Урок английского языка "Great Britain and ist people at glance"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи: развитие навыков чтения и аудирования с извлечением информации;умение кратко передать основную мысль услышанного и прочитанного текста;умение сравнивать культуры страны изучаемого языка и России;формирование положительного отношения к фактам иноязычной культуры;формирование лексических навыков говорения.

Оборудование: карта Великобритании, карта России, флаги России и Великобритании, журнал “Speak Out” ( 4/2002), “Мозайка” (5.2004, с.23 ), дополнительная доска для иллюстраций, “ 1 сентября” (34.2004, с. 9 ), видео фильм.

Ход урока

Орг. момент

1. Речевая зарядка. ( Звучит легкая музыка )

T: The topic of our lesson is “Britain at a Glance”. What can you say about it?

How do you understand?

P1: We’ ll speak about its geography/

P2: About its traditions and culture/

P3: About its people and languages.

P4: About beautiful sights and nature.

T: We know a lot about Great Britain and its people. Let’s speak about it.

Vova and Liza will help me. Ask some questions about the UK, please.

V: What is the full name of the country? ( The UK )

L: How many islands are there in the British Isles? (5500)

V: What are the main islands in the British Isles? ( Great Britain and Ireland )

L: What are the countries in the UK? (Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland )

V: What is the capital of England? Scotland? Wales? Northern Ireland? The Irish Republic?

L: We know that English is the official language of Britain. Do all people in the UK speak only English? ( No, in Scotland people speak Scottish, in Wales they speak Welsh, in Ireland they speak Irish. There are many people of different nationalities who speak Hindi, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and so on.)

V: What is the British coat of arms? (There is a lion, “the king of beast” on it, which is the symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy. Another animal is the unicorn with a long horn, which is a symbol of purity.)

L: What is the British national flag? ( It is the Union Jack.)

V: Thank you very much.

2. Listening to dialogues.

T: Listen to the dialogues and tell us what the dialogues are about.

Lida and Nastya, you are welcome.

N: You see, Lida, I’m a bit confused. I thought Britain, Great Britain and the British Iles mean the same thing. Am I right?

L: Well, in everyday speech Britain, Great Britain and the British Isles are used to mean the same country, but it is not quite correct.

N: Can you explain why Britain is called Great Britain?

L: In fact, it is only one of about 5500 British Isles. It is the biggest one. That is why it’s called Great, because of its size.

N: I see. Does it also mean the United Kingdom, then?

L: No, it consists only of the country’s three parts/ The fourth part, Northern Ireland, is on the next largest island – Ireland.

T: What is the dialogue about?

Now Anya and Ira will speak.

A: I say, Ira, do you know the names of the main islands of the British Isles?

I: I think I do. They are Great Britain( in which are England, Wales and Scotland) and Ireland ( in which are Northern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic).

A: Do the British Isles consist of many islands?

I: Yes, very many, about 5500.

I’m often confused about the capitals of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

Which are they?

A: Well, just remember: Dublin is the capital of an independent state, and Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

I: Well, I’ll try to remember.

T: Thank you, girls. What is the dialogue about? ( уч-ся высказываются по содержанию диалогов)

What interesting information about the UK do you know?

( Информацию можно взять из журнала “Speak Out”.)

P1: Foreigners have many ideas about what the English are like. Some people consider them to be cold and reserved.

P2: As the weather in Britain is mild, British people do the gardening almost all the year round. Sometimes they do weeding and sometimes they prow vegetables and fruit.

P3: Mowing grass is also very important. They do it every Sunday morning. The British see an unmown lawn as a sign of laziness and as disrespect to others.

P4: Walking is very popular in Britain. But you need a pair of wellies to enjoy your walk, because the beautiful British countryside is muddy.

P5: Cycling is a very popular activity especially on the country roads because they are not very busy and dangerous.

P6: Some people prefer rock climbing or extreme ironing.

P7: Many people go to the gym, swimming pool or fitness classes.

P8: Some people prefer traveling abroad, i.e. to France, Greece, Spain where the climate is warm and dry.

