Людмила Николаевна Зезюля

Место работы:
МАОУ Гимназия №11 "Гармония", г.Новосибирск
учитель английского языка

Темы Открытых уроков автора

  • Открытый урок английского языка по теме «History». 8-й класс 2020

    Задачи урока: развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «History» в устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки умения общаться на английском языке – диалогическая речь. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки в Past Tenses, Questions.

  • Открытый урок по теме "Films". 9-й класс 2014

    В ходе урока развиваются навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизируется ранее изученная лексика по теме «Films» в устной и письменной речи; развиваются навыки умения общаться на английском языке – диалогическая речь. Совершенствуются грамматические навыки would prefer / would prefer to… rather than…

  • Тема урока "Clothes & Fashion". 8-й класс 2013

    Открытый урок английского языка в 8-м классе на развитие коммуникативных компетенций учащихся через использование ИКТ по теме. В ходе урока учащиеся совершенствуют грамматические навыки have to / should; развивают интеллектуальные способности; формируют умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать. Урок содействует профориентации учащихся, формирует потребности в практическом использовании языка.

  • Work / Job / Professions. 8-й класс 2012

    На уроке учащиеся узнают о различных профессиях, навыках и умениях людей. Описывая навыки, необходимые для получения хорошей работы, учащиеся пытаются сориентироваться на дальнейший выбор профессии. Также школьники ищут разницу между словами «work», «job», «profession».

  • "Dai in? Day out" с презентацией в PoverPoint и для интерактивной доски. 6-й класс 2011

    Цель урока - обучение ежедневным правилам здорового образа жизни с использованием гендерного подхода.

  • Открытый урок "My happiest days" (10-й класс) 2010

    Учащиеся вспоминают счастливые моменты из жизни каждого и делятся воспоминаниями, а также совершенствуют грамматические навыки Second Conditional и I wish; формируют навыки парной и групповой работы, практикуются в использовании лексики по теме в заданной ситуации с использованием ИКТ, развивают навыки проектной работы с использованием ИКТ.

Работы учеников

Под руководством автора его учениками на фестиваль исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся «Портфолио ученика» были представлены следующие работы:

  • Theme of love in "Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare

    In this research work I am going to prove that the love between Romeo and Juliet is true. If it was untrue love, they would not commit suicide, they stayed alive. Because life is the most precious thing that the person has! In this work I analysed three types of love: affected love, conventional love and true love.

  • The golden section of the fountains in Novosibirsk

    There are lots of fountains in every city, but not all of them attrect our attention, because of that we have decided to find out why people like these or those fountains. What do the fountains exist for? We decided to find out answers on these questions.

  • The Golden rule in the life of Mother Teresa

    In this research work I am going to find out main principles in the life of Mother Teresa and also research the importance of charity.

  • "Young and in love" — attitudes of parents and children

    The purpose of my research work is to compare the attitude of children and parents to such phenomenon, as the first youthful love and drawing up of the generalized picture of these attitudes. Problems of my research work are: to lead questioning among pupils and their parent, to analyse obtained data, to make the generalized picture of attitudes of children and parents to the first youthful love.

  • Food and agricultural problems. Ways of solution

    Everybody knows, that in contemporary society, like in dynamic developing system, exists some important problems, which are known since formation of civilizations. These are political, economic and social contradictions. However, society has been always changing, the sphere of interests of the individual person is changed too, and because of these factors, all old contradictions are destroyed, inevitably come to the new contradictions. These are global warming , pollution and also hunger.

  • Ecological problem as one of the urgent problems in our modern world

    Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. The protection of the environment is a universal concern. We must take serious measures to create a system of ecological security.

  • The importance of space researches for science and daily life

    The problem of scientific researches in space is very urgent nowadays. Adoption of space depends on the development of new technologies. It is important and daily question for specialists in different spheres: economics, international programs, science and techniques. Basic space researches influence on development of technologies very much as well as defence industry.

  • The Doll's role in the girl's development

    The purpose of my research work is to reveal roles and functions of a doll at various times. The main tasks of my research work are: to study concept "doll" and its versions, to reveal functions of a doll, to compare functions of dolls.

  • Starch and Modified Starch

    When we buy products, we often do not know what they contain. How much do we care about our health if we buy the sausage, which contains modified starch? I would like to understand what it is and what harm or benefit modified starch does to our health. What is the reason to add it to the food, which, in principle, it should not be. Modified starch is different from natural starch and I want to show the role it plays in human life.

  • Memory

    There is a lot of information in the world. We memorize all what we see, hear, feel, do, think and more. But many people have some problems in their life, because they can’t remember something. People have been learning how to overcome this problem. They try to find or make special methods to improve memory.

  • The modern life in the city

    We have chosen this topic as it is modern and important nowadays, because there a lot of arguments for and against living in big cities. We are young generation that would like to study and admire modern life, but we also want to have opportunities to be healthy, beautiful and live in peace and quiet. To improve our life we should have a close look at the advantages and disadvantages living in the city.

  • Healthy lifestyle

    Вашему вниманию предложена красочная презентация на английском языке, рассказывающая о пользе здорового образа жизни.

  • Magic sguares

    This work describes magic squares of the first, second and third order, magic squares for 'n≥3', the method of 'terrace'.

  • English as a global in modern world

    The aim of my research work is: to study the English language as a subject which uniting countries, organisations, societies all over the world and its role in the process of globalisation and interaction.

  • The frontier of the Solar Sistem

    This research work is about the frontier of the Solar Sistem. It contains the determination of the frontier of the Solar System and itssurveillance methods.

  • Indo-European runic heritage in the modern English and Russian languages

    The object of the research work is runes in the modern English and Russian languages. The aim of this research is to analyze the role of the runes in the modern English and Russian languages.

  • The concept of time in English linguaculture

    To explore the defenition of 'the concept', to study the concept of 'time', to explore pecularity of the concept 'time' and its formation in English.

  • The role of using abbreviations of English language in articles and social networks

    The aim is to determine the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms in the lexicon of modern English language.

  • Strategies for memorizing the foreign words

    There are many different methods for memorizing English words. Despite that, the vocabulary explanation and absorption occurs, often without reference to the individual characteristics. Therefore, some can perceive the material quickly and efficiently, while others take much longer to digest. However, we think that it is possible to achieve effective memorization of foreign words, given our individual abilities in memorizing vocabulary and choose a particular strategy, methods that suites us.

  • English phrasal verbs with particle (along)

    The aim of this research work is to find out and show the translation peculiarities of English phrasal verbs with particle along into Russian language.