Тип урока: обобщающий.
Цель урока: закрепление знаний учащихся по теме.
Задачи урока:
- Развивающие: способствовать развитию логического мышления, творческого воображения, умения выражать свое мнение.
- Учебные: активизировать лексику по теме в разных видах деятельности: чтении, аудировании, говорении, письме.
- Воспитательные: подвести учащихся к необходимости внесения своего вклада в защиту природы.
Оснащение урока:
- учебник “Click On 4” (изд-во Express Publishing) авт.Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan;
- видеокассета к учебнику “Click on 2” с песней “Save the Planet”;
- аудиокассета к учебнику “Click on 4”;
- видеосюжет о городе Салавате;
- телевизор, видео - , аудиомагнитофоны;
- раздаточный материал (кроссворды, квизы);
- рисунок земного шара;
- картинки с изображениями экологических проблем;
- мусорная корзина с различными отходами (пластиковые, алюминиевые, стеклянные бутылки, газеты, упаковочная бумага, ветошь и т.д.);
- маркеры, фломастеры, клей, ножницы;
- небольшие красочные изображения бабочек, птичек, редких животных из “Красной книги”, цветов и т.д.;
- эмблема года защиты окружающей среды в Башкортостане с изображением ласточки.
- плакаты с афоризмами:
“If you are not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”(Malcolm Bradbury),
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated”(Mahatma Gandhi),
“One couldn’t pluck a flower without troubling a star”(Francis Thomson)
Ход урока
1. Начало урока. Приветствие. Знакомство с темой
Teacher. Good morning, children! Good morning, dear guests! Today we have our conclusion lesson on the topic “Be clean, be green”. We’ll continue speaking about ecology. We’ll go deeper into the environmental problems and their influence on the man and wildlife. You’ll share youг opinions concerning this problem, about how to protect our Earth, how to prevent further pollution. You’ll also role-play and watch a short videoclip about our native town Salavat.
2. Речевая зарядка
TEACHER. Read the theme of our lesson.
PUPIL 1. Be clean, be green.
TEACHER. Can you think of an alternative one?
PUPIL 2. Protect the planet.
PUPIL 3. Earth SOS.
PUPIL 4. Mother Earth.
PUPIL 5. Nature’s warning.
PUPIL 6. Our Planet, our Home.
TEACHER. Thank you. We live on the Planet Earth. Nowadays it is in great danger, because it has been suffering from many environmental problems. Have a look at these pictures. What problems do these pictures relate to?
PUPIL 1. This picture relates to the problem of an endangered species, because tigers are an endangered species.
PUPIL 2. This picture relates to the problem of deforestation because the man is planting trees.
PUPIL 3. This picture relates to the problem of energy crisis because wind is an alternative source of energy.
PUPIL 4. This picture relates to the problem of pollution because the beach is covered with litter.
PUPIL 5. This picture relates to the problem of resources in short supply because the man is recycling.
TEACHER. Thank you. What other environmental problems do we face today?
PUPIL 6. These problems are: global warming, the greenhouse effect, ozone holes, overpopulation, overfishing, overhunting, water shortage.
TEACHER. What possible solutions can you suggest to these environmental problems?
PUPIL 1. We must have stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting and fishing.
PUPIL 2. We must encourage countries to control the number of trees that are cut down.
PUPIL 3. Reduce gases emitted from factories. Fit filters to factory chimneys. Use
PUPIL 4. We should fine people who drop litter.
PUPIL 5. We must recycle paper, cans, bottles, clothes, etc.
TEACHER. Who do you think is responsible for solving these problems?
PUPIL 1. I think that every man should do as much as he can to help solve these problems together with the government and ruling bodies of the world.
TEACHER. Which of the problems is our town facing?
PUPIL 2. I think they are: air pollution, because we have a petrochemical plant in our town, rubbish problem, the problem of public transport.
TEACHER. Now we’ll see a short videofilm shoot by our students. This film is about the ecological problems of our native town.
(After watching the film).
Your homework is to write a letter to the Mayor of our town. You should write down your solutions to these environmental problems. Ex.20 p.38 in your WB will help you to cope with this work.
3. Обучение аудированию
TEACHER. Now we are going to listen to a dialogue. After listening you’ll tell me about the main ecological problem of this dialogue.
The dialoque
A. What are you doing with all those empty cans, Clive?
B. I’m taking them down to the recycling centre.
A. Where did you get them all from?
B. From schools, parks, cafes, football grounds – anywhere really.
A. Oh! Are you on some sort of clean-up campaign?
B. Yes and no. It’s kind of hobby of mine. The centre pays a penny for every aluminium can I give them and then they give the money to charity.
A. Good for you! Do you need a hand?
B. I thought you’d never ask!
PUPIL 3: We heard to people talking on the street. Clive was talking about his clean-up campaign, about recycling.
4. Обучение устной речи
TEACHER. Have a look at these logos. Do you know what they mean?
PUPIL 4. This logo indicates the item made from recycled materials.
PUPIL 5. This logo indicates the item can be recycled.
TEACHER. Why do you think recycling is very important nowadays?
PUPIL 1. Because it decreases pollution and makes our towns nicer place to live in.
PUPIL 2. Litter lasts very long and recycling helps to protect the environment
TEACHER. Right you are. Now have a look at this table and learn the approximate decomposition time in a landfill.
A traffic ticket A banana peel A wool sock A wooden stake A tin can A plastic bottle A glass container |
lasts lasts lasts lasts lasts lasts lasts |
1 month 6 months 1 year 4-5 years 100 years 500 years ever |
TEACHER. So, what is the way out? How can we solve the rubbish problem? We can recycle. Now, children, take out some item from this bin and tell us how it can be recycled. You have 2 minutes to think over. Work in pairs, please.
