Новогодние традиции в России и Англии. Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Новый год в России и в Англии» (телемост) для учащихся 5–6-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 5, 6

Ключевые слова: английский язык, новогодние традиции, Новый год в разных странах

Сценарий данного мероприятия подойдет для проведения Новогоднего мероприятия на английском языке в 5 или 6 классах.

Оснащение: картинки с Новогодней тематикой, интерактивная доска, проектор, компьютер, снежинки и плакаты для украшения класса.


  • обобщение изученного материала по теме «Праздники» (Новый год, Рождество, подготовка к праздникам);
  • тренировка лексических и фонетических навыков, развитее мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, знакомство с традициями изучаемого языка.


  • развивать коммуникационные навыки
  • развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи
  • активизировать изученные лексико-грамматические структуры

Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear students ! Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson. I`m glad to see you on our TV chat. In our studio there`re two groups of students: from Russia and from England. Say hello to each other. Meet the leaders of the groups, please! This is our TV presenter Anastasia Bondarenko. Greet her, please!

Students: Hello, nice to meet you!

TV presenter: Good morning, dear guests. Today we are going to present a TV chat between Russian and British students. Let me introduce the participants: the group of Russian students and the group of British students, their teachers and the journalist - Anastasia Bondarenko.


The journalist: - Hello dear friends. Would you like to introduce yourselves!

Peter Golovin: Hello! I`m Peter Golovin - the head teacher of a local state school in Barnaul.

Lisa: Hello! I`m Lisa. I`m 11.

Kirill: Hi, my name is Kirill. I`m a hockey player. I`m glad to see you very much.

Ivan: Hello! I`m Ivan. We`re in the fifth form, you know.

Dasha: Hello, I`m Dasha. I like fencing and often take part in different competitions.

Leonid: Hi, my name`s Leonid, I`m from Barnaul. I am good at IT.

Mr. Stephan Wooding: Hello! I`m Stephan Wooding. The head teacher of a local state school in London. Nice to meet you, dear friends.

Barbara: - Hello! I`m Barbara Grey. I`m a teacher of a local school. I think you remember me.

It was a pleasure to have you as my pupils in London. I missed you so much.

Russia students: - We missed you too, Barbara.

Maia: - Hi My name is Maia. I live in London. I can draw very well,

Karina: - Hello! I`m Karina. I like dancing. I can dance well.

Betsy: - Hello! I`m Betsy My hobby is swimming.

Alex: - Hello! I` m Alex. I` m from London. Nice to meet you.

St. Wooding: - Dear Russian friends! We have arranged everything for your trip to London.

Peter Golovin: - Thank you for your invitation. I like the idea of visiting your school.

St. Wooding: - Well, I propose that you come for 15 days in April and that your group stays with the families of children from our school.

Peter Golovin: - All right! And who will be responsible for the cost of accommodation?

St. Wooding: - Of course we will. We`ll also be responsible for educational and social program.

Peter Golovin: - How wonderful! Our school will be responsible for the tickets then.

Anastasia: - Well, we see that everything is ready for the trip. As Russian students are going to visit Britain they should know about its traditions and British students are interested in Russian traditions too, I`m sure. These days we are looking forward to our wonderful holidays: New Year and Christmas.

(слайд с новогодней картинкой)

Anastasia: - We are going to talk about New Year and Christmas traditions in Russia and Great Britain.

Let`s remember the most famous traditions of these two countries.

На интерактивной доске расположены картинки, изображающие новогодние традиции (Дед Мороз, Санта Клаус, олени, елки, подарки, носки с подарками). Доска разделена на 2 колонки: Россия и Британия. Ребята располагают картинки в соответствующие колонки.

Anastasia: - Guys, put the pictures into the right column.

Karina: - There is a very good tradition in both countries to bring a New Year tree into the house and decorate it.

Kirill: - A snowman is for Russia,

Maia: - Santa Clause comes to British children.

Leonid: - Father Frost is from Russia. He wears red clothes.

Ivan: - Snow-maiden always comes with Father Frost.

Arina: - In Britain children hang their stockings and Santa puts presents into them.

Lisa: - People give presents to each other in Britain and in Russia.

Alex: - Our traditional Christmas meal is roast turkey and Christmas pudding.

Ahastasia: - Now Brinish students tell us some more facts about their New Year and Christmas traditions.

Maia: - I`d like to tell you about our Christmas traditions. We celebrate Christmas on December 25. It is one of the happiest holidays of the year. We prepare for Christmas weeks before. We buy gifts for our family and friends.

Diana: We choose a tree and decorate it. We buy gifts for our family and friends. We prepare special foods and cookies. Santa Claus visits us at night and brings us presents. In the morning we go to the church.(презентация)

Anastasia: - Let`s listen to some interesting facts about Russian New Year.

Dasha: New Year is a great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it very much. People buy a lot of tasty food and drinks, and decorate their houses. They usually have a beautiful fir-tree in their houses.

Lisa: Children wait for Father Frost! People enjoy their holiday dinner in a good company. Everybody sings songs play games and go out to watch fireworks.(презентация)

Anastasia: - Thank you, guys! I see that we all like to celebrate those wonderful winter holidays! Now it`s high time to decorate our New Year tree. Let`s do it together!

На интерактивной доске расположена елочка, вокруг игрушки. Ребята наряжают елочку, перемещая игрушки.

Maia: I like to decorate the New Year tree. I usually decorate it with snowflakes.

Lisa: I prefer to decorate it with colored balls.

Leonid: - I also like decorating the New Year tree. It makes spirits bright.

Kirill: I`ll put the star on the top of the tree. It`s a good Russian tradition.

Karina: I like to hang sweets on the tree.

Alex: It`s very nice to throw some serpentine on it.

Mr. Stephen Wooding: - Such a wonderful tree! Let`s switch the candles on.

Peter Golovin: In Russia we have a traditional magic spell. Let`s say it together.

All together:

One, two, three - clap
The fir-tree light up!

На интерактивной доске загораются свечки на елочке!

Все хлопают в ладоши!

Anastasia: In Russia and in Great Britain children have their favorite New Year songs, haven`t they?

Dasha: Yes, sure. And we would like to sing one of them.

He would never promise. The song "If there wasn`t any snow"

If there wasn`t any snow
In the towns and cities
We would тever, never know
That those days are pretty
Father Frost would never come
To us through the forest
Toys and presents, sweets for us
If there wasn`t any snow
In the towns and cities
We would never, never know
That those days are pretty.

Mr. St. Wooding: - Very nice song! Now let`s sing our favorite song "Jingle Bells"

Everybody sings.
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob-tail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way.
Oh. What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

Anastasia: Dear friends! The time of our program is up. Say goodbye to each other.

Peter Golovin: Good bye! See you in April!

Mr. St. Wooding: - Good buy. See you soon.

Teacher: Dear students! I hope you have learnt a lot about the New Year traditions of Britain and Russia. Thank you for your participation. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Все поют песню:

We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
And a Happy New Year!

Авторский перевод песни «Кабы не было зимы» Гусева Е.П.

If there wasn`t any snow
In the towns and cities,
We would never, never know
That those days are pretty
Father Frost would never come
To us through the forest
Toys and presents, sweets for us
He would never promise
If there wasn`t any snow
In the towns and cities,
We would never, never know
That those days are pretty.