P9: City breaks are also a good idea for enjoying new places.

P10: Fish and chips is the classic English take-away food. It is usually bought ready cooked at fish and chip shops.

P11: The British are said to drink about 2 billion cups of tea a day. They drink green and black tea, with milk and without it.

P12: For one day in March every two years Britain goes crazy. People all over the country ( even police officers and teachers) wear red noses and do silly things. It’s Red Nose Day – the day when doing really stupid things can raise loads of money for charity.

P13: Double- deckers were designed specially for London by people who knew what London needed. Big London buses are recognized all over the world.

P14: The first double- deckers were driven by horses . Since 1911 they have been London’s ‘king of the road’.

P15: The black London taxi cab is another traditional symbol of London. It looks old-fashioned and clumsy, but it’s comfortable and speedy.

P16: London taxi drivers know the city very well. They study two years and memorize 25000 streets.

3. Speaking. ( Диалог культур )

T: Let’s compare the UK and Russia.

  • Size
  • Landscape
  • Climate
  • People
  • Cuisine
  • Language
  • Sport
  • Coat of arms
  • Flag

Reading for specific information

Чтение текста из журнала “Speak Out” (2/2004, p.10 )

T: Read the text and answer what the English are.

E.g. The English are said to be cold and reserved.

… are believed…

… are known …

… are supposed …


Foreigners have many ideas about what the English are like. For example, some people say the English are always cold and reserved, some believe the English eat porridge for breakfast and read The Times every day. Many Australians believe that the English always Whine and call them ‘whining poms’. The Welsh, Scottish and Irish also have a thing or two to say about what they think the English are like with reference to the British Empire. And, of course, the English themselves have plenty of ideas about what they are, such as being proud of having one of the oldest parliaments in the world.

We asked some English people and some people from other countries who live in England to name three things that they most closely associate with the English.

Here’s what they say:

Undoubtedly, the cuppa ( an affectionate name for a cup of tea ), beer and queuing.’

Sandie, 24 (English)

‘Pubs, class snobbery and football’.

John, 21 (English)

Red double-deckers, the Royal Family and the BBC’.

Clair, 15 (English)

‘I’d say that the English are very cold, the food is horrible and the weather is too cold and wet.’ Annalisa, 19 ( Italian student)

‘Sherlock Holmes, good manners and politeness’.

Tanya, 13 ( German student )

‘Sense of humour, cricket. Stiff upper lip’.

Marina, 16 ( Russian student )

‘Eccentricity, sense of superiority towards foreigners, fish and chips, reserve’.

Jessica, 17 ( American student )

So, is all this true? Yes and no. Like many things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. So don’t be surprised if you meet an Englishman who hates gardening, adores home cooking and greets his friends with a big hug.

5. Listening.

Перед прослушиванием текста включается фрагмент видео фильма о королеве Великобритании.

T: What do you think who we are going to speak about?

Текст взят из журнала “Speak Out” (4/2002, p.6 )


Being Queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth П gets up early and begins the day by looking through the newspapers, Then she reads letters from the public ( she gets more than 1000 each week ), and tells her staff how she would like them to be answered. The

Queen has daily meetings with her Private Secretary who helps her to go through her paperwork, and lots of meetings with ambassadors, new judges, and bishops.

In the afternoon Elizabeth П often goes out on public engagements – she gets thousands of invitations each year. She opens new hospitals, bridges and factories.

Being Queen is not a 9 to 5 job, and Elizabeth П has to work from early in the morning until late at night. And people watch her all the time.

Of course, she has some free time, and some private life, but less than most people.

In her spare time Elizabeth П enjoys horse racing, fishing, and walking in the countryside. She also enjoys photography and likes taking photos on her travels. In 50 years the Queen has been on 251 official visits to 128 different countries.

T: What’s it like being Queen?

Is it easy to be Queen?

6. Подведение итогов урока.

На стенде иллюстрации по теме урока ( портрет королевы Елизаветы П, принца

Чарльза, виды Лондона, гвардейцы)

T: What can you see in the pictures?

Thank you. Now your marks…