Праздники Британии и России

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: осмысление анализа и синтеза через языковые компетенции.

Воспитательные задачи урока:

  • воспитывать в учащихся уверенность в себе,
  • чувство коллектива,
  • воспитывать у учащихся чувство толерантности по отношению друг к другу, к представителям других национальностей, любознательность, чувство патриотизма.

Образовательные задачи:

  • практиковать учащихся в устной речи по теме и в обсуждении прочитанного текста;
  • совершенствовать умение чтения про себя с полным пониманием информации;
  • развивать навыки понимания иноязычной речи на слух;
  • практиковать учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи;
  • расширять лексический запас, общий и филологический кругозор, знания о стране изучаемого языка, обучать работе с ТСО.

Развивающие задачи:

  • развивать мыслительные операции анализ и синтез, обобщать полученные сведения;
  • языковую догадку, память, логическое мышление;
  • расширение языковых и речевых средств для решения коммуникативных задач;
  • развивать умения участвовать в коллективных формах общения.

Оснащение урока:

  1. компьютерный класс,
  2. файлы с музыкой к песням “Jingle Bells”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, “Auld Lang Syne” (приложение, 1, 2)
  3. файлы сайтов Интернет (приложение),
  4. раздаточный материал,
  5. символы-опоры на доске,
  6. карта и флаг Британии,

План урока

  1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока.
  2. Основной этап.
  1. Новый год в России. Проверка домашнего задания.
  2. Хогманей.
    А) Исполнение песни
    Б) Составление своего диалога. Инсценирование.
  3. St. Valentine’s Day.
    А) Аудирование
    Б) Написание пожелания
  4. Women’s Day. Устные высказывания.
  5. April Fool's Day. Пересказ прочитанного.
  6. St. George’ Day.
  7. Easter. Игры и загадки
  8. Victory Day.
    А) Чтение текста.
    Б) Изложение основного содержания текста с опорой на свои знания.
  9. Halloween.
  10. Christmas.
    А) Исполнение песни группой учащихся.
    Б) Ответы на вопросы учителя.
    В) Чтение текста с компьютера.
    Г) Тест на компьютере по прочитанному тексту.
  11. Boxing Day. Вопросы учащихся учителю.
  1. Заключительный этап.
  2. Рефлексия.


  1. Good morning everyone!
  2. We have been studying customs and traditions in Britain.

    What nationalities inhabit the country?

    What holidays do they celebrate?

    Are their customs and traditions the same as in Russia?

    Today we’ll discuss and compare the customs and holidays in both countries.

  3. We’ll remember the calendar of Russian and English holidays. You’ve got a sheet of paper, write Russian holidays as they come in turn.

Let’s imagine that today is the 1st of January – the New Year’s Day.

Who tells us about Russian New Year?

P.: From history we know that the tradition of celebrating the New Year's Day is a very old one and goes back to our pagan past. It represented an important event – the weakening of the Winter and the close coming of the Spring. As centuries passed, it changed its place in the calendar and was celebrated in spring, when the new agricultural year began. But Peter the Great ordered to celebrate it on the 1st of January decorating houses and rooms with evergreen plants (firs and pines) and making fireworks. The holiday is great fun for children; we enjoy decorating natural fur-trees with toys and getting presents on the day. It’s my favourite holiday.

T.: The English, the Scots, the Welsh also celebrate this holiday and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. Listen to the music and sing. (a group of students can sing it)

Does the New Year celebration in Britain differ from one in Russia?

P.: Yes, for the English and the Welsh it isn’t the greatest holiday of the year. People in England and Wales go to bed as usually while the Russians and the Scots prefer to see the old year out and the New Year in during the whole night.

T.: You are absolutely right. Do you remember how the Scotts call the holiday?

P.: It’s Hogmanay. As in Russia the Scots begin celebrating on the 31st of December, but they have their own tradition. They believe that the first person to come in on the New Year’s Day must bring luck to the family, if he is a dark-haired man.

T.: Let’s act the dialogue “The First Footer’s visit”

P.1: -Knock –knock! Happy New Year!

P.2: - Welcome! We’re happy to see you! Join us, we are having dinner!

P.1: I’ve brought you some things: a piece of coal, a coin and a piece of bread.

P.2: Thank you very much! The coal is a symbol of warm, the coin means money, and we won’t be hungry the whole year.

P.1: I wish you all the best!

T.: It’s already February. What holidays are celebrated in the month?

P.: The 14th of February is St. Valentine’s Day. It’s considered to be the day for the people, who are in love. They send romantic cards called valentines, give presents. The most popular wish is “Be my Valentine!” It is believed that Valentine was a Roman priest who married lovers. It’s becoming a tradition in our country to celebrate St. Valentines Day with the whole world. I’ll give everybody a heart, write you a wish and give it to your desk-mate and say “I love you”.

T.: Can you tell me what holiday comes on the 23rd of February?

P.: It’s the Defender of Motherland Day in Russia. It is considered to be a holiday for all men.

T.: Do we have special holidays for women?

P.1: Yes, of course, it’s Women’s Day started in Europe in 1911 and was first celebrated in Russia in 1913. On the 8th of March men and sons congratulate girls and women, give them presents and flowers, and do the housework.

P.2: Now this holiday is not so popular in other countries as in Russia. But they have Mother's Day on March, 26. In Victorian times children went out to work at an early age, they lived away from home and the money they earned sent home to contribute towards the family's upkeep. For one day each year children were allowed to go home to visit their mothers and would take small gifts such as flowers or fresh eggs. Today children are given small posies of flowers to take home to their mothers and grandmothers too. It is a day when mum can put her feet up for a change while the children do the chores.

