Открытый урок для учащихся 11-го класса по теме: "Langhter" на базе УМК "Opportunities, upper Intermediate"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции по видам речевой деятельности в области:

  1. Аудирования на материале телепередачи. Учить использовать рекомендации для аудирования с контролем понимания в виде множественного выбора.
  2. Устной речи на базе подготовленных монологических высказываний и неподготовленного диалога - обмена информацией.
  3. Чтения на базе статей из периодической печати. Учить соотносить заголовки статей с их содержанием.

Практиковать учащихся в употреблении нового лексического материала по теме “Multipart Verbs”.

Знакомить учащихся с примерами иноязычной культуры на базе темы “British Sense of Humour”, расширять их кругозор.

Развивать психологические характеристики мыслительной деятельности учащихся, включая внимание, память, логическое мышление, языковую догадку.

Содействовать повышению интереса и мотивации к изучению иностранного языка. Побудить группу учащихся с ярко выраженной мотивацией к изучению языка, совершенствовать свой уровень владения языком во всех видах речевой деятельности.

Учить учащихся пользоваться приемами исследовательской деятельности, включая анкетирование, анализ и сравнение исследуемой информации.

Содействовать воспитанию эстетического вкуса, чувства юмора у учащихся, создать условия для воспитания положительных эмоций в их повседневной жизни.


  1. Учебники.
  2. Аудиозаписи, магнитофон.
  3. Карточки с индивидуальными заданиями для парной и групповой работы.
  4. Материалы исследования по теме “Do you like to laugh?”
  5. Картинки с литературными героями.
  6. Доска.


1. “Opportunities, Upper Intermediate” by Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska; the Publishing House Longman

a) Students Book, p. 15, 18, 20, Module 2,

b) Language Powerbook, p. 22, Module 2.

2. “Gold First Certificate Coursebook” by Richard Ackam with Sally Burgess, p. 85. “Why laughter is the best medicine”, Longman.

3. “Grammar, Games and Activities for Teachers” by Peter Watcyn-Jones, Penquin Books, p. 55, Unit 22, Jigsaw Rending 2.

4. “The New Cambridge English Course” by Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, Level II, Practice Book, p. 41.

5. “The New Cambridge English Course” by Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, Level I, Practice Book, p. 74.

 Ход урока.

I. Введение в речевую деятельность.

а) Приветствие: T-> Cl.

T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Are you in a good mood today?

T: By the way, guess my riddle: In what month do people laugh the least?

P1-> February, because this is the shortest month of the year.

T: What date is it today?

P1: Today is the 12th of February which is the last winter month.

Т: There are some guests at our lesson, aren’t there? They are in a good mood too, aren’t they? Why do you think so? Are they smiling? And we hope we’ll have a good time at our lesson, now let’s work.

b) Сообщение плана работы на уроке.

T: Cl, look at the blackboard. You can see a grid there. The task for you is:

To find different letter in each line and write down a hidden word.

To think what other words mean and what theme they are connected with.

Cl-> работает самостоятельно в тетрадях.

H u m o u r -> написать на доске.

T->”Humour and laughter” and we’re going to speak about types of laughter and its role in our life, to listen to a TV programme and read some newspaper articles.

 II. Основная часть.

1. Работа над лексикой по теме “Laughter”.

1) T: Open the Students books, let’s read Ex 2, p. 15. P1, read the task. Repeat the key-words after me: T->Cl.

2) Will you say what the word “ ” means?

Will you give the definition / meaning of the word “ “?

burst out laughing – to laugh suddenly and loudly (рассмеяться)

cackle - to laugh loudly and unpleasantly (хохотать неприятно)

chuckle - to laugh quietly and softly (хихикать спокойно и тихо)

fall about laughing – to laugh a lot (заливаться смехом)

giggle - to laugh in a silly childish way (хихикать глуповато)

smile - to make the corners of your mouth up to show you are happy (улыбаться)

3) Now look at the words and expressions, listen to different types of laughter and define them. Учащиеся аудируют различные виды смеха и соотносят их со словами.


