Постановка сказки "Little Red Hen"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Действующие лица:

NARRATOR – 4 учащихся средней школы
BABY CHICK CHORUS – 6-8 учащихся начальной школы – Хор 1
CHICKEN CHORUS – 3 учащихся средней школы – Хор 2
ROOSTER CHORUS – 3 учащихся средней школы – Хор 3


Задник сцены оформлен в виде сельского пейзажа. Мы использовали старые обои, которые соединили широким скотчем. Получили полотно размером 4 х 4. На этом полотне учащиеся нарисовали гуашью сельский пейзаж (поле, тропинка, ветряная мельница). На сцене находится макет фасада деревенского дома, лавочки, высокие вазы с подсолнухами, декоративный забор с горшками.


Учащиеся начальной школы, исполняющие роли цыплят, одеты в желтые футболки и темные шорты (юбки), разноцветные носки, домашние тапки в виде животных. На футболки надеты веселые разноцветные воротники.
Учащиеся средней школы в костюмах действующих лиц.


На сцене справа стоят ведущие. Слева Хор 1 и Хор 2. Цыплята сидят на краю сцены. Раннее утро. Все спят. Мягкий свет. Слышится крик петуха. Из-за дома выходит Red Hen. Она потягивается, просыпается. Со словами “Wake up” она начинает будить цыплят. Цыплята просыпаются. Зажигается яркий свет. Цыплята выходят на сцену и начинают делать зарядку:

One, two, three, four
I hop one more
Five, six, seven, eight
I hop too late
Nine, ten, start again
One, two, three, four
We hop one more
Five, six, seven, eight
We hop too late
Nine, ten, start again

Звучит музыка. Цыплята поют песенку про утро показывая жестами действия песни используя при этом большие картонные зубные щетки и расчески.

What’s he doing?
He’s washing his hands.
He’s brushing his teeth
What’s she doing?
She’s brushing her hair.
She’s clapping her hands.

После исполнения песни цыплята занимают свои места на краю сцены слева.


Выходит Cat, Dog и Duck.Они лениво располагаются на скамейках. В течение всего спектакля находятся на сцене. Бездельничают. Red Hen выходит с веником и начинает подметать птичий двор. Cat, Dog и Duck показывают на неё пальцами и смеются. Вступают со своими словами Хор 1, 2, 3.


Chickens in the yard working hard.
Chickens in the yard working hard.
Chickens in the yard
Going cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.


Roosters in the yard working hard.
Roosters in the yard working hard.
Roosters in the yard
Going cock-a-doodle-do.


Chickens in the yard
Going cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.

BABY CHICK. Chicks in the yard working hard.


Chicks in the yard working hard.
Chicks in the yard
Going peep, peep, peep, peep.


Cluck, cluck, peep, peep,
Cluck, cluck, peep, peep,
Chicks in the yard working hard.
Chicks in the yard working hard.

Очень важно, чтобы ребята говорили синхронно и ритмично. Обыгрывая свои слова мимикой и жестами. Мы использовали музыкальный стиль “РЭП”

NARRATOR. Once upon a time there was a Little Red Hen who worked very hard from nine to ten. She started every morning at nine o’clock and worked every evening till ten.


Little Red Hen.
Little Red Hen.
She worked very hard
From nine to ten.
Going scratch, scratch,
Scratch, scratch.
Pick it up, pick it up.
Scratch, scratch,
Scratch, scratch.
Pick it up, pick it up.
Day and night
From nine to ten,
She worked very hard,
The Little Red Hen.


There was a dog in the yard
With the Little Red Hen.
A lazy dog who went ‘bow wow wow.’
There was a cat in the yard
With the Little Red Hen.
A crazy cat who went ‘meow, meow, meow.’


Lazy dog, crazy cat,
There in the yard
With the Little Red Hen.


There was a duck in the yard
With the Little Red Hen.
A duck who went ‘quack.’
Quack, quack, quack, quack.


Lazy dog, crazy cat,
And a duck who went ‘quack.’
Quack, quack, quack, quack.


Now the dog and the cat and the
Duck who went ‘quack’ loved to sit
Around the yard, and watch the
Little Red Hen work. One day while
She was busy scratching in the yard,
She found some grains of wheat.

LITTLE RED HEN. Look! Look what I found!

Все действующие лица подбегают к Little Red Hen. Птичий переполох. Все спрашивают друг друга: “What has she found?”. Подходят Dog, Cat и Duck.

DOG. What?

LITTLE RED HEN. Wheat. Some grains of wheat.

CAT (to DOG). What? What did she find?

DOG. Wheat.

DUCK. What?

DOG. Wheat. Some grains of wheat.

CAT. Where?


There, there on the ground.
She found some grains of wheat.


Who cares what
She found on the ground.

CAT. Not me.


Who cares what
She found on the ground.
Scratch, scratch.
Pick it up.
Scratch, scratch.
Pick it up.
Who cares what
She found on the ground!

DOG. What’ll you do with the wheat?

CAT. What’ll you do?

DUCK. What’ll you do?

LITTLE RED HEN. Plant it, of course. Will you help?

DOG. I’m sorry, I can’t.

LITTLE RED HEN (to CAT). Will you?

