Герои Шекспира на экране и в жизни

Разделы: Литература, Иностранные языки

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с шедевром мировой литературы – пьесой У.Шекспира “Ромео и Джульетта”. Обсудить популярность и актуальность пьесы в наше время.


  • практиковать учащихся в чтении, аудировании, письме и устной речи на материале пьесы;
  • научить сравнивать языки 16-го века и современный английский;
  • научить анализировать игру актеров (профессионалов и любителей);
  • научить высказывать свое мнение.


I. Вступительная беседа.

– Good morning, my dear friends. I’m glad to meet our dear guests at the lesson devoted to the immortal play by W. Shakespeare “Romeo & Juliet”. The topic of our meeting today is “Roles to die for”. We are going to do much reading, listening, writing and speaking today. We shall compare Shakespeare’s language of the 16th century with modern English. We’ll analyze the actors’ playing in some screen versions of this wonderful play, and some of you will have a chance to play these great parts yourselves. You’ll exchange your opinions about the screen versions of the play and compare the play with real life.

II. Работа с лексикой.

– Before we begin we are going to do some vocabulary exercises to revise vocabulary and to make your work easier.
First look at the blackboard, read the archaic forms of some words that you have met in the play and give their modern equivalents:

Hath – has
Ye – you
Knaves – dishonest men
Sirrah – fellow
Nay – no
Doth – does
Yonder – over there
O’er – ever
Hither – here
Choler – anger
Withal – with
Anon – soon
Ne’er – never

– Was it difficult for you to read the original text of Shakespeare?


– Is the language of the 16th century very difficult to understand? Is it much different from modern English?


– We shall compare these two English languages more carefully today.

III. Чтение. Сравнение речевых стилей XVI-го и XXI-го веков.

– Look through the scene in ex. 1 once more and find the exchange between Romeo and Juliet which has the similar meaning with the lines in ex. 2 at page 4.


  1. “Pilgrims use their lips for praying, not kissing.”
  2. “If I were a statue of a saint you were praying to, I might just grant your prayer although I’d remain motionless. I won’t kiss you, but yes, you can kiss me.”
  3. (probably amused, but cautious, teases him) “There’s nothing wrong with your hand, and holding hands while we dance is quite legitimate, but you’re being a little bold in wanting to kiss me. If you’re really a pilgrim, you should greet me only with your hand, as “palmers’ do.”
  4. “You don’t really need all this artificial argumentation to justify kissing me, you know. Let’s go serious.”
  5. (thrilled and amused at the same time) “So you claim to have got ridden of your sin by kissing my lips. Now I’ve got the sin. What are you going to do about that?”


  1. “You want me to kiss you again? Great!” (Kisses her again.)
  2. “Fine, so I’m praying to you to let me kiss you. If my prayer isn’t answered I may lose my religious faith.”
  3. (holding her hand as they dance) “You are like a shrine enclosing a holy relic, and I would be unforgivably uncouth to touch it with my unworthy hand except that I am really to “kiss away” the damage I have done. (In other words: I love holding your hand, may I kiss it?)”
  4. “Stand still while I kiss you. (He kisses her lips.) Just as a pilgrim might kiss the statue of a saint in hopes of receiving forgiveness for sins, so your acceptance of my kiss undoes any sin I committed by holding your hand.”
  5. “Hey, even holy pilgrims are human; they’ve got lips. Please let me kiss you.”

<3.Ключ 1>

– Then reread the dialogue between Romeo and Juliet, using these rewordings in the correct order. Consult Shakespeare's text if necessary.
Compare the reworded dialogue between Romeo and Juliet with the authentic one and say which of them is more understandable and why. Which of them sounds more beautiful and romantic and why? Which one do you personally prefer and why?


IV. Тест на знание персонажей.

– We are going to discuss this wonderful play but can we do it without knowing who is who in it?
So let’s check up if we remember the main characters. Look at ex. 4, page 5 and do the test, please. You have just a minute.


    1. Escalus
    2. Paris
    3. Montague
    4. Capulet
    5. Romeo
    6. Mercutio
    7. Benvolio
    8. Tybalt
    9. Friar Laurence
    10. Balthasar
    11. Lady Montague
    12. Juliet
    13. Nurse to Juliet
    14. Lady Capulet

Who and what they are:

    1. a young nobleman
    2. a son of Montague
    3. a wife to Montague
    4. a daughter to Capulet
    5. a wife to Capulet
    6. a nephew to Lady Capulet
    7. heads of two houses who hated each other
    8. a kinsman to the prince
    9. a friend to Romeo
    10. a servant to Romeo
    11. a monk
    12. a Franciscan
    13. Prince of Verona
    14. Juliet’s foster mother


V. Пересказ содержания текста.

– Your home task was to read Scene 5 from Act One. Has everybody done it? Well. Then have a look at ex.3, please. You’ll find some key words and phrases in the box. Using these key words and phrases say what happens in the scene and what each character does in it.

To see/notice somebody, to catch sight of somebody, to come into somebody’s view, to sit watching the dancers, to be stunned by somebody’s beauty, to feel that someone has fallen in love, to recognize somebody, to become angry, to prevent somebody from doing something, to protest, to approach somebody, to speak to somebody, for the first time, to interrupt with a message, to learn something, to leave the house.


VI. Чтение и письмо (домашняя подготовка).

– Imagine that one of the characters involved in Scene 5, Act One keeps a personal diary in which events of each day, his thoughts and feelings are recorded. Read the diary pages in ex. 5 and guess the character’s name. Give a characteristic of this personage (his age, characteristic features: polite/impolite, aggressive, vindictive/peaceful, clever/silly, etc.) as it is depicted in the diary. Does this diary give a true image of the play character from your point of view?


