Дополнительный материал к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева "English-9", "English-8"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Работая по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. “English-9’’ и считая главной задачей обучение учащихся говорению и аудированию, мы по окончании каждого цикла проводили итоговый урок. Для этого нами были разработаны серии вопросов, которые мы использовали для уроков-зачётов, круглых столов, защиты проектов, написания рефератов. Предлагаем Вашему вниманию дополнительный материал к учебнику Кузовлева В. П. «English-9», «English-8».

Unit 1. Reading…? Why not?

What is your favourite book?

What is this book about?

When and where is the story of your favourite book set in?

Who are the main characters of your favourite book?

What is the end of the story?

Why are you captivated by this book?

Why do you recommend this book?

What is your favourite newspaper?

What newspapers circulate on the territory of Russia?

What are popular newspapers?

Why can it be a pleasant pastime to go to the library?

What do generally students go to the library for?

Who helps readers to find the book they need?

How often does the library help you with providing necessary information on the subject you need?

What about you? How do you feel about the world of the literature?

What makes you read books? School tasks? Your curiosity?

Is reading a way of learning smth special? Which do you prefer, to learn things from books or from TV?

Give reasons:

Why can we say that “_______________’’ is beautifully written?

Who are the main characters of the book?

Can you name the best-loved stories written by the writer for children?

Why do you think they are so popular with the children throughout the world?

Can you describe the main character of the novel?

Can you tell an episode you liked best in the novel?

Unit 2. Let the music begin.

What is the music?

Why do people like music?

Why can’t people live without music?

How does music help people in life?

What styles of music are popular in Russia?

Is Russia a great musical country? Prove your idea. What musical countries do you know?

Can you play any musical instruments? Which musical instrument would you like to study to play? Why? What is necessary to become a star? Your ideas.

What famous musical festivals in Russia do you know?

What is Eisteddfod famous for?

Why do people visit musical festivals?

What world musical festivals of modern songs do you know? Do you know any winners of them? What is your favourite song?

One day some people like listening classical music, another day - pop-groups. What does it depend on?

Do you know any TV programme about music? Do you watch them regularly or from time to time?

Are you tired of music? Any music? Why?

What do you think about pop music? Is it an important art form?

Does music play any role in your life?

Does it influence your feelings or mood?

What’s your way to relax and have fun?

Can you play any musical instrument?

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pop star?

What kind of pop-music do you prefer?

What groups do you like? What group are you a fan of?

Is it fun to be a fan, or is it a serious matter?

Are there any fans among your friends?

Are you fond of music?

Which music do you prefer? What sort of music do you like? What sort of music makes you think?

How can music influence people?

What music do you like listening to when you have free time?

What music irritates you?

What do you think, remember or feel while listening to music?

Why do people need music?

Is music part of your life?

What impressions does music make on you?

What is Eisteddfod? Where and when is it held? What are the Druids? How many people come to the Eisteddfod? Why do people come to the Eisteddfod?

Are the Welsh people proud of their traditions?

What is the name of Wales?

What are the musical centers of Britain?

What do you know about any of famous British festivals? What are they?

What (British, Russian) musicians do you know?

What countries are internationally known as musical countries?

Unit 3. What’s the news?

What is the main source of information?

Why is TV often called "the window of the world"?

Do you agree that TV has the power to educate?

Does TV help us to read?

What can you say about TV programmes?

Do you agree that television is a terrible waste of time?

Some people say that television kills conversation. Do you agree?

What do you think of commercials? Do they annoy you? Do you enjoy watching ’’soaps’’?

How often do you watch TV?

What are your favourite programmes? What is your favourite channel?

Do you believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals? What is your attitude to violence on television? Does it influence people and how should it be controlled?

Do you think that there’s too much violence on TV?

Do you use TV intelligently?

How important is TV for you?

Why do you like to watch TV?

Do you watch TV selectively?

When can TV be unhealthy?

What would you do instead of watching TV?

Have you got a television at home?

Why does television play an important role in your life?

Why do people prefer to watch TV?

Does TV help us to relax?

How much television do you watch during the week?

Do you do your homework with the television on?

Do you eat meals in front of the TV?

Is TV dangerous?

What is your favourite programme?

Do you record your favourite programmes on a video recorder?

What do you do after school apart from homework?

What programmes do you watch?

Do you watch programmes from start to finish?

Do you talk about programmes with your friends?

Do you believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals?

How many channels are there in Britain (Russia)?

What do you know about satellite?

Which channels are watched most (least) in Britain (Russia)?

Millions of people get most o their news from television. What about you?

Do you read newspapers?

When do you usually listen to the radio?

Do the media play an important part in your life?

Do you think that the media influence our life?

Do you agree that most news we get from the media is bad news?

Do you think it would be nice if all news printed in newspapers and shown on TV was good news?

Do you think that journalists are given too much freedom?

Are you interested in politics? Don’t you think that some politicians use the media to influence their voters?

What is the main advantage of the Internet? How many hours do you spend in front of the TV? In what way does TV influence our language? Do you know how to protect yourself from the bad influences of TV?

Unit 4. Healthy living guide.

Do people care about their health?

Do they prefer to go in for sport?

Do you like sport?

Does sport help people to keep fit?

What kinds of sport do you know?

What are the most popular sports with Britons?

What do you know about ’’soccer’’ and ’’rugby’’?

What sports attract middle-aged people?

What sports do you know have English names?

What world famous sport events do you know?

What games are usually played at your school?

What sports are you interested in?

Where and when can you play your favourite sport?

Do your friends share your interest in sport?

Do you take your sport seriously? If yes - why? If no - why?

Are you good at the sport you go in for?

What games do your friends enjoy?

Do they have much time for it?