CAT. Not me.

LITTLE RED HEN (to DUCK). Will you?


Oh, quack. Not me.
I’m afraid. I can’t.
I wish I could,
But I’m afraid I can’t.

LITTLE RED HEN. Then I’ll have to do it myself.

Little Red Hen берет маленькие грабли. Сажает зерна. Поливает их маленькой лейкой. Уходит. На сцену выходят цыплята. Они держат в руках круглые картонные часы. Поют песню о времени.

Listen to the clock What’s the time? What’s the time?
Tick tock, tick tock It’s two o’clock It’s four o’clock
Listen to the clock Listen to the clock Listen to the clock
Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock

NARRATOR. And she did. She planted the wheat all by herself. It grew and it grew, tall and strong.


Два цыпленка ставят на сцену макет с нарисованной пшеницей. Выходит курица. Видит пшеницу. Радуется.


Today the wheat is ready to cut.
Today’s the day, today’s the day.


Today’s the day to cut the wheat.
Today’s the day, today’s the day.

LITTLE RED HEN. Who will help me cut the wheat?

DOG. I’m sorry, I can’t.

LITTLE RED HEN (to CAT). Will you?

CAT. Not me.

LITTLE RED HEN(to DUCK). Will you?


Oh, quack. Not me.
I’m afraid I can’t.
I wish I could,
But I’m afraid I can’t.


I wish I could,
But I’m afraid I can’t.
I wish I could,
But I’m afraid I can’t.

LITTLE RED HEN. Then I’ll have to do it myself.

Red Hen собирает пшеницу. Макет убирают. В руках у Red Hen сноп пшеницы.

NARRATOR. And she did. She cut the wheat all by herself, and when the job was finished, she said:

LITTLE RED HEN. Now who will take this wheat to the mill?

DOG. I’m sorry, I can’t.

LITTLE RED HEN (to CAT). Will you?

CAT. Not me.

LITTLE RED HEN (to DUCK). Will you?


Oh, quack. Not me.
I’m afraid I can’t.
I wish I could,
But I’m afraid I can’t.


Then I’ll have to do it myself.
I found it.
I planted it.
I cut it.
Now I can take it to the mill myself.


Oh, yes, I guess
She can take it to the mill.
Oh, yes, I guess she can.

Red Hen уходит. На сцену выбегают цыплята. Они танцуют и поют веселую песенку о прогулке.

Are you running, are you walking?
Are you listening, are you talking?
Are you reading or are you playing a game?
I’m not running, I’m not walking
I’m not listening, I’m not talking
I’m not reading, I’m not playing a game
I’m just singing a little song
A little song for you!

Цыплята возвращаются на край сцены. Выходит Red Hen. Она несет мешок с мукой. Ей тяжело. Она вытирает пот со лба, тяжело дышит. Цыплята помогают ей.

NARRATOR. And she did. The Little Red Hen picked up the wheat, and carried it to the mill where it was ground into flour. Then she came back to the yard.

LITTLE RED HEN. Now who will help me bake the bread?

DOG. Bake the bread? I’m sorry, I can’t.

LITTLE RED HEN. Who will help me bake the bread?

DOG. Not me.

CAT. Not me.

DUCK. Not me.

LITTLE RED HEN. I see. Oh, well. I’ll have to do it myself.

Цыплята выносят маленький столик, муку, скалку. Red Hen в фартуке. Замешивает тесто. Печет хлеб. Пока печется хлеб, цыплята поют веселую песенку, Cat и Dog выходят на середину сцены. У них в руках бельевая веревка, на которой висят пять больших разноцветных носков. Duck стоит за веревкой и отжимает прищепки по-очереди. Носки падают на пол, что соответствует смыслу песни. Цыплята поют эту песенку сидя на краю сцены.


Five short socks singing a song
Five short socks singing a song
Five short socks singing a song
Then one short sock goes splash!
Four short socks singing a song
Four short socks singing a song
Four short socks singing a song
Then one short sock goes splash! Etc.


Выходит Red Hen. У нее в руках большой красивый пирог (настоящий!). Dog, Cat, Duck подходят к ней. У них в руках большие ложки. Они очень хотят пирога.

NARRATOR And so she baked the bread, and it was wonderful. When the bread was ready, the dog and the cat and the duck gathered around the Little Red Hen, waiting and hoping for a big piece of the fresh, warm bread.

LITTLE RED HEN. Now who will help me eat this bread?

DOG. I will.

CAT. Me too.

DUCK. So will I.


Oh, no
No, you won’t.
Not you.
Not you.
Not you.
None of you will eat this bread.
I’m going to eat it with my chickens.

NARRATOR And she did. And that was the story of the Little Red Hen who worked very hard from nine to ten. No one helped the Little Red Hen. She did it all by herself.

Все участники спектакля выходят на сцену. Поют финальную песню “Old McDonald”

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O

With a quack, quack here, and a quack, quack there,
Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some turkeys, E-I-E-I-O.
With a gobble, gobble here, and a gobble, gobble there,
Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble, gobble,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.
With an oink, oink here, and an oink, oink there,
Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink, oink,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had a cat, E-I-E-I-O.
With a meow, meow here, and a meow, meow there,
Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a meow, meow,
Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.