Lord Capulet has just announced a masque party! It's going to be the best party ever. All who are invited are going to be highly costumed and wearing masks. My mask is pretty neat, although costly. We will parade, through the streets at night, carrying torches and accompanied by music, until we arrive at the Capulet mansion where the party will be held. Then a great ball will follow. Lord and Lady Capulet have spent a lot of money on decorations, musicians, dancers, actors, and staging effects.Today a young nobleman named Paris asked Lord Capulet for my cousin Juliet's hand in marriage.


I am so angry! The party was going great, and I was having such a good time. That was until Romeo showed up. Haw dare he, a Montague, show at a Capulet party? I told Lord Capulet about him but he didn't' even care. Our sworn enemy was celebrating with us and nobody would do anything about it! I was so angry that I left. Just wait until I see Romeo again.

<6. P1>

– Imagine that you are either Romeo or Juliet who also keep a personal diary. Your home task was to record the events which took place in Scene 5, Act One, using the key words and phrases given in the box of ex. And any other words and phrases. Who is going to read his or her diary?

<6. P2>

<6. P3>

VII. Устная диалогическая речь.

– “Romeo and Juliet” has been filmed more than once. Study the information on early film versions based on Shakespeare’s play (ex.6) and prepare a minitalk about them for the “ Romeo + Juliet” Fan Club. You have three minutes to be ready with your dialogues.

Year Type and Duration Director Romeo and Juliet Country
1936 Black and White, 127min George Cukor Leslie Howard and Norma Shearer USA
1954 Colour 138 min Renato Castellani Lawrence Harvey and Susan Shentall UK
1966 Colour 124 min Ballet Paul Szinner
Music: Sergei Prokofiev
Choreography: Kenneth MacMillan
Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn UK




– What other film versions of “Romeo and Juliet” do you know?


VIII. Просмотр сюжетов из киноверсий пьесы.

– Now let’s watch some scenes from Zeffirelli’s and Luhrmann’s versions and try to characterize the similarity and differences between them.
As you can see the styles of these two versions are quite different. What is the difference between them?


– Which of the versions do you like more?




IX. Минитеатр.

– We also have some students in the group who prepared a theatrical performance and would like to show you their artistic skills. They are going to show you the scene of Romeo and Juliet’s first meeting (students dramatize a part of Scene 5 Act One (ex.7)).
All the rest are going to watch the scene very attentively and make comments on your classmates’ artistic skills in dramatizing. These questions can help you evaluate the presentation (ex.8):

  • Can the members of the group cope with Shakespeare’s text?
  • Can they dramatize it expressively?
  • Is their dramatizing artistic or boring?
  • Can they express the characters’ feelings and emotions?
  • Do they make good actors and what makes you think so?
  • Whom will you nominate as the best actor/actress?




X. Беседа по песне из киноверсии 1968 г.

– You remember that there is a wonderful song in Zeffirelli’s version of “Romeo and Juliet”, don’t you? The music is written by Nino Rota and the words are written by Eugene Walter. We shall read the words of this song and then listen to it, but first have a look at the vocabulary notes of ex. 9 and read them after me, please.

Vocabulary Notes.

Impetuous –  нетерпеливый;
To wag on – вращаться;
To fade – увядать;
To tease –  дразнить;
To tarry –  остаться;
Parry –  отражение, парирование;
To caper –  весело танцевать;
To hush – водворить тишину;
Gall –  желчь;
To pall – наскучить;

– Now read the lyrics of the song and answer the questions:

  • Which of the lines portray a young girl in love?


  • Which of them say that it is human love that rules the world?


  • Which of the lines describe love itself? Read these lines aloud.


What Is a Youth?

Music by Nino Rota, words by Eugene Walter.

What is a youth? Impetuous fire. Some they think only to marry,
What is a maid? Ice and desire. Others will tease and tarry.
The world wags on, Mine is the very best parry.
A rose will bloom… Cupid he rules us all.
It then will fade: Caper the cape, but sing me the song,
So does a youth, Death will come soon to hush us alone.
So does the fairest maid. Sweeter than honey… and bitter as gall,
Comes a time when one sweet smile Love is a task and it never will pall.
Has a season for a while… Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Then love’s in love with me. Cupid rules us all.

  • Why is the song entitled in such a way?


  • What is it about?


  • What do you feel when you read the words of this song?

<10.P6> <10.P7>

  • What is your impression of the music?


  • Does the music make the song sound more or less tragic?

<10.P9> <10.P10>

XI. Сообщение на тему: “XXI век – век Ромео и Джульетты?...”

– Now let’s have a look at the problem more generally. We have discussed some film versions shot by Shakespeare’s play. But are these problems still actual today? Can we say that Shakespeare’s heroes are among us nowadays? You were to think about it at home and now I’d like you to tell some words on the problem.


XII. Домашнее задание.

1) You have already watched the version of Luhrmann and of course have your own opinion about it. Imagine that you are Shakespeare who was brought to the end of the 20th century with the help of Time Machine and had an opportunity to see the modernized version of his play. Write a letter to the director of the film expressing your feelings, thoughts, emotions, advice and wishes as if you were the author of the play.

2) Imagine that you are either Lord Capulet or the Nurse who also keep a personal diary. Record the events which took place in Scene 5, Act One.

XIII. Итоги урока.

– So, our lesson is over. We have discussed the immortal Shakespeare’s play and some film versions of it, compared the languages and cinematography styles, shared opinions and acted as real actors and film critics. You have learned to make up stories using key words and phrases on the situation, express you opinion and give your evaluation to what you have seen. You have worked very well today and I can’t but give you good marks. Thank you very much for your work. See you next lesson. Good bye.

Приложение 1.

Приложение 2.