Урок-игра: "Кто хочет стать миллионером?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оснащение игры: доска, магнитофон, магнитная доска, таблицы поэтапного перехода, афиша - постеры компании, обеспечивающих проведение игры, “Компьютерное обеспечение”, “звонок” другу - система "Beeline GSM" - спонсор программы, материальное обеспечение - банк “Альфа банка”, “Орбит” - фирма, дарящая игрокам подарки, настольные указатели суммы денег, подставка для ведущего, наглядность, карточки “Альфа банк”.

Участники игры: учащиеся 9-11 классов, изучающие английский язык, аудиторию представляют учащиеся школы - старшеклассники, звонки другу осуществляются по мобильным телефонам или по аппарату.

Продолжительность урока-игры: 45 мин.

Ход урока-игры

Начало игры

Ведущий (учитель) приветствует участников и болельщиков с началом игры “Кто хочет стать миллионером” и рассказывает условия игры. Таблица с указанием сумм зарабатываемых денег располагается в студии (аудитории), висит на доске плакат с 3-мя подсказками, плакат с условиями отборочного тура. Количество отборочного тура зависит от качества игры участников. В конце игры дается гонг-сигнал об окончании игры. Рекламные паузы заполняются самим ведущим-рекламой фирм, обеспечивающим информационное обеспечение и материальное проведение игры. Можно заполнить паузы исполнением песен на английском языке, стихами.

Проведение игры

Put the words in the correct alphabetical order. Who is quicker?

Potatoes dollar English London book spring -window

Cats pound Russian Moscow pen autumn door

Dogs ruble Welsh Elista cat winter black board

Oranges mark German Volgograd dog summer chair

Кто первый расположил слова правильно в алфавитном порядке, тот становится участником.

Вопросы игры (с указателями стоимости вопроса)

100 rub.

1. Emily Dickenson is an...

a) English

b) American

c) African

d) A Russian poet

(An American poet)

2. Halloween is on the...

a) 30th of October

b) 31st of October

c) 29"'of October

d) 28th of October

(31st of October)

3. Blackboard is....

a) Yellow

b} Blue

c) Brown

d) Green


4. Deciber is in.

a) spring

b) summer

c) autumn

d) winter


200 rub.

1. The name of a girl is ...

a) Tom

b) Sam

c) Ann

d) Bob


2. A pet is....

a) a cow

b) a pig

c) a dog

d) a horse

(a dog)

3. Cookery book is about...

a) Food

b) Monsters

c) Lands

d) Mazes


4. Potatoes are from....

a) Canada

b) Africa

c) America

d) Great Britain


300 rub.

1. Pushkin is a...

a) German

b) American

c) English

d) Russian -writer


2. Who is the Queen of the UK now?

a) Elizabeth I

b) Elizabeth II

c) Elizabeth III

d) Elizabeth IV

(Elizabeth II)

500 rub.

1 When is the Day of Independence of the Russian Federation?

a) On the 10th of June

b) On the 12th of June

c) On the 1 Ith of June

d) On the 13th of June

(On the 12th of June)

2 When is the Constitution Day in the Russian Federation?

a) On the 10th of Deciber

b) On the 11th of Deciber

c) On the 12th of Deciber

d) On the 13th of Deciber

(On the 12th of Deciber)

3 Where does the President of the USA live and work?

a) In Congress

b) In the White House

c) In the Green House

d) In the Pentagon

(In the White House)

4. Who is the leader of the Communist Party in Russia now?

a) Nitzov

b) Zuganov

c) Grizlov

d) Yavlinskiy


1000 rub.

1. A man in Great Britain is called a ...

a) moseur

b) Herr

c) gentlian

d) senior


2. In which city is Hollywood situated?

a) New York

b) San Francisco

c) Los Angeles

d) Washington

(Los Angeles)

3.Who was the 1st President of the USA?

a) George Washington

b) Abraham Lincoln

c) Ulysses Grant

d) Bill Clinton

(George Washington)

4. Which is the biggest State in the USA?

a) Texas

b) California

c) Alaska

d) Philadelphia


2000 rub.

1.Who founded Moscow?

a) Juri Dolgoruky

b) Basilius Blazhenf

c) Peter the Great

d) Rurik

(Juri Doldoruky)

2.What is the name of the money in Russia?

a) pesos

b) dollars

c) euro

d) rubles


3. How many children does V. V.Putin have?

a) I

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4


4. What party has a majority of votes in the USA now? What party rules in the USA now?

a) Diocratic

b) Republicans

c) Liberal

d) Communist


4000 rub.

