Методическая разработка урока "Друзья, дружба"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В процессе обучения английскому языку я столкнулась с проблемой, что хорошо успевающий ученик владеет умением высказывать сообщения по изученной теме, воспроизвести изученный диалог, извлечь информацию из текста, но при встрече с носителями языка выглядит беспомощно, не знает как начать и поддержать беседу.

Поиск пути устранения этого недостатка привел меня к необходимости использования эффективных форм работы по развитию умений и навыков устной речи, в результате которых учащиеся должны овладеть теми выражениями разговорной речи, какие употреблял бы в данной ситуации носитель языка. Только в этом случае возможны перенос сформированных навыков и умений в реальные условия.

Моя авторская педагогическая разработка - это сценарий нетрадиционного урока - дискуссии “Друзья, дружба”. При разработке урока я стремилась предусмотреть овладение учащимися определенным количеством клише (устойчивые словосочетания) и пользование ими как бы в автоматическом режиме реального общения, используя эффективные формы и методы. При этом использую методику коммуникативного обучения иноязычному говорению Е. И. Пассова, Р. П. Мильруд, Г. А. Китайгородской, проектную методику Е. С. Полат.

Использованные активные формы работы создают высокую мотивацию учения, будят мысль, обогащают чувства, образные представления, способствуют организации обучения английскому языку так, чтобы оно было подобно процессу естественной коммуникации.

Оригинальность разработки заключается в том, что нетрадиционный урок построен на сочетании различных видов речевой деятельности; монологического, диалогического говорения, аудирования, ролевых игр, чтения и письма на основе содержательного материала учебника В. Н. Богородицкой и интеграции зарубежного учебника “Проблемы и решения”, литературы и музыки.

Моя разработка не только решает задачу развития и совершенствования коммуникативных навыков и умений, она позволяет учащимся осознать самих себя и свое место в коллективе, раскрывает их творческий потенциал.

В данной работе предлагается тема об общечеловеческой ценности гуманных отношений между друзьями, о дружбе. Большое внимание уделяется каждому ученику, контролируется его деятельность, чтобы создать прочный фундамент знаний. Выполняя задания, учащиеся обмениваются мнениями, выражают собственные мысли, свое отношение к фактам. Учащиеся владеют определенными интеллектуальными, творческими и коммуникативными умениями.

Важным фактором в моей работе является мое сотрудничество с учениками.

Учащиеся проявили огромный интерес к работе, ведь обсуждалась жизненно важная и близкая тема, которая волнует каждого, заставляет думать, радоваться.

Смещение акцента активной деятельности учителя на активную деятельность учащихся является основным принципом повышения эффективности обучения школьников.

Цель урока:

1. Совершенствование ранее приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи, использование дополнительных материалов, приобретенных самостоятельно, расширение кругозора учащихся.

2. Осознание личности каждого ребенка через активизацию понятий, описывающих качества личности, их самооценку и реакцию на их окружающих.

Задача урока:

1. Активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по описанию характера человека, взаимоотношений между друзьями, формирование коммуникативной культуры.

2. Формирование творческого и критического мышления учащихся через дискуссию и презентацию собственного мнения.

Оснащение урока:

Подборка иллюстративного материала с пословицами и поговорками о дружбе, друзьях, высказывания (Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them), аудио запись к книге “Ideas and Issues”, pre-intermediate, текст “Dear Tracey”, видеозапись из “Family Album USA, Episode 24”, “Parting Friends”.

Ход урока:

Учитель. Friends, friendship… People sing songs about it, devote poems, stories. A lot has been already written and said. Do you know how the dictionary puts it?

Ученик: Friendship is a feeling and behaviour that exits between friends but what these feelings are, what this behaviour is, you have to decide for yourself.

Frendship is a thing for two,
Three or four, even more
Like a song, that's made sing.
Friendship is a doing thing.

Учитель. Let’s discuss your ideas of friendship. What is friendship? What does friendship mean to you? Isn’t it the most important thing in our life?

Ученик 1. There is no denying the fact that person can’t live in isolation. It’s very important for a human being to have a friend with whom you can be sincere and frank. It’s great to think there is someone to turn to for help and advice, someone who will sympathize with you and stand by you in any situation and who will tell you the bitter truth if necessary.

Ученик 2. Friendship means a lot to me. I can't simply imagine my life without friends: they make my life happier and more interesting. With my friends I can find solution to many problems. Real friendship is a thing that we cherish.

Ученик 3. I think- friendship is very important in our lives. Modem life is very interesting, full of wonders, danger and great opportunities. If you don't have friends, you don't have support, you don't feel yourself comfortable. Friendship is considered to be really precious.

Ученик 4. In my opinion true friendship is a plant of slow growth. It must undergo and withstand shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. And we shouldn't destroy this tender desertion even if something unreasonable comes between two friends as we must learn to forgive and forget.

