"Ненецкий Автономный округ. Нарьян-Мар"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:


1) провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической, аудировании;
2) уметь логически строить высказывание;
3) активизировать известную учащимся лексику по теме “Cities and countries”;
4) закреплять знания учащихся по истории города и родного края.


1) развивать мышление, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;
2) повышать удельный вес самостоятельной работы в школе и дома;


1) развивать чувство гордости за свой город, чувство дружбы;
2) воспитывать положительное отношение к жизни и культуре людей, живущих в Ненецком Автономном округе.

Оснащение урока:
открытки или цветные иллюстрации с видами Нарьян-Мара, историческое лото.

План урокa.

I этап

Т: Good afternoon, boys and girls!
    Take your seats, please.
    Today we shall continue to speak about our town and remember some facts about the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. We`ll listen to the text about the history of our town and speak on this topic. Let`s remember what we know about Naryan-Mar. Let`s start.
    On the blackboard you can see some small topics and key words. Use them, and say a few words on each of these themes.
(примерные ответы учащихся, на доске даны ключевые слова)

Administrative centre

was founded, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, mean, to be situated, population.
P1: Naryan-Mar is the administrative centre of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It was founded in 1935. Till that time the administrative center was Telviska. This title means “the red town”. Narya-Mar is situated on the banks of the Pechora. The population of the town is 18.7 thousand people.
T: Good. What can you say about Naryan-Mar as a political centre?

Political power

Seat of the Administration, the Assembly of Deputies, executive power, legislative power,stable.
P2: Naryan-Mar is the seat of the Administration of the Okrug and the Assembly of Deputies. The executive power belongs to Administration and legislative power is performed by the Assembly of Deputies. The political situation in Okrug is stable.
T: Good. Let`s speak about Naryan-Mar as an industrial centre.

Industrial centre

Different branches of industry, enterprises, consumer goods, foodstuffs, plants, special workshops, agriculture.
P2: We can say that different branches of industry are developing in Naryan-Mar. Okrug has quite a few enterprises putting out consumer goods and foodstuffs. The oldest local timber plant doesn`t work now. The most well-known are meat-processing plant, fish- processing plant, milk- processing plant. The special workshop produces national articles and high boots from reindeer skins. Okrug`s agriculture specializes mostly in dairy farming, reindeer and fur-animal (polar foxes) breeding.
T: Nice. Who wants to tell us about the places of interest in the town?

Cultural centre

Museum of Local Lore, treasures, Pustozersk Musenm, reseach, inhabitants, Ethno- cultural centre.
P4: There are not so many places of interest in Naryan-Mar. But the most interesting of them is the Museum of Local Lore, where we can find a lot of historic and artistic treasures of the Okrug. There is one more museum: the Pustozersk Museum. This museum does reseach work, gather articles, documents about this old town and its inhabitants. There is no theatre in Naryan-Mar, but we have the opportunity to meet famous actors, singers and musicians not only in our area`s philharmonic, but in the House of Culture and in squares of the town. A special Ethno-cultural centre works at revival of national culture and trades.
T: Let`s speak about education.

Education in the Okrug

Secondary school, vocational training school.
P5: Naryan-Mar is also a centre of education and culture centre in the North. It has general secondary schools, vocational training schools and a pedagogical college. There is a boading school for children from remote villages in the Okrug.
T: Nice. The next topic is about transport.


Railway, air transport, to operate, motorway
P6: As for the transport, there is no railway in the Okrug. Air trasport is very important for the Okrug. The seaport operates from July to November. Motorway existsonly in winter, it connects Narya-Mar and Ussinsk.

II этап

T: The last point is the sights of Naryan-Mar. Let`s make excursion around it.
( идут слайды с видами Нарьян-Мара и учащиеся комментируют их. Ответы учащихся)
P1: This is Lenin Square. It`s the centre of the town. Right opposite this building there is a monument to V.I. Lenin.
P2: This is the Victory Monument with the eternal flame burning at its foot. It commemorates the people who fell in battles during the Great Patriotic War.
P3: This is the House of Culture. This is the building where many festivals and concerts are held.


P4: This is the building of the Administration of our Okrug and the Post-office. The building of Post-office dating back to 50th is very original. It was designed by Kibirev.

P5: This is Smidovich street, the central street of the town.

III этап

T: Thank you very much. I think that our guests have got a lot of information, but we haven`t told them about the history. Listen to the text and follow the course of history. After listening you will try to point out the main periods of the history of Naryan-Mar and ask questions on the topic.

From the history of Naryan-Mar.