1.Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain now?

a) Margaret Thatcher

b) Tony Blair

c) John Major

d) Robin Cook

(Tony Blair)

2. What is the ibli of England?

a) The -white rose

b) The red rose

c) The tulip

d) The shamrock

(The red rose)

3. Where is London situated?

a) on the Volga

b) on the Thames

c) on the Severn

d) on the Cam

(On the Thames)

4. Who is the Head of the Russian government?

a) Ivanov

b) Kudrin

c) Fradkov

d) Greff


8000 rub..

1.What period are the mibers of the House of Commons elected for?

a) 3 years

b) 4 years

c) 5 years

d) 6 years

(4 years)

2.What were the "Beatles"?

a) Speakers

b) Writers

c) Pop singers

d) Politicians

(Pop singers)

3. Who is in the Head of the government of Great Britain?

a) The Prime Minister

b) The President

c) The Queen

d) The King

(The Prime Minister)

4.When did Princess Elizabeth come to the throne?

a) 1950

b) 1952

c) 1953

d) 1954


32000 rub.

1.Who has become the Nobel Prize winner in the 2001 year from Russia?

a) Georg Artiov

b) Jores Alferov

c) Jack Smirnov

d) Jane Alexeev

(Jores Alferov)

2. Where was the most horrible tragedy of the year? (in 2000)

a) in the Barenz Sea

b) in the Okhotsk Sea

c) in the Black Sea

d) in the Asov Sea

( in the Barenz Sea)

3. What is described on the 100 rubles banknote?

a) the Pushkin Square

b) the Mayakovskiy Square

c) the Red Square

d) the Komsomolskaya Square

(the Red Square)

4. Who is described on the 1-dollar banknote?

a) Franklin

b) Washington

c) Grant

d) Lincoln


64000 rub.

1.How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

(4 parts)

2. William Shakespeare is a...,

a) Scottish

b) English

c) Irish

d) Welsh -writer

(an English writer)

3. Coffee is from...

a) China

b) India

c) Arabia

d) South America


4. Oscar Wilde is a....

a) English

b) Scottish

c) Irish

d) Welsh writer

(an Irish writer)

125000 rub.

1. "The Secrets of Treasure Islands" is the name of the ..........

a) British TV programmer

b) Indian programmer

c) American programmer

d) Italian programmer

(British programmer)

2. People go to picnics. They have usually meals. What do they eat during picnics?

a) Pears, beans

b) Cucumbers, tomatoes

3. Fish and chips are from...

a) Great Britain

b) Italy

c) France

d) Russia

(Great Britain)

4. Who played the drums, the bugle, the trumpet simultaneously? His music of Black Americans has become the music of all Americans.

a) Ernst Hiingway

b) Mark Twain

c) Louis Armb

(Louis Armb)

250000 rub.

1. Who was the 1st Englishman in Russia?

a) Captain Cook

b) Richard Chancellor

c) Francis Drake

d) King John

(Richard Chancellor)

2. Who was the Tsar of Russia in 15 53?

a) Iwan IV

b) Catherine the Great

c) Peter I

d) Pavell

(Iwan IV)

3. Who painted "The Marriage Contract "?

a) Constable

b) Turner

c) Hogarth

d) Brullov


4. He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor. Who is this?

a) Shakespeare

b) Chaplin

c) Doyle

d) Stevenson


500000 rub.

1. What is the longest river on the planet?

a) The Nile

b) The Mississippi

c) The A mason

d) The Volga

(The Nile)

2. Which is the smallest country in the world?

a) Vatican City

b) Monaco

c) San Marino

d) Luxiburg

(Vatican City)

3. What is the time difference between New York and Rio de Janeiro?

a) 1 hour

b) 2 hours

c) 3 hours

d) 4 hours

(2 hours)

4. Who wrote the book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit"?

a) J.Swift

b) B. Potter

c) Stevenson

d) Carroll

(B. Potter)

1000000 rub.

1. Which planet is nearer to the Sun?

a) The Earth

b) Mars

c) Venus

d) Mercury


2. Which is the highest mountain on the planet?

a) Everest

b) Elbrus

c) Kilimanjaro

d) Mont Blanc


3. Who wrote the book " The Winnie Pooh"?

a) B. Potter

b) A. Milner

c) Stevenson

d) Carroll


4. What is the time difference between London and Pretoria?

a) 1 hour

b) 2 hours

c) 3 hours

d) 4 hours

(2 hours)