1. burst out laughing – рассмеяться

2. cackle – хохотать громко, неприятно

3. chuckle – хихикать спокойно и тихо

4. fall about laughing – заливаться смехом

5. giggle – хихикать глуповато

4) T: What situations do people usually laugh in?

Complete my sentences:

T–>P1, P2, P3…

1. You/we can burst out laughing…at the concert of famous comedians.

2. You/we can chuckle…when you read some funny story, anecdote or joke.

3. You/we can giggle when you listen to your friend.

4. You/we can fall about laughing when we watch a humour TV programme.

5. You can smile when you are happy and in a good mood.

5) T: P1, P2, P3. Look at our guests – some childish book characters. What do you feel? Do you want to smile looking at them?

Высказывания по картинкам с изображением сказочных персонажей.

6) T: Do children in other countries, for example the USA or the UK, know and love these funny book characters?

2. Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в области аудирования.

1. T. People of what nationality are famous for their specific sense of humour? – British people.

We are going to listen to a TV programme.

2. First let’s read “Listening strategies”

Stb: Ex 2, p. 20: P1, P2 read, please.

3. a) Look through the options and choose the correct answers according to the speaker. Stb: Ex 3, p.20: a, b, or c: учащиеся аудируют текст два раза.

b) Let’s check up your answers: P1, P2 …

Key: 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5b.

Who has the best results, that is all the answers are correct, raise your hands: P1, P2…Your marks for listening are...

So, most people all over the world have a sense of humour. Why is the British sense of humour so specific and different from the Russian sense of humour? P1, P2…


3. “Comedy Quiz” – игра.

T: Such people as Charlie Chaplin and Mr. Bean have been successful internationally. I believe you know many popular comedians, actors, humorists famous both in our country and abroad. Can you match their names with the titles of films they acted in? Work in pairs, please.

a) Парная работа на карточках:

1. “Act, sister” a) Robin Williams
2. “The Mask” b) Maxim Galkin
3. “Missis Doubtfire” c) Charlie Chaplin
4. “For two hares” d) Whoopy Goldberg
5. “Lights of a Big City” e) Jim Carrie

Key: 1d, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5b.

b) Checking: P1, P2…

Структура: M. Galkin acted/starred/performed/ took part in the film “...”.

4. Развитие коммуникативной компетенции в области устной речи по теме “Famous Comedians. Humour in our life”.

1) T: I see you know some famous humorists and comedians. Now let’s speak about them and our attitude to humour in detail. Stand up, we are going to work in pairs.

Работа учащихся в парах, которые меняются по команде учителя, а затем комментируют данный вид деятельности.

T: Who do you like to speak to?

What comedians have you spoken about?

2) T: P1 is an expert in the field of humour, she is going to interview our teachers about their attitude to humour in our life.

P1 – берет “интервью” у учителей одновременно с парной работой. Обработка данных идет во время следующего вида работы.

3) The next task is to guess who the girls are speaking about (P1, P2) and name this person.

P1. These two comedians have become very popular recenly. They go in for imitating famous people. And what is more interesting they put on different voice especially when they sing. Being old they are optimistic and cheerful… They dress up as two modern old grandmothers.

P2. This person makes good original sketches and jokes. Speaking in front of the audience he really cracks you up. This person has got on because he is very witty. You can often hear his famous words that “Americans are too silly”.

5. Обобщение результатов исследования.

1) There is a research group in our form. The theme of their research is “Laughter in our life”.

P1 – is going to speak about “Laughter Therapy”: / Literature: LPb, Ex 3 p.22 “Laughter Therapy”; Gold Coursebook by Richard Acklam, p.85 “Why laughter is the best medicine?”/.

2) will tell us about the results of the questionaire. “Do we like to laugh?” in our class.