PUPIL 1. We shouldn’t throw away plastic bags, we can use them to take out the rubbish; to use them for shopping.
PUPIL 2. It would be a great idea to cover books with this beautiful gift wrap.
PUPIL 3. We can use old newspapers and magazines to make recycled paper; greeting cards.
PUPIL 4. We can use old clothes for cleaning. We can wear them while working in the garden. We can give them to other people who need them.
PUPIL 5. We can thoroughly clean glass bottles and return them to the shop or take them to a bottle bank.
PUPIL 6. Plastic bottles can be recycled. We can use them for arts and crafts activities; we can make vases or plant pots.
5. Проектная работа
TEACHER. Now I want you to take part in the contest. Imagine that you are some Green organization activists. You should design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in groups of 3-4. Use markers, scissors, pictures, glue. You have 5 minutes. Are you ready? Now come out to the blackboard. Show us your T-shirt and tell what environmental problem did you want to attract our attention to?
PUPIL 1. Our organization is called “Golden Drop”. On our T-shirt you can see a drop of pure water.
We suggest the following solution to the problem of water shortage:
- To save bathwater and dishwater.
- Not to let water run while shaving and washing.
PUPIL 2. Our organization is called “Protect wildlife”. You can see a macaw on our T-shirt. This parrot is an endangered species. We suggest the following solution to this problem:
- Establish more wildlife reserves.
- Impose heavy fines and even prison sentences for illegal hunting and fishing.
PUPIL 3. We are the activists of the organization “Forests’ tears”. On this T-shirt you can see a green leaf. It relates to the problem of deforestation. We must:
- Make logging companies plant new trees.
- Start a tree-planting campaign at our school.
6. Обучение чтению
TEACHER. Read this quotation “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated” (Mahatma Gandhi). You know, children, that many animals are extinct today. They are included into the Red Book. There are a lot of animal idioms in English. Read the following sentences and try to explain the idioms:
- I felt like a fish out of water during my first term at university.
- He is such an eager beaver he even works at the weekends.
- I think we should just let sleeping dogs lie, or things could get worse.
- Peter let the cat out of the bag even though I begged him not to say anything.
- He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing although he looks harmless.
- I’m sure Jaen wasn’t really upset; those were just crocodile tears.
- Peter has done most of the work, so he should get the lion’s share of the money.
7.Обучение письму. Word puzzle
- The synonym for the word program, project (scheme)
- Rare animal species (rhino)
- This causes the extinction of rare animal species (overhunting)
- The natural home of a plant or animal (habitat)
- Too many people in one place (overcrowding)
- School subject studying natural relations of plants, animals, people to each other (ecology)
- An increase of its effect may lead to global warming (greenhouse)
- A beautiful parrot which is in danger of extinction (macaw)
- The synonym for the word rubbish, waste (little)
- The organization which fights against pollution of nature (Greenpeace)
- Making water, air, land impure and dangerous for people and animals to live in (pollution)
1.The world around us (environment).
S | C | H | E | M | E | |||||||||
R | H | I | N | O | ||||||||||
O | V | E | R | H | U | N | T | I | N | G | ||||
H | A | B | I | T | A | T | ||||||||
O | V | E | R | C | R | O | W | D | I | N | G | |||
E | C | O | L | O | G | Y | ||||||||
G | R | E | E | N | H | O | U | S | E | |||||
M | A | C | A | W | ||||||||||
L | I | T | T | E | R | |||||||||
G | R | E | E | N | P | E | A | C | E | |||||
P | O | L | L | U | T | I | O | N |
8. Quiz
TEACHER. I want you to answer some questions to see if you are environmentally aware.
Are you part of the problem?
1. When you leave a room, do you
- a) turn off all the lights?
- b) leave one light on?
- c) never bother to turn off the lights?
2. Do you
- a) take short showers (less than 10 minutes)?
- b) have baths?
- c) take long showers (more than 10 minutes)?
3. Do you
- a) walk or ride a bike for short journeys?
- b) take public transport when you can?
- c) travel everywhere by car?
4. Do you
- a) separate all your rubbish and recycle what you can?
- b) recycle some of your rubbish?
- c) never recycle anything?
5. When you are outside, do you
- a) always put your litter in a rubbish bin?
- b) usually try and find a bin for your litter?
- c) throw your litter away on the ground wherever you are?
What your answers mean:
- Mostly a’s – Well done! You are doing all you can to help our planet. Keep up the good work, you’re dark green.
- Mostly b’s – You know about the problems that are facing our environment. There are still some more things that you could do though. You’re mid green.
- Mostly c’s – There is a lot more you could do to help the environment. Every little bit can help make our planet a better place for everyone. You are pale green.
9. Песня “Save the Planet”
TEACHER. Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you like it? What can we do to keep the Earth clean and green? Yes, we must be friends to her. Let’s sing together:
Save the planet.
The fish in the sea are dying
From the pollution we create
We’ve got to stop polluting
Before it’s too late
Before it’s too late.
Our planet is in trouble
It gets worse every day
We have to help our planet
In every possible way.
In the woods and forests
They’re cutting down the trees
We’ve got to save the forests
Everyone agrees
Everyone agrees.
The hole in the ozone layer
Is getting bigger every day
We’ve got to stop air pollution
We have to find a way
We have to find a way.
Во время песни учащиеся подходят к рисунку Земного шара и прикрепляют к нему (скотчем или английскими булавками) небольшие красочные изображения редких птиц, животных, цветов, бабочек из “Красной книги”.