What is the best part of playing school sport for you?

Where and when were the Olympic Games organized?

What sports did they include?

What are the Olympic motto and Olympic symbol?

Why are the Olympic Games important for the whole mankind?

What winter sports do you know?

What summer sports do you know?

What is the sport you love best?

Do you go in for it or are you a fan?

How long have gone in for it?

Are you a devoted sportsman?

What equipment do you need to do your sport?

Do you need any special clothes for doing it?

Is it difficult to go in for your sport in winter (summer)?

Do your friends go in for the same sport?

Do you always enjoy the sport?

Do you have any problems in doing the sport?

Do you take part in competitions?

What kinds of football are there in Great Britain?

Where did golf come from to England?

What is the most popular English game?

What is Wimbledon famous for?

What kinds of racing do you know?

What is the most famous race in England?

What sports are popular in Russia?

What are outdoor sports?

Where were the 1st Olympic Games held?

When were they held?

When were the Olympic Games abolished?

When were the Olympic Games revived?

What is your favourite sport?

Do you like gym?

What do you usually do in your gym class?

Why is it necessary to go in for sports?

Do sports and physical training make people strong and healthy?

What sports do you play in summer (winter)?

What kinds of sports are popular with children?

Have you ever heard of the Olympic Games?

What are the most popular sports in your country?

Compare them with the most popular sports in Britain.

What is a spectator sport?

Which sports do you associate with Britain?

Do you know the names of any most famous British sportsmen or women?

What is your attitude to drugs and stimulants?

Should we learn to live without them?

Should alcohol and cigarettes be banned, since we know they cause so much damage?

What will happen if you have no breakfast?

Why do we say that food is a form of flue?

What foods help make strong muscles?

What are carrots good for?

Why is it sometimes difficult to follow a healthy diet?

What disease can be caused by lack of vitamin C?

Is bread important in your everyday food?

Why do old people say that there is no food if there is no bread?

Unit 5. What will you be?

What groups of professions do you know?

Some jobs are considered to be suitable for men and others - for women. Do you agree with it?

What is important for you in choosing a profession?

What part-time jobs do you know? Are they well-paid?

Do your parents approve of your future profession?

What do you want to be after finishing school?

What field would you like to work in?

What do you know about your future profession?

Is this profession new or old?

What do need to get this profession?

What do you think about new professions in our life?

Is education or training necessary to be successful in life?

What are the three stages of education in Great Britain?

What is the age for compulsory secondary education?

What is the main difference between maintained and private schools?

Describe primary stage of school education in Great Britain.

Describe secondary education in Great Britain.

What have you learned about different types of secondary schools?

Name the three levels of schools at which most children receive their education from the age of 5 to 16.

How do they equate with the school system in your country?

Is higher education free for all Britain?

Do you think secondary education should be selective or comprehensive? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both systems?

What do you think are the advantages of school uniform? And the disadvantages?

Do you think that computers could replace teachers in schools? Why?

Do you think that some people play computer games too much and too often?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of computers?

How will they affect your life in the future?

Many British people believe that if you do nothing more than study at university, you will have wasted a great opportunity. What do they mean and do you agree?

How do British universities differ from universities in your country?

What do you like and dislike about the British system?

What are the main objects of the Russian higher education system?

What do Russian institutions of higher education include?

Do you like school?

In what subjects are you doing well?

How many friends do you have among your classmates?

What grades do they get in most subjects?

What out-of-class activities do you or your friends take part in?

Is it possible to learn English on your own, without a class or a teacher? Give your arguments.

Unit 6. Britain in the world.

How much English do you see in our country?

Do you think there will be an increase in the quantity of the English spoken in our country in the next few years?

Can you think of any reasons for this?

Can you name any words from English that have entered Russian language?

What is English to you?

How much has English influenced your thinking and your culture?

Is it possible to learn English language without learning culture of English-speaking nations?

Where do the British Isles lie?

What islands are they made up of?

What is the total area of the British Isles?

What are the British Isles separated by?

What factor was very important in the early development of Britain?

Is the climate of the British Isles severe or mild?

Why do the British often grumble about the weather?

Where can the higher lands be found in Britain?

What is the highest mountain? Where is it?

What are the chief rivers?

What is the largest lake in Britain and where is it situated?

What are the main cities in Great Britain?

What is the capital of Great Britain? Where is it situated?

Where is the UK situated?

What parts does the UK consist of?

What country is Great Britain?

What are the largest cities of Great Britain?

What does the climate of the country depend on?

What are the British Isles surrounded by?

What makes the climate warmer?

What brings mild weather?

What is Britain well known for?

How large is London?

Can you name any ancient buildings that London boards?

What ceremony can tourists see at the Buckingham Palace?

What is the City in London? Why is the City one of the major banking centers of the world?

What is Piccadilly Circus?

What would you like to see in London?

How can you entertain yourself coming to the West End?

What was the Tower of London in ancient times? What was kept there? What is the Tower of London today?

Why are the ravens cased so carefully in the Tower?

What traditions have been kept since reign of Henry VIII?

How many people live in the City?

How many people are there in the city on the week days?

What are the ’’rush hours’’ for the City?

What is the Buckingham palace today?

How long has it served that function?

Where are the private apartments of the royal family?

How many people work there?

What visitors are received there by Queen?

What is the highlight of royal entertainment?

Данные вопросы также могут быть использованы для сочинений (классных и домашних), для развития речевых навыков диалогической и монологической речи, для проведения речевых зарядок (brainstorms) по теме в начале урока, для самостоятельной драматизации учащимися ситуативных диалогов (диалог-побуждение к действию). Будем очень рады, если кто-то захочет и сможет воспользоваться нашими разработками при подготовке и проведении различных видов уроков.