will have more pie.