Цель: введение новой лексики по теме и ее актуализация на уровне предложения.
-формировать лексические навыки говорения;
-развивать мыследеятельность через сравнение,
аналогии, синтез и анализ, умение обобщать и
делать выводы;
-развивать коммуникативность, воспитывать этику
отношений, развивать самоконтроль, приобщать к
культурным ценностям народа страны изучаемого
План урока:
1. Постановка темы.
2. Создание проблемной ситуации.
3. Введение лексики.
4. Закрепление лексики:
-аудирование, заполнение таблицы,
-создание портрета по описанию,
- создание своей записки по образцу.
5. Подведение итогов урока.
" WHAT ARE THEY LIKE?" (blackboard)
Dear children, we continue studying the topic " Describing a character". The question at the moment is WHAT ARE THEY LIKE.
By the way, there are certain rules and you must follow them. In Britain, for example, dark-skinned people are often called '' black'' (West Indians, Africans, and Asians).Such words as ‘‘coloured, negro are considered to be offensive. "White '' is used describing pale-skinned people. And you must never use ''yellow'' to light-brown-skinned people. But why do the English behave in such a way? One of their characteristic features is being reserved and tactful. Don't forget about this rule.
Look, the situation is-we've got a photo of a famous singer \ a picture of Bob Dylan is on the board\ You are a journalist which is going to meet him at the airport. Try to give Bob's description to your colleagues as you can't go there.
Here is a certain ALGORITHM how to describe a man. What shall we begin with? /дается время на обдумывание/
Right you are. We begin with our impression and then go to details. WHAT IS HE LIKE? –>
WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Did you answer the last question? Is your description enough to recognize the man?
Дети отвечают, что им не хватает словарного запаса для описания отдельных элементов, деталей внешности.
You see, you CAN describe a man using the words you've already known and expressing mostly your attitude, impression. Then we've faced the PROBLEM - how to give a detailed description as our vocabulary isn't rich enough.
Look at the blackboard. These words will enlarge your vocabulary and will help you to answer the question ''What do they like?''
Вся лексика вводится через наглядность, через антонимы-синонимы, через морфологию, через созвучие с русским вариантом, а там где это невозможно - через перевод.
Aren't you tired? Let's have a rest and look at the pictures on your desks. <Рисунок 1>. The matter is: Rosie is at the party talking to her friend Fiona about another guest Tariq. Listen and read. IS TARIQ AT THE PARTY?
После прослушивания диалога параллельно с чтением дети называют номер Тарика на картинке.
Now let's draw the table. Listen to the rest of the conversation and match the three names with their numbers.
names |
Tariq |
number |
Выполненное задание проверяется по ключу.
Now let's work in pairs. I want you to choose a person from the picture but don't tell us his number. Your partner will ask the questions and try to guess him \ her.
Контроль с фиксацией ошибок.
And at last, let's practice the words in this way: you are divided into two groups and get a portrait of a space-guest. Listen to my description and add the details. Make them look like human - beings.
Дается описание внешности с использованием новых слов для каждой группы свое.
Great artists! We’ve got a nice couple!
Now, you see we CAN describe a person’s appearance in details following the algorithm. READ THE NOTES AND MAKE YOUR OWN ONES.
I would like to meet you at 6 o'clock this evening at the park gates.You should put a green hat on and have an umbrella.
You'll recognize me as handsome, cheerful, skinny, rather graceful with grey smooth hair in a tail. My nose is turned up, and my eyes are round and very expressive. I've got a dimple on my chin but it's hidden under red thick beard.
Если позволяет время, некоторые работы можно зачитать.
Your home task is to put down the words into the dictionaries and describe any person in details.
Let's summarize the results: you've known the new words, trained them in your dialogues and descriptions. And, finally, solved the problem - you can describe a person in details.
Thanks to everybody!
NAMES | Tariq | Sue | Tony | Mike |
NUMBER | 2 | 7 | 9 | 3 |
Fiona: Hi, Rosie!
Rosie: Hello, Fiona!
F: Come in. Everyone is in the garden.
R: Look, is Tariq here?
F: Tariq? What does he look like?
R: You know him. He is tall; he's got short, straight black hair,
close-cropped. He's got a moustache and glasses and he's slender.
F: Oh, yes! Tariq's here and so’s his girlfriend.
R: You mean Sue? She's got long smooth brown hair and she's quite short,
but not stout.
F: That's right. But I'd like you to meet someone special.
R: Who?
F: My new boyfriend. That man over there with red hair and a moustache.
R: Mmm... Has he got a beard too?
F: No, he's got glasses and he's rather slim.
R: I see... What's his name?
F: Tony. And he's very handsome, I guess.
R: Oh, look!
F: What's the matter?
R: There's a doctor from the hospital here. I don't know his name. He's
short with straight light hair and a strange little beard. His nose is straight and he's a
little bit bulky.
F: That one is my brother Mike.
I would like to meet you at 6 o'clock this evening at the park gates. You should put a green hat on and have an umbrella.
You'll recognize me as handsome, cheerful, skinny, rather graceful guy with grey smooth hair in a tail. My nose is turned up; my eyes are round and very expressive. I've got a dimple on my chin but it's hidden under red thick beard.