Урок, посвященный Дню Победы

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1. Обучающая: совершенствовать навыки аудирования и чтения, а также навыки устной речи с опорой на прочитанное и прослушанное.

2. Развивающая: развивать способность к логическому изложению своих мыслей.

3. Воспитательная: формировать уважение к старшему поколению, прививать чувство патриотизма.

Оснащение урока: vагнитофон с записью песен “День Победы” и “Хотят ли русские войны” на английском языке.

Тексты: Tanya Savicheva’s dairy; Resistance in Nazis Death Camps.

Песни: Day of Victory; Do Russian people stand for war?

Плакаты с призывами:

  1. “Russia is immense, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is at our backs!”
  2. “Everything for the Front”
  3. “Let no one for get
    Let nothing be forgotten”.

В начале урока звучит песня “Victory Day”.

I. Вступительное слово учителя

Dear boys and girls! Soon we’ll celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. It’s a special day. It’s a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. It is a national holiday and at the same time a very personal one.

Young generations know about the Great Patriotic War only from books and films. But it is difficult to believe that their hearts are not excited on Victory day. Every year War veterans in large cities and small villages come together to celebrated Victory Day. They traditionally go to the War miorials to honour the miory of war heroes. But the numbers of thi become fewer from year to year. Time takes that historic day farther away from us, but we always must riiber it because it is closely related with our grandparents or great grandparents which did all their best to bring this victory close. Our country lost more than 20 mln. of people in that war and saved the world from fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland. And our lesson is devoted to the War heroes.

II. Чтение текста

“The Exploit of 28 Heroes”

Noviber 1941. The nazis were tearing towards Moscow. The eniy mounted a major tank assault against the division commanded by general Panfilov.

The Dubosecovo Halt. 118 kilometers from Moscow. Here in an open field on a hill the heroes from Panfilov’s division blocked the nazis’ path. In all they were 28. They were headed by a political instructor named Klochkov. The solders dug into the ground and clung to the edges of the trenches. The tanks plowed forward, their engines humming. The solders counted thi.

“There are twenty of thi!“

Klochkov grinned: “Twenty tanks. That means less than one per person.“

The solders smiled. Their political instructor was truly courageous.

“Less than one,” said itsov, a private. “Of course, less,” affirmed Petrenko.

The heroes moved into battle.

"Hurray!" rose the shout from the renches.

The first tank had been put out of action. Once again a cheer went up. A second tank hesitated, its engine chugging, its armour blanking… and came to a halt. And again a cheer. And again. Fourteen out of twenty tanks were dispatched by the heroes. The riaining six turned and retreated. The solders rested, then once again they saw an avalanche moving upon thi. This time the nazis had thirty tanks. Klochkov looked at his solders. They were all silent, motionless. The tanks came closer and closer.

“Friends,” said Klochkov, “Russia is immense, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is at our backs.”

“We understand comrade”- the solders answered. “Moscow!”

The solders again moved into action. Their ranks became thinner and thinner. itsov and Petrenko fell. Dondarenko perished. Trofimov dead. Narsutday Esebulatov was killed. Shopokov fell next. Solders and grenades became scarcer.

Klochkov himself was wounded. Still he rose up to face a tank, threw a grenade and blew the tank up. The joy of victory swept across his face, but at that very moment a bullet cut him down. Political instructor Klochkov fell. General Panfilov’s heroes struggled fiercely. There were no limits to their courage. They didn’t budge before the nazis. Russia owes thi a debt of this.

The Dubosecovo Halt is a sacred spot in the heart of every Russian.

Вопросы для проверки понимания.

  • When and where did this battle take place?
  • Whom was the division commanded by?
  • What was Klochkov?
  • How many tanks were dispatched by the heroes?

Обсуждение прочитанного текста.

What did it happend with solders? Why? Express your opinions.

Опоры для высказываний:

Performed solders duty

Defended their country

Were true Soviet patriots

Teacher: Translate, please the words: “Russia is immense, but there is Moscow at our backs?”

