Сценарий вечера английского языка для 8-х классов "Be Polite"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Образовательные задачи:

  1. Обобщить и закрепить знание учащимися лексики по следующим темам: “Разговор по телефону”, “Поздравления”, “Беспокойство/утешение”;
  2. В игровой форме провести контроль коммуникативных умений уч-ся в предложенных ситуациях;
  3. Усилить мотивацию изучения английского языка.

Развивающие задачи:

  1. Развивать навыки говорения (диалогическую речь);
  2. Развивать творческие способности учащихся.

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Воспитывать культуру общения и чувство товарищества;
  2. Продемонстрировать эталоны ситуативного поведения.


  1. Магнитофон;
  2. Плакат “Be Polite”;
  3. Плакат “We Love English”;
  4. Карточки с фразами-приветствиями (см. Приложение1);
  5. Карточки с пословицами о вежливости (см. Приложение1);
  6. Демонстрационная оценочная таблица (см. Приложение1).

T: Dear teachers and students!

I’m happy to greet you at our party “BE POLITE!”. I hope you will demonstrate today good manners, knowledge of spoken etiquette and perfect English.

Each performance will be appraised by our respected jury at a 5-mark system. Jury’s marks will be demonstrated on the blackboard.

So let us start our competition! I’ve greeted you already and what about you?

P-s: Hello! Good evening! Glad to see you!

T: That’ll do. Your first task is connected with greetings. You are to divide all suggested phrases into four groups:

  1. formal saying hello;
  2. formal saying good-bye;
  3. informal saying hello;
  4. informal saying good-bye.

(Commands get envelopes with mixed phrases)

Formal saying hello:

Let me introduce myself.

Good morning/afternoon.

Pleased to meet you.

How do you do.

Informal saying hello:

My name is/ I’m…

Nice to meet you.

How are you?


Formal saying good-bye:

I’d like to say good-bye.

I look forward to seeing you again.

Please let me know how you are.

I promise.

Informal saying good-bye:

Call me.

See you.

Have a good day.

So long.

T: Please, read the greetings one team by one. (Pupils read and translate the greetings.)

T: Thank you for your work!

And now let’s listen to the girls who will say some words about good manners in the Motherland of the English language Great Britain and the USA.

G1: When meeting someone new, Americans and Englishman usually have certain manners. They:

  • Look them in the eye.
  • Smile.
  • Say “Hello. My name is/I’m … It’s nice to meet you, …” (Say their names.)
  • Stand up when a grown-up enters the room.
  • Say “How do you do?” if it is a stranger.

G2: Men and boys do not offer their hand to shake unless the girl or lady offer their. When they talk to grown-ups, use their titles: “Yes, Mrs. Brown.” “No, Doctor White.”

G3: Do you know that the only formally correct way to address people in Great Britain is “Madame” and “Sir”? Schoolboys and schoolgirls call their teachers “ Sir”, if it is a man. And if the teacher is a woman, they say “Miss”.

Say: “Sorry” or “Excuse me”, or “I beg your pardon”, if you don’t understand.

T: Almost everybody has a telephone today. And can you speak politely on the phone? You have one minute to discuss your dialogues. We will listen to some more facts about etiquette.

G1: Don’t interrupt your new friends, while they are talking. Wait for a pause in the conversation.

G2: Don’t talk too loud or get too close to your new friend. Generally stay about one arm’s length away.

G3: Don’t say anything critical to a new friend. Instead focus on what you have in common or pay your new friend a compliment.

Never ask grown-ups the question “How old are you?”

G1: Americans and Englishmen don’t like people to come too near to them. Do you touch people? Many Northern Europeans and North Americans don’t touch each other very much.

G2: Most polite Americans wait quietly in lines. They try not to touch the people in front of them or behind them, if possible. It is not polite to jump the queue. One of the school rules in America is “Keep your hands to yourself”.

G3: In America and Great Britain people who are very good friends don’t shake hands. (Unless they haven’t seen each other for a long time or one wants to congratulate the other.)

As a foreign visitor come to Britain or the States, people will shake you by the hand when you are introduced and when you finally depart. They will probably not shake your hand at other times.

Do people in your country shake hands?

G1: Most Americans smile a lot to be polite. However, they usually do not smile at strangers in crowded city streets, or on buses, or trains.

Do people smile very often to be polite in your country?

(Pupils perform their dialogues “Talking on the Telephone”.)

e. g. - Hello! May I speak to Nick?

  • Sorry, he is out at the moment. Who is speaking?
  • This is Mike calling from the camp.
  • Could you speak up, please?
  • It’s Mike. Could you ask Nick to call me back, please?
  • My number is 487-0843.
  • Is that 487-0843?
  • That’s right.
  • Is that all?
  • Yes, that’s all.
  • You are welcome. Good-bye.
  • Good-bye.

T: What’s your favorite holiday?

P-s: My birthday! St. Valentine’s Day! Happy New Year!

T: As for me, it’s New Year, too. I like to get presents but most of all I like to give presents. What can you say on the topic “Congratulations and good wishes”? One minute for preparation and nice music to relax.

(Pupils perform their dialogues.)

e. g. - Hello!

- Hello! This gift is for you. I’d like you to accept this gift as a small token of my friendship.

- Thanks a lot! I’ve always wanted to get such a present.

- And besides, I wish you the best of everything: health, wealth, and happiness!

- Thank you for your present and the same to you! Now let’s go to the dining room, the birthday cake is waiting!

T: There are a lot of words of wisdom about politeness and kindness. Your task is to read and translate them. Representatives of all teams should take these cards. (Pupils read and translate the following phrases:)

Kindness gives birth to kindness. Sophocles.

Gratitude is a sign of noble souls. Aesop.

Add some cheer to the atmosphere. Proverb.

Think before you speak. Proverb.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. Mother Teresa.

Children are born to be happy. Jose Marty.

Don’t forget to do good and share what you have. Proverb.

The more we do, the more we can do. Hazlitt.

T: It’s a pity, but holidays are very short. Sometimes we fail or are afraid of something. How can you express regrets/ worry/ reassurance? You may use the following situations: the coming test/ the coming exam/ your visit to the doctor. (Pupils perform their dialogues.)

e. g. - I’m concerned about my exam in Maths. I’m simply afraid of it.

- Relax! Don’t worry! You know Maths well.

- I’m not sure. Why didn’t I study harder?

- Pull yourself together! You still have time. Cheer up!

T: And now let’s summarize our competition! Pupils of which form are the best? Who are real ladies and gentlemen in our 8-th forms? Let’s ask our jury!

(The jury announces the results of the competition.)

T: Thank you for your work today. I’m proud of you, my dear pupils. I think, the only winner here is politeness today.

Here are some sweet prizes for you, help yourselves to them!

See you soon. Good-bye!