Учитель. I quite agree with you that friendship is a very great thing. No wonder why people of all countries have so many proverbs about it. Try to say what proverbs and sayings come to your mind when you talk about friendship. Some of them are written here. Match them.

На листочках написаны пословицы по частям. Надо выбрать те выражения, что соответствуют пословицам. Например:

A friend in need ... is the medicine of life
A man is known ... as well as by his friends
Money can't ... is to be one
A faithful friend ... by the company he keeps
The only way to ... is a friend indeed
have a friend...
A man is judged by his foes... buy friendship


A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

Money can’t buy friendship.

A faithful friend is the medicine of life.

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

A man is judged by his foes as well as by his friends.

Учитель. I would like you to explain the meanings of some of them.

Ученик. "The only way to have a friend is to be one" means that if you don't want to be alone, you don't have to be selfish. Just think a little of others and they will think of you. People usually say "You are treated in the way you treat other people. If you are a faithful and sincere friend, if you are helpful and trustworthy you can expect the same attitude to yourself.

Ученик. The English proverb “A man must eat a packet of salt with his friend before he knows him” doesn't mean that you need to eat much salt

to become friends but you must know your friend very well. If you help, respect, trust each other and do useful and important things together, your friendship will last a very long time.

Ученик. There is a good proverb which says: "A man is judged by his foes as well as by his friends". Yes, it's really so. I know the poem which is just about it.

You have no enemies, you say
Alas, my friend, the boast is poor.
He, who has mingled in the frame of duty
Must have made foes.
If you have none less the work
That you have done'.

Ученик. I consider the phrase "A man is known by the company he keeps" up to date. In my opinion friends usually respect each other for these or those traits of character. They try to be similar and resemble each other in everything. They have much in common. There is another saying. "Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are".

Ученик. "A friend in need is a friend indeed" means that the best friend is the one who helps you when you are really in need of help. You know your real friends when you are in a difficult situation. It's very difficult to go through the hardships of our life without our friend's support. Only they can give us a piece of good advice, can analyze our actions. It's their habit to share with us either our grief or happiness. Sometimes real friends lay down their lives for the sake of friendship. It's easy to deal with a friend who is the medicine of life. If friendship never ends it makes your life full.

Ученик. The proverb "'A friend is not so soon gotten as lost" means that it takes a long time to become really friendly with somebody. But there are many ways of quickly loosing a friend if you do something wrong. So you must try to keep a close friendship.

Учитель. And now I want you to listen to Nicky's letter. She has written a letter to Tracey. She is worried about her best friend Karen who is in trouble. What advice would you give her?

Ученики прослушивают аудиозапись с письмами Ники. Она написала письмо Трейси, так как ее лучшая подруга в беде. Она просит совета. Ученики работают в группах, обсуждая, что они бы посоветовали ей делать. Для групп раздается материал с речевыми клише для обсуждения, например:

Give advice to Nicky; use:

Содержание письма:

Dear Tracey, My best friend, Karen , has started going out with Richard, who seems a really nice guy. The only problem is, 1 have found out that he has got a girl friend already! And, the girl friend is a girl from our school! All his friends are laughing about it. I know Karen will be very upset if I tell her, but what should I do? Nicky

Возможные советы (ответы групп):

1. We believe that is really a complicated problem. In our opinion Nicky should be sincere with Karen and tell her everything about it. We don't think she would hurt her as a faithful friend is the medicine of life. She shouldn't be afraid of loosing the friendship with Karen. Everybody knows that the more we love our friends the less we flatter them.

2. We think Nicky should talk to Karen's boy friend and find out if is true that he has another girlfriend. The situation described in the letter has put me in mind of a poem. It sounds like this:

Our hands have met, but not our hearts. Our hearts will never meet again.

Friends, if we have ever been.

Friends, we cannot now remain.

If it is true, then Richard should be honest with Karen and tell her the truth.

3. I know this poem and remember it too.


I only know I loved you once

I only know I love in vain.

Our hands have met but not our hearts

Our hearts will never meet again.

We think Richard might not want to do this. Our opinion is that Nicky should tell Karen the truth herself and help her to find the remedy. "Where's will - there is a way". After all, she is her best friend.

4. I can't help telling Nicky that nobody and nothing can destroy their friendship if she tells her bitter truth. If they are real friends they'll overcome this trouble.

She should think about this poem:

I was angry with my friend
I told my wrath, my wrath did end
I was angry with my foe
I told it not
My wrath did grow.

Учитель. Do you go out on dates with someone of the opposite sex? I would like you to remind if you have ever had a blind date. Share your opinion with a classmate.