    Since 11th century Pustozersk has been the centre of great Pechorsky territory. But by the end of the century the fame of the town had subsided. It needed a new port centre in the Lower Pechora. The forest riches of the Pechorsky territory attracted foreign capitalists. The examples of wood things were exhibited in London and were highly appreciated. Many ships loaded up with timber left to foreign countries.
    In 1903 the Swedish Company "Stella Polare" built a saw-mill at that place. After the October revolution it was burnt. In 1927 the saw-mill was restored by people from Archangelsk and other cities. In 1930 the biggest construction of the town began in the Lower Pechora. It was called Beloshelye at that time. This place was good for ships landing.
    The first buildings were a house which had 8 flats, a hostel, a hospital and a post-office. In 1931 Beloshelye was renamed in the settlement of Naryan-Mar. It included Nosovo ( the settlement of Kachgort now), Karmanovo ( Gorodetsky ), Yokusha, Kalyush and the territory of timber plant.
    On the 10th of March in 1935 the settlement was finally named in the town of Naryan-Mar. By that time some plants and trade enterprises had developed. Among them are a timber plant, a fish plant and some nenets organizations. The seaport exported timber. There were some educational institutions such as teacher`s training school, timber plant school and others.
    In the thirties the airport organized flights to different parts of the Okrug. The House of Culture had been built by that time. In 1937 an amateur drama theatre was opened.
    In the beginning of the fifties the full construction of the town began. A lot of schools, kindergartens, large blocks of flats and the central library were built at that time.
    In 1968 the settlement of Iskately appeared near the town. It was the settlement of geologists. The first buses ran along the streets of our town in 1955.
    In 2000 we celebrated the 65th anniversary of Naryan-Mar.
(текст прослушивается дважды, раздается лото: даты- события)

T: Now you will work in pairs. You should match the dates and the corresponding events. I will give you 2 minutes. Let`s check your answers.


11century - Pustozersk is the centre.
1903 - the Swedish company built a saw-mill.
1927 - the saw-mill restored
1930 - the construction of the town
1931 - the settlement of Naryan-Mar
1935 - the settlement became a town
the thirties- the airport organized flights
the fifties- the full construction of the town
1968 - the settlement of Iskately
2000 - the 65th anniversary of Naryan-Mar

T: Now answer my questions. When did the Swedish company build a saw-mill?
P1: It was in 1903.
T: Right you are. When was the saw-mill restored?
P2: In 1927 The saw-mill was restored.
T: Good. When was the Beloshelye renamed in the settlement of Naryan-Mar?
P3: In 1931 Beloshelye was renamed in the settlement of Naryan-Mar.
T: Right. When was the settlement finally renamed in the town of Naryan-Mar?
P4: It was on the 10th of March in 1935.
T: Well, When did the airport organize flights to different parts our Okrug?
P5: In the thirties the airport organized flights to different parts of our Okrug.
T: Very good. When was the amateur theatre opened?
P6: The amateur theatre was opened in 1937.
T: When did the full construction of the town begin?
P7: In the beginning of the fifties the full construction of the town began.
T: O`K. When did the settlement of Iskately appear?
P8: The settlement of Iskately appeared in 1968.
T: Nice. When did the first buses run along the streets of the town?
P9: The first buses ran along the streets in 1955.
T: When did we celebrate the 65th anniversary of Naryan-Mar?
P10: In 2000 we celebrated the 65th anniversary of Naryan-Mar.

T: That was excellent. Now you are to guess the Quiz

"What do you know about the Nenets Autonomous Okrug?

T: When was the Okrug founded?
P1: It was founded in 1929.
T: When was the town founded?
P2: The town was founded in 1935.
T: What does the word “nenets” mean in translation into Russian?
P3: The word “nenets” means “areal man” in translation into Russian.
T: Where is the NAO situated?
P4: It is situated in the North of Russia.
T: What is the area of the Okrug?
P5: It has an area of 176.000sq. km.
T: What is the population of the Okrug?
P6: Its population is about 48.5 thousand people.
T: What nationalities are there in the NAO?
P7: There are representatives of 75 nationalities in it. The Russian, the Komi, the nenets make majority of population.
T: How many municipal formations does it consist of?
P8: The territory of the Okrug is divided into 19 municipal formations.
T: What primary party organizations and movements do exist in it?
P9: They the Communist Party, the Liberal-Democratic, “Our home is Russia”,   “Otechestvo”.
T: What tundras does it stretch along?
P10: Our Okrug stretches along the Big Land, the Little Land, Kanin-Timan tundras.
T: What are the islands near the Okrug?
P11: They are Vajgach and Kolguev.
T: What are the main occupations of the Nenets and farmers in the settlements of the Okrug?
P12: Fishing, hunting and reindeer-breeding are the leading occupations.
T: Are there mountains in this place?
P13: There are mountain ranges in the extreme North of the Mainland: Pai-Khoi, Timan Ridge, Kanin Kamen.
T: What natural resources are there in the NAO?
P14: There are large oil and gas deposits and a great deal of other mineral resources.
T: What is the largest river of our Оkrug?
P15: The largest river is Pechora.
T: What kinds of fish are there in the north seas?
P16: There are different kinds of fish: white fish, pike, salmon, perch and others.

T: Thank you very much. You have worked well today. Let`s remember what we have done at today`s lesson.
( учащиеся подводят итог)
T: Your home task for the next lesson is: you are to prepare a composition about the place where you live. Your marks for the lesson are…
Take care. Good-bye.


1. Козицина О.Ю. The Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
-Ненецкий окружной ИУУ - Нарьян-Мар, 2001.

2. Коровина Г. Е. The Nenets Autonomous Area. -
Нарьян-Мар, 1997.


3. Альбуханов А.И. Ковязин Н.М. Ненецкий Автономный Округ

Архангельск. - Северо-Западное книжное издательство. - 1977-