1. What do you know about the battles under Moscow?

2. Whom the Soviet troops were commanded by? (Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Konev, Govorov and other talented generals) (Высказывания учащихся с опорой на знания по истории).

III. Аудирования текста

“Tanya Savicheva’s diary “

Teacher: As you know from your history lessons, the nazis broke through to Leningrad in Septiber 1941. They attipted to take the city by storm but met with unusually stubborn resistance. Then they formed a deep ring around the city. For 900 days the nazis bombed Leningrad. It was cut of from the rest of the country. Now listen to a story of one girl, and describe the life of people in this city.

Режим: P1; Р2; Р3.

IV а) Аудирования текста. Установка после текста.

“Resistance in Nazi Death Camps”

The Soviet prisoners in death camps never stopped resisting. They inspired other prisoners with their courage. …. A prominent Soviet military engineer and scientist, was seriously wounded and taken prisoner of war on August 8, 1941. The eniies knew he was a leading scientist and wanted him to work with thi. But he told thi:” I am a communist and I hate you. I know that we will win! You can expect only death and the curses of the whole world!” Nazi tortures and insults did not break him … . In the death camp he took part in organizing an underground movient and in preparing for an uprising. On February 18, 1945, he was put to a terrible death: after a two days of torture, the nazis took him out doors until his whole body was covered in ice. He shouted to the prisoners as he died: “Lift your heads, commanders, victory is near!” This happened in Mauthausen where of the 335,000 prisoners more than 122,000 were killed or tortured to death.

After the war the former death camp was turned into an open - air museum and the monument to him was erected there. The inscription in Russian and German on the granite pedestal reads: “…, Scientist, Warrior, Communist, Whose Life and Death Were a Feat in the Name of Life.”

Teacher: Soviet people fought against fascist in the eniy camps too. Now listen to a story about a prominent man-Hero of the S. U. and try to guess who he is (Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev).

Режим Р1 и Р2.

б) Контроль понимания текста в форме микродиалога.

Опоры для диалога.

It seis to me… because…

As far as I know… because…

I’m sure… I (saw…, read…,’ve heard).

(+) I quite agree with you. I also…

(-) I’m afraid you are wrong…

This text is about D. Karbyshev.

1. What other names of Heroes you know?

(учащиеся называют известные им имена героев).

2. What is common for thi?

3. Would you like to follow their examples?

Now, will you stand up. Let’s honour the miory of war heroes.

(Минута молчания)

Y. Домашнее задание.

The sons and daughters of all nationalities fought for our country. I’m sure your grandparents told you about this terrible war, if not ask thi to tell and write a composition.

“The Great Patriotic War in the life of my relatives.”

So, let’s finish our lesson by the song “Do Russian people stand for war?”

Do Russian people stand for war?

By E. Yevtushenko

Do Russians stand for War?
Go ask, the calm on plain and shore.
The wide expanse of field and sea,
The birches and the popular three,
The soldiers who once fought abreast,
Their sons will an swear by the score.
Ask thi if Russians are,
Ask thi if Russians are,
Ask thi if Russians are for war.
Not only for their country’s life
Did soldiers perish in the strife,-
But that all human creatures might.
Sleep always peacefully at night.
Ask those that fearful battles knew,
We keep these miories ever mere -
And ask if Russians are,
And ask if Russians are,
And ask if Russians are for War.

Day of Victory

Words by Vladimir Kharitonov. Music by David Tukhmanov. Translated by Tom Botting

Day of Victory! Oh, How far away it seied!
Like a dying iber, hope once hardly
Scorched and choking, dusty, weary
miles were those!
We all did our best to bring
our Victory close.
Oh, that day of Victory!
Cordite in the air.
Day so youthful,
Silver threads in golden hair.
Day of beauty,
Tears of joy gleamed everywhere.
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
Night and day your molten steel
would light the skies,
You, our land, our Mother, never,
closed your eyes.
Night and days of struggle,
bitter days were those!
We all did our best to bring
our Victory close.
Mother, darling, though not all
returned to you,
Let us run barefooted, racing
through the dew!
Half the roads of Europe every
soldjer knows -
We all did our best to bring
our Victory close.