Работа в парах по изученному тексту из "Streetwise" "So much for romance", используя выражения:


The phone call

Her story

Sam got my name from a friend. He telephoned me and invited me to see a film. I accepted, but although I explained that it was time for my piano practice, he started talking about himself, and there was no stopping him. I couldn’t have got in a word edgewise even if I had wanted to!

His story

Susan is a friend of George. He told me that she was really pretty and had a lovely personality, so I rang her and asked her for a date. I was delighted when she agreed but it was really difficult talking to her. She wouldn’t say a word. I had to carry on the whole conversation myself.

The arrival

Her story

When he came to pick me up, I was getting ready. When I came to the door and saw the ridiculous outfit he was wearing, I almost died of embarrassment. Then he suggested that we took a bus. I didn’t know where to look.

His story

I got there on time. Her Mum answered the door and asked me what I wanted. I explained that I was Susan’s date. I think she was impressed by my suit, and you should have seen Susan’s face when she first came to the door! As we walked to the bus stop she grumbled that Damian always took her out by car. I told her she looked lovely!

The movie

Her story

He laughed so loudly that everybody turned round to look at us. I whispered ‘be quiet’ several times but it had no effect. He also made a loud noise eating his popcorn. I wanted to crawl into a hole.

His story

She was a real bore. The film was very funny, but she kept muttering throughout. She refused everything that I offered her.

The meal

Her story

He took me to a hamburger restaurant, and insisted on ordering a whole meal for me. It was awful. I wasn’t even hungry.

His story

She let me order the most expensive dish on the menu and she didn’t even touch a bite. She explained that she was still full from lunch, but I think she wanted to go somewhere more expensive. She’s a real snob.

The future

Her story

Would I go out with him again? You must be joking. I never want to see him again. He was so insensitive.

His story

I would never call her again. She behaved terribly, and never apologized. One date with her was more than enough.

Work in pairs 1.Imagine you had a blind date Ask and answer the questions including information

  • Who the person was
  • Where you met
  • Where you went
  • How the date went (what did you talk about? Did you get in? why/why not?)
  • The future (Do you think you see the person again? Why? Why not?)

You may use the following:

• to go on a date? To ask for a date

to accept

• to invite, movie, laugh, loudly

• I whispered, be quiet

• It had no effect

• a lovely personality

• to be delighted

• I saw the ridiculous outfit he was wearing ( strange, deserving to be laughed at)

• to die of embarrassment

• You must be joking

Work in pairs 2.Imagine you had a blind date Ask and answer the questions including information

• Who the person was

• Where you met

• Where you went

• How the date went (what did you talk about? Did you get in? why/why not?)

• The future (Do you think you see the person again? Why? Why not?)

You may use the following:

• to date, to go on a date, to ask for a date

• to go to the theatre

• the play was funny

• to keep muttering (smiling and being cheerful)

• to make a loud noise

• to want to crawl into a hole

• I'd rather (hot) have met him (her)

• to go to a restaurant

• insist on ordering

• it was awful

• to be hungry

• (never) want to see smb. again

Work in pairs 3.Imagine you had a blind date Ask and answer the questions including information

• Who the person was

• Where you met

• Where you went

• How the date went (what did you talk about? Did you get in? why/why not?)

• The future (Do you think you see the person again? Why? Why not?)

You may use the following:

  • to date, to go on a date, to ask for a date
  • to answer the door bell
  • be impressed (be shocked to admire)
  • you should have seen
  • to take smb. to a cafe
  • to grumble (to complain)
  • to order the most expensive dish
  • to touch a bite
  • to be embarrassed
  • to get in a word edgewise

Примеры диалогов, составленных учащимися

Dialogue 1.

1. Who was the person you dated?

2. Sam got my name from a friend of mine, he telephoned and invited me to see a film.

1. Did you go?

2. I accepted But when we were at the movie he laughed so loudly that everybody turned round to look at us. I whispered 'be quiet' several times but it had no effect.

1. Would you go out with him again?

2. You must be joking.

Was your date perfect to you?

Pete was a friend of my cousin. I was told that he was a lovely personality. So he rang me and asked for a date.

Were you delighted?

1. At first I was. But when he came to pick me up I saw the ridiculous outfit he was wearing. I almost died of embarrassment. I never want to see him again.

Dialogue 2.

1. When did you start dating?

2. At about 13.

1. Do your parents allow you to date?

2. My parents are always happy to talk- about boy-friends' problems and help solve them up.

1. Where did you date?

2. We went to the theatre. The play was very funny but he kept muttering throughout. He also made a loud noise eating his popcorn. I wanted to crawl into a hole. I d rather not have met him.

Have you ever had a blind date?

1. Yes. I have. He behaved terribly. He took me to a hamburger restaurant and insisted on ordering a whole meat for me. It was awful. I wasn't even hungry. And it was really difficult talking to him. He wouldn't say a word. I had to carry on the whole conversation myself.

Dialogue 3.