T.: Spring has come and we wait for one more holiday. What is it? (приложение)

P.: It’s April fool’s Day in Britain and Russia on the 1st of April. In the early Roman calendar, April 1 was the first day of spring, the spring equinox, and before 154 B.C. it was New Years Day. In 1564, King Charles IX decreed that with the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, New Year's be moved to January 1 from what was April 1 and those that celebrated the Old New Year's Day on April 1 were Fools.  
Most April fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The cleverest April fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played.

T.: Read some popular pranks and tell us your own tricks:

Replacing salt in the sugar bowl at breakfast. 
Attaching a small piece of tape to the mouse ball so it does not work. 
Setting the alarm clock ahead one hour and allowing the victim to think they have slept in. 

T.: There is another holiday in England in April. As far as you know, the English flag is called St. George’s Cross.

P.: April 23rd is St. George's Day. It honors St. George, the patron saint of England. St. George is said to have killed a dragon which was terrorizing several villages in the English countryside. It is basically the English version of St. Patrick's Day. On this day they fly the English flag, known as the St. George Cross. They wear a red rose, a symbol of England. They prepare traditional English foods such as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, bangers and mash, toad-in-the-hole, etc. They also sing traditional English folk songs.

T.: The month of May means Spring and Labour Holiday and Victory Day for all Russians. You have 6 minutes to read the text:

T.: Write 6-7 sentences about Victory day and answer my question:

Who of your relatives took part in the Great Patriotic War?

Now you exchange your copybooks and check your classmates’ work.

T.: In spring all the Christians honor the memory of Jesus Christ.

P.: It’s called Easter. I’ve prepared a quiz and some puzzles for you. (Everyone receives a greeting card. Students guess puzzles)

T.: It’s October, 31 now. Look at the blackboard and find the sing which suits to this holiday.

P.: It’s a pumpkin lantern.

P.: There is also a ghost on the blackboard. The British celebrate Halloween. In late October the days get shorter and the nights get longer. The year is ending and everything is dying. Winter is coming with its long dark nights. It is time of Halloween. It was time of fear. In the past people believed in ghosts and witches and stayed at home. At Halloween the ghosts of the dead and the witches rode in the sky on their broomsticks. Many countries celebrate Halloween but in different ways. Now ghosts and witches are people and children dressed in old and funny clothes and make a pumpkin lantern. Children go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”, which means “give us something to eat or we play a trick on you”. People give them fruit, sweets, cookies or chocolate.

T.: Do the Russians have the same custom of going from one house to another and asking for sweets?

P.: Yes, before Christmas children visited their neighbours, who gave them tasty things.

T.: Well, Christmas is celebrated both in Britain and Russia. Do you know when?

P.: English Christmas comes on December, 25. Russian Christmas is celebrated on January,7. But they have much in common.

T.: Do you remember the music? Sing “Jingle, Bells!”

T.: Can you guess Christmas symbols on the blackboard? You can’t, so take your place at the computers and read the text taken from the Internet about Christmas. Each of you will read one of the passages. Look at the list of unknown words and answer the question according to your part.

T.: What do the British wish on this day?

P.: Merry Christmas!

T.: Wish your classmates “Merry Christmas!” and sing the song you hear. How much do you know about Christmas? Go through the Christmas quiz to find it out!

T.: Now you return to your places. TThere is a tradition of having a boxing day in the UK. Do you wonder? You may ask questions.

P.: When is it?
T.: December 26th, Boxing Day takes place on December 26th or the following Monday if December 26 falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

P.: Where did it come from?
T.: Boxing Day began in England, in the middle of the nineteenth century, under Queen Victoria. Boxing Day, also known as St. Stephen's Day, was a way for the upper class to give gifts of cash, or other goods, to those of the lower classes.

P.: How is Boxing Day celebrated?
T.: There seems to be two theories on the origin of Boxing Day and why it is celebrated. The first is that centuries ago, on the day after Christmas, members of the merchant class would give boxes containing food and fruit, clothing, and/or money to trades people and servants. The gifts were an expression of gratitude much like when people receive bonuses, from their employer, for a job well done, today. These gifts, given in boxes, gave the holiday its name, "Boxing Day".

The second thought is that Boxing Day comes from the tradition of opening the alms boxes placed in churches over the Christmas season. The contents there of which were distributed amongst the poor, by the clergy, the day after Christmas.

Today, Boxing Day is spent with family and friends with lots of food and sharing of friendship and love. Government buildings and small businesses are closed but the malls are open and filled with people exchanging gifts or buying reduced priced Christmas gifts, cards, and decorations.

To keep the tradition of Boxing Day alive, many businesses, organizations, and families donate their time, services, and money to aid Food Banks and provide gifts for the poor, or they may choose to help an individual family that is in need.

What a great extension of the Christmas holiday spirit. You might consider making this holiday a tradition in your family. No matter where you live the simple principle of giving to others less fortunate than yourself can be put into practice.

T.: Do we have the same tradition?

P.: Yes, January, 2 can be called Boxing Day. We stay at home with our families and don’t go to school.

T.: You’re right. Look at your sheet of paper. (приложение) We’ve got the calendar of Russian celebrations. Will you write the calendar of English holidays on the blackboard?

Pupils may do it in turn or help the student who is at the board.

III. What have you learnt from the lesson?

Have we analyzed and compare the customs in Britain and Russia?

On sheets of paper you may draw the sun if you like the lesson. Thank you very much!

Приложение 4

Приложение 5