Задачи занятия:
- обобщить лексический материал по данной теме;
- совершенствовать навыки и умения студентов в монологической и диалогической речи;
- закрепить изученные грамматические темы: Past Simple Active, Present and Past Simple Passive;
- организовать самостоятельную работу студентов;
- способствовать развитию творческих способностей студентов.
Оснащение занятия:
- Плакат, на котором записаны все 6 этапов урока.
- Карта города, фотографии достопримечательностей города
- Раздаточный материал
План занятия:
- Сообщение темы и задач занятия, знакомство с условиями и заданиями. Представление жюри.
- Разминка: предлагается игра со словами “Taboo”.
- Грамматическое задание в игровой форме на повторение форм неправильных глаголов - “Find a verb in the puzzle”.
- Задание на закрепление грамматической темы Past Simple Active, Present and Past Simple Passive. Игра “Find the person who … “.
- Вопросно-ответное упражнение “Do you know this town?”
- Задание на проверку знаний лексического и грамматического материала – “We are sights”.
- “I am a poet” – конкурсное задание на лучшее сочинение “синквейна” на заданную тему.
- Подведение итогов занятия, объявление лучших студентов-знатоков города, выставление оценок.
Ход занятия:
- Teacher: Dear students! I am very glad to see you at our final lesson which is devoted to our town. We are going to have an unusual lesson. We’ll have some games and competitions. We’ll speak about the history, the people and the sights of our town. You’ll have a chance to be a poet. The experienced jury will check your knowledge and creativity. I hope today’s lesson will be fun.
- Teacher : Have a look at the poster! We’ll have six tasks at the lesson. Here they are! The first task is called “Taboo”. You should explain the meaning of the word without saying it. Each student gets one point for every correct answer.
- Teacher : And now let’s review irregular verbs. This task is called “Find a verb in the puzzle”. We’ll need these verbs later. I’ll give you a verb search sheet – one for two students. Your task is to find as many verb parts of the irregular verbs as you can and add the rest two forms. You may find verb parts horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, as well as backwards. Each student gets one point for every correct answer.
- Teacher : The third task is called “Find the person who …”. We’ll review the usage of The Past Simple Active, Present and Past Simple Passive. Your task is to complete the sentence asking questions to each other. Try not to make much noise.
- Teacher : The forth task is called “Do you know this town?”
- Teacher : The fifth task is called “We are sights”. Imagine that you are one of the sights. Describe yourself in 5-7 sentences. A student who guesses gets one point.
- Teacher : The last task is called “I am a poet”. You should write “a cinquain” about our town and things which are connected with it. Use your imagination. Each student gets one point for every interesting, unordinary poem. By the way, you can write more than one poem. I’ll give you 7 minutes.
- В конце занятия жюри подводит итоги, выделяет самых лучших знатоков города, самых активных, самых творческих. Всех студентов благодарят за активное участие и выставляют оценки.
(Каждому студенту раздаются карточки, на которых написано слово, имеющее отношение к теме “My town. Birobidzhan”. Задача студента – объяснить значение слова на английском языке, не называя самого слова и его производные).
settler |
S1 – … is a person who has come to live in a newly developing place.
S2 – Is it a settler?
S1 – Yes, it is.
hospitable |
S2 – friendly and generous people (person) who like guests.
S3 – Is it a word “hospitable”?
S2 – Yes, it is.
Teacher: Let’s ask the jury to give the results.
(Работа проводится в парах. Студентам раздаются карточки – схемы в виде набора букв. Задача студентов найти как можно больше неправильных глаголов, выписать их и дать недостающие две формы. На задание отводится ровно 5 минут, после чего проверяется количество найденных глаголов. Здесь учитывается не только скорость, но и качество выполнения задания).
k y h i k n o w d e r f a o m f |
e a t e n z f g e l p u x b t o |
p i m v e s k a w e s v o j h f |
t u l f e m b h m k p u z f o a |
q o p n s v u g w e g d p u t l |
d p t u n x i a d h o k n o g l |
e r r g s v l r t f t d v r v e |
r a y a e q d f h i j k b b y n |
t s a n b o v e r c o m e s x v |
d d n e p s h c t u w c g a w q |
r f q d h a l d g t a h a h i b |
e g x c u t o m i m g o n f p o |
a r a b s u j a t o i s r e d r |
m e t y p r i k b c s e v a l n |
t p e l s q m e r t o n j x c a |
Know – knew – known
Begin – began – begun
Dream – dreamt – dreamt
Teacher: Let’s ask the jury to give the results.