1. Where did you go out on your first date?

2. We arranged to meet at her place. I got there in time. Her mum answered the door bell and asked what I wanted. I explained that I was her daughter's date, I think she was impressed by my appearance.

And you should have seen the girl's face when she first came to the door. As we were walking to the bus I told her she looked lovely. But she grumbled that her former boy friend took her out by car, I was embarrassed. What about your first date?

1. We went to the cafй. She ordered the most expensive dish and didn't even touch a bite. She started talking about herself, and there was no stopping her, I couldn't have got in a word edgewise even if I had wanted to!

Учитель. It's great. A good friend is some one who you can count on and who will always be there when you need him.

Say how you choose your friends?

Use this scheme:

What influences you in your choice?

Physical appearance?


Dress sense?



Similar education.

Familiar background.

Ученик. I choose my friends not only by his words. The most valuable I admire in people is inner beauty. If a person is not kind, if he is selfish if he cares only about himself, then all his other good qualities -courage, will - power - are worthless. You can't be safe with such a friend.

Ученик. Money can't buy friendship ... (Ученики высказывают свои мнения).

Учитель. But sometimes friends have to part. Real friends miss each other.

Your task is to watch the episode “Parting Friends” and listen to the song, it is about parting friends. You’ll have to fill in the blanks with the words.


Содержание творческой разработки

Дружба, друзья... Вряд ли найдется человек, который не задумывался бы о сущности дружбы. Эта тема, а так же пословицы и поговорки о дружбе красочно написаны на доске. Учитель предлагает обсудить вопрос о друзьях, дружбе. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение о ней, что дружба значит для каждого, с кем они могут открыться, отвести душу. После этого им предлагается вспомнить пословицы и поговорки о дружбе, друзьях. Как в помощь, они написаны на листочках на доске по частям. Задания для учащихся вспомнить и составить пословицы и поговорки и постараться объяснить, как они их понимают. Например, пословица “Чтобы узнать друга, надо съесть пуд соли” означает, что надо преодолеть много трудностей вместе с другом, чтобы узнать его или “Друг познается в беде”, “Скажи мне, кто твой друг и я скажу, кто ты” и др.

После того, как ученики объяснили пословицу “Друг познается в беде” учащимся предлагается прослушать текст из учебника “Проблемы и решения” о том, что друг просит совета, как поступить ему по отношению к своему другу, у которого неприятности. Ребята работают в группах, решая, что посоветовать. Для высказываний ребятам, как раздаточный материал, предложены речевые клише. Ситуация такая, что парень подруги встречается с другой девушкой, а она этого не знает. Подруга не знает, как ей поступить. Ребята высказывают свои разные мнения. Одна группа говорит, что надо ей поговорить с этим парнем и выяснить или это правда, другая, - заставить парня самому все рассказать, третья -сказать ей всю правду, ибо какая бы не была горькая правда, она лучше чем ложь. Учащиеся вспоминают стихотворения о дружбе Ломофелоу Т. Гуд и др.

Дружба прекрасна, но иногда она приносит боль, разочарования.

И опять учитель предлагает учащимся работу в парах о том, было ли у них когда - либо свидание, с кем, их впечатления. Эти диалоги составляются на основе изученного текста "So much for romance" из книги "Streetwise", а также раздаточного материала с заданием составить диалоги используя данные речевые клише.

Учащиеся составляют и драматизируют диалоги.

Это получается интересно и искренне. Кто-то рассказывает, что впервые встречался с парнем, который все время сам говорил, и не давал возможности и слова сказать; другой о том, что во время встречи они пошли в театр и что было очень стыдно от того, так как новый друг не умел вести себя: то он громко смеялся, то ел “поп-корн”. Учащиеся уверены, что дружба, друзья - большая сила,

которая помогает в радости и горе. Дальше ребята рассуждают о том, по каким критериям они выбирают друга: по внешнему виду, по обеспеченности и репутации семьи, одинаковых взглядах, образовании и т.д.

Используемая литература

1. Л. В. Хрусталева, В. Н. Богородицкая. Английский язык 7. Москва. Издательство “Версия” 1999.

2. Гералдин Свиней. “Проблемы и решения, I” Издательство “Титул”. 1999.

3. Роб Ноласко. “Умные решения”. Издательство Оксфорд Юниверсити Пресс. 1993.

4. Хакина Е. И. - Сборник английской, американской и австралийской поэзии. Москва. Издательство “Просвещение”. 1970.

5. Кадры из видеофильма “Семейный альбом США”, эпизод 24. “Прощание друзей”.

6. Аудиозапись к учебнику “Проблемы и решения,!”. Издательство “Титул”. 1999.

7. Скородумова В. П., Сутормин А. И. Сборник цитат, пословиц и поговорок. Москва. Издательство “СП Парамедикл”. 1972.