Анкетирование проведено предварительно, результаты уже обработаны на компьютере и представляются на уроке.

The Questionaire “Do we like to laugh?”

1. Do you think the happiest people are those who can laugh at themselves?

Yes No

2. Do you like to play jokes on your friends?

Yes No

3. Do you like to be played jokes on?

Yes No

4. How much time per day on average do you laugh?

Much A bit

5. Would you like to take part in a humorous programme or competition?

Yes No

6. Who is your favourite humorist?

1 2 3.

7. Will you rank TV humorous programmes from the most to the least popular one according to your taste?

1. Кривое зеркало 4. Скрытая камера
2. Аншлаг 5. Фигли-мигли
3. Смехопанорама 6. Подстава

3) And P3 is going to share the information about our English teachers` attitude to humour and laughter.

T: Thank you for the information. Thus we know “The more we laugh, the healthier we are”. And I believe we’ve had a relaxing and useful time at our lesson.

Урок 2.

5. Развитие навыков чтения.

1. Чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания прочитанного.

Л-ра: The New Cambridge Course, Level 1, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, Practice book, Ex 4, p. 74.

T: We are going to read some texts at this lesson. The first task is to read the text and put the parts of the story in logical order.

a) Work in groups, please, time is limited. (7-8 minutes).

Учащиеся работают самостоятельно в группах, располагая части текста, написанные на отдельных листочках, в логическом порядке.

Key: /One day/ a man was walking in the park/ when he met a penguin/. So he took it to a policeman /and asked what to do/.

/“Take it to the zoo”,/ answered the policeman/. Next day/ the policeman saw the man again./ He still had the penguin./

/“Didn’t I tell you/ to take that penguin to the zoo?”/ he asked./

/“I did”/, said the man/ and he liked it very much./ “Now I am taking him to the cinema”./

b) Read your stories: P1, P2,…

2. Чтение статей из периодической печати: Stb. Ex 1, p.18.

a) T: First we are going to read the articles from different newspapers: P1, P2, P3…

b) Let’s look at the headlines with the pictures and match them with the newspaper extracts:

Key: 1B “On Thin Ice”

2A “Out to Grass”

3C “Eating Humble Pie”

c) Stb, Ex 2, p.18: T-> jokes in English often depend on words with double meaning and they often contain cultural references. Headlines in British newspapers often “play” with words. Match the headlines with these references: P1, P2, P3…

Key: a – On thin Ice

b - Eating humble Pie

c - Out to Grass

T: Which of the stories did you like best?

Why? P1, P2, P3…

T: Do you usually pay attention to grammar while reading a text? P1, P2, P3…

d) Stb, Ex. 3, p.18 -> Match the tenses and verb forms with their uses: P1, P2, P3…

Key: 1b, 2a, 3d, 4e, 5c.

e) Stb, Ex. 4, p.18 -> Put the events from extract B in the order in which they actually happened. Some events may have happened at the same time. P1, P2, P3…

Key: 1c, 2f, 3b, 4d, 5g (4 and 5, d<->9), 6a, 7e.

3. Чтение с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного текста:

a) “The New Cambridge Course”, Level 2, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, Practice book, p.41.

T: Read the text to yourselves. Which extracts do you like better and why?

b) Литература: “Grammar, Games and Activities for Teachers” by Peter Watcyn-Jones, Penguin Books, p. 55, Unit 22, Jigsaw Rending 2;

T: Let’s work in groups. You should make up a story of pieces that are cut. The time is limited.

6. Homework: Stb: Ex. 4, 5, 6, 7, p.16-17 /r, tr, /.

7. Работа над пословицами:

a) T->Cl.

1. Business before pleasure.

2. Tastes differ.

3. Children are born to be happy.

4. Add some cheer to the atmosphere.

5. Humour oils the wheels of life.

b) T: Which proverb is the most actual for our lesson? P1, P2, P3…

8. Ending. Giving marks.