(Каждому студенту раздается карточка с 5-7 незаконченными предложениями. Задача – закончить предложения, расспросив студентов группы. Набор предложений у каждого студента свой. Однако содержание таких карточек может варьироваться в зависимости от темы занятия, например, о личной жизни студентов, о погоде, о путешествии и т.д.)
1 _________ was born in Birobidzhan. _________ was sent to school #1 _________ read the book written by Sholom-Aleikhem. _________ took part in the organization of the Town Day. _______ moved to Birobidzhan as a child. ________ visited new Theatre Square. Etc. |
1 Sasha was born in Birobidzhan. Olga was sent to school #1. Mary read the book written by Sholom-Aleikhem. Michael took part in the organization of the Town Day. Ann moved to Birobidzhan as a child. Alex and Mary visited new Theatre Square. Etc. |
St1: Who was born in Birobidzhan? Sasha, were you born in Birobidzhan?
St2: Yes, I was.
Sasha was born in Birobidzhan.
St1: Who was sent to school #1? Ann, were you sent to school #1?
St3: No, I wasn’t.
St1: Olga, were you sent to school #1?
St4: Yes, I was.
Olga was sent to school #1.
St1: Who read the book written by Sholom-Aleikhem? Mary, did you read the book written by Sholom-Aleikhem?
St4: Yes, I did.
Mary read the book written by Sholom-Aleikhem. Etc.
Teacher: Let’s ask the jury to give the results.
You should answer my questions, please. Each student gets one point for every correct answer.
T: 1) What is the capital of the Jewish Autonomous Region?
S: The capital of the Jewish Autonomous Region is Birobidzhan.
T: 2) Where is Birobidzhan situated?
S: Birobidzhan is situated on the Trans-Siberian railroad.
T: 3) What is it crossed by?
S: It is crossed by the Bira river, which empties into the Amour river.
T: 4) When did the first settlers arrive at Tikhonkaya flag-station?
S: The first Jewish settlers arrived at Tikhonkaya flag-station in May, 1928.
T: 5) What is the population of Birobidzhan?
S: It is about 90.000 people.
T: 6) What was the main street named after?
S: The main street was named after Sholom-Aleikhem, a Jewish writer.
T: 7) What heroes of the JAR who defended the country during the Second World War do you know? Where are their names chiseled?
S: They are Mikhail Styazhkin, Iosif Bumagin, Pavel Yegorov and Semyon Milchenko. Their names are chiseled in the granite plaques in Victory Square in Birobidzhan.
T: 8) What places would you advise the guests of our town to visit?
S1,2: We’d advise them to visit Victory Square, Friendship Square, Lenin Square, the Philharmonic, the monument to Sholom-Aleikhem, a Jewish writer, the Synagogue, the Orthodox Church, the fountains etc.
T: 9) Why is the JAR the cultural centre?
S: The JAR is the place where the traditions of Jewish people are still kept and observed. Birobidzhan is the place where the festivals of Jewish Culture are regularly held.
Teacher: Let’s ask the jury to give the results.
(Задание на проверку знаний как лексического, так и грамматического материала. Каждый учащийся берет себе карточку, на которой написано слово-достопримечательность. Задача студента объяснить на английском языке какую достопримечательность он из себя представляет, остальные угадывают, задавая наводящие вопросы.)
Предлагается образец:
T: I am a very modern building. I am made of stone. I’m very hospitable
because I accept many people every day. I was built many years ago, but I was
reconstructed a month ago. There is a fountain in front of me. I’m situated near the
railroad. Guess what it is! (the railway station) |
S1: I was built many years ago. People like to visit me
especially on holidays. Meetings are held here. There are several granite plaques where
the heroes’ names are chiseled. (Victory Square) |
Teacher: Let’s ask the jury to give the results.
Схема построения “синквейна”
Noun Adjective, adjective Verb, verb, verb 1 phrase Word |
Example: Birobidzhan Quiet, green Lives, develops, greets It is famous for its festivals of Jewish Culture Welcome! |
Teacher: Let’s ask the jury to give the results.
В заключении статьи, отмечу, что использование нетрадиционных занятий (занятий в игровой форме) стимулирует деятельность студентов, вызывает большой интерес к языку, создает благоприятную рабочую атмосферу, способствует развитию творческих способностей студентов и, конечно, помогает преподавателю сделать процесс обучения более эффективным. Думаю, что разработка данного занятия по теме “Мой город” найдет свое практическое применение на уроках иностранного языка.