Урок по теме: "Travelling and Transport" для учащихся 5-х классов школ с преподаванием углубленного курса английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

1. A.Introduction.

Teacher: You know that nowadays people like to travel very much. Today we shall speak about different kinds of travelling. At first let’s check what kinds of transport do you know.

2. A. Brainstorming Activity.

Complete the spider gram.


2. B. Short Discussion.

Work in small groups and answer the following questions:

1.What’s your favourite way of travelling?

2.Why do you like to travel by this kind of transport?


Look at the words below and try to do the matching between words and definitions.

1. travel a. a long trip, especially in a ship
2. journey b. to move from one place to another
3. voyage c. the bags carried by the people who are traveling
4. luggage d. a good or useful quality that something has
5. advantage e. a trip from one place to another

Key: 1b, 2e, 3a, 4c, 5d

3. B. Review of Adjectives.

Have you ever traveled by train? Can you describe your impressions using different adjectives (both positive and negative.) The words in the box can help you. Put them in the alphabetic order.

Positive        Negative    

Awful, funny, exciting, boring, cool, beautiful, expensive ,frightening, amazing, dazzling, difficult, crazy.














Share your opinion using the pattern and the given adjectives.

E.g. I prefer to travel by train because it’s…

I hate travelling by train because it’s….

4.A.Pre-Reading Activity.

“The Flying Train” is the headline for today’s article. Work in groups of 5 and discuss whether

  • the train can fly;
  • the train can go without wheels.

4. B. Reading Activity.

Read the article and check if your answers to the Pre-Reading activity were correct.

The Flying Train.

One of the most exciting new types of trains is the Maglev train. The Maglev train is very different from normal trains. It doesn’t have any wheels. It uses magnetic levitation to float on the rail. It can travel very fast- over 500 km an hour. It is very quiet and it is very clean. It doesn’t have any wheels or any parts that move.

How does it work?

The secret is that it uses magnets in a new type of motor. Have you ever tried to push two magnets together? If you hold them one way, they attract each other. If you hold them the other way, they repel each other.

The Maglev train uses magnets in the same way. The motor is a very big electromagnet. An electromagnet is a magnet that only works when there is electricity. The electricity changes direction all the time and the magnet changes from North to South, South to North. There are more electromagnets on the rail and this pushes the train forward.

Why don’t we see the Maglev train now?

The train is fast, quiet and clean. Why don’t we see it everywhere now? Part of the answer is that the train can only take people. It cannot carry very heavy things. Also, because it goes so fast, the rail must be very straight. This makes it difficult to use it in places where there are a lot of hills. But the real answer is because it is very expensive to build. A long rail of electromagnets costs a lot of money. It also uses a lot of electricity. We need to find a cheaper, cleaner way to make electricity if we want to see “Flying Train” in our towns and cities.

- Levitation -floating in the air as if by magic.

- Repel –to push one another away with a magnetic force .

5. A. Post Reading Activity.

Is the information in these sentences true (T), false (F), or not in the text (?).

1. The Maglev train cannot take things. ()

2. The Maglev train can only go on straight rails. ()

3. The train makes o lot of noise. ()

4. There is a Maglev train in Japan. ()

5. The biggest problem for the Maglev train is that it is too expensive. ()

6. It is possible to use the Maglev train everywhere. ()

7. The train cannot work when it is raining. ()

Key: 1T, 2 T, 3F, 4? 5T, 6F, 7?

5. B. Post Reading Activity. Further Understanding.

The following sentences are a summary of today’s article. Read the article again and match the sentence halves.

1. There are some electromagnets on the rail and… a…. costs a lot of money.

2. The train is fast, b…. very heavy things.

3. A long rail of electromagnets… c…this pushes the train forward.

4. It cannot carry… d…. quiet and clean.

Key: 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b.

6. A Using the Language. Pair Work.

Imagine that you are interviewing inventor of Maglev train. Student A. may act as a reporter and supply questions to the answer given below. Student B. should read the answers. Then switch the roles.


B: Maglev is one of the most exciting new types of trains. It is very different from normal trains. It doesn’t have wheels.


B: It uses magnetic levitation to float on the rail.


B: Maglev can travel very fast- over 500 km an hour.


B: The train can only take people, but not very heavy things. And also it’s very expensive to build. A long electromagnetic rail costs a lot of money and uses a lot of electricity.

6. B. Using the Language. Writing Practice.

Now you are going to write the letter to your friend. Imagine that you’ve already traveled by Maglev train and in your letter tell your friend about your experience. Start the letter like this…

Dear Jane,

I’m sorry I haven’t written in a long time. Lot’s of things have happened and I have been so busy!

7. Summaryof the lesson.