Урок английского языка в 10-м классе по теме "Еда и здоровье"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Ключевые слова: английский язык, еда

Продукты питания и здоровье "We Are What We Eat"

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по программе «Английский язык» Ю.Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс.

Место урока в системе уроков: Модуль 6, тема «Еда и здоровье», урок №7 в данном модуле, название урока: «Мы то, что мы едим».

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Используемые педагогические технологии: проблемное обучение, групповое обучение, обучение информационно-коммуникативно-технологической компетенции, кейс-технологии (вид: практический).

Технологическая карта урока английского языка «Food & Health. We Are What We Eat»

На доске:

Food & Health
We are what we eat

I. Introduction

Корзина с яблоками на учительском столе.

Good morning to everybody present at our lesson today.

In the beginning I would like to remind you that it's Thursday, the 16th of May today, a nice spring day, if you look out of the window, and I hope everybody is in a good spring mood, too. However, our mood depends a lot on our state of health.

There is a good proverb in English: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

(Учитель берет одно яблоко из корзины и показывает его всем).

How can you explain this saying?

(the students say that right food helps keep health and stay fit, and apples are very good for health).

You are quite right, as the theme of our today's lesson is "We Are What We Eat"

(Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на доску) of the module 6 named "Food and Health". (2 мин.)

II. Brain-storming

Презентация (включить экран слайд 1)

To begin with, I'd like to introduce yourselves and say a few words about food and drinks you prefer according to the plan on the screen. (учащиеся высказываются по 4-5 фраз).

(1. My name is…

2. My favourite food is/I like… best of all/I prefer…

3. I don't like … because (it's junk food, not healthy, fattening, etc)

4. Every day I (try to) eat…

5. I think the food I eat is healthy/not very healthy, but I like it.)

Thank you for your frank answers to the questions.

На доске слайд 2.

Now, please, look at the screen: Match the words in column A with the ones of column B.

(учащиеся по очереди называют) 4 выражения. (7 мин.)

III. Reading & speaking

Eating test. (slide 3)

Our next task should be interesting and, maybe, even useful for you.

We're doing a little eating test. (раздать листочки с тестами - 15 экз.)

You'll have 2 minutes to do the test, and slide #3 for our guests so as they could see what we are doing. (включить песню Honey на время выполнения теста - 2 мин.)

Well, I wonder, what results you have got.

Those students, who have most answers with a), please, raise the hand. Good, and come to the blackboard.

Those students, who have most answers with b), please, raise the hand. Good, and come to the blackboard, too.

The same with answers c) and d).

(У доски - 4 группы по вариантам ответов. Учитель раздает учащимся 4 интерпретации ответов, а для гостей - на доске слайд №4. Затем выключить экран. Учащиеся знакомятся с содержанием. Затем один из них читает по очереди свою интерпретацию).

I give you 1 minute to look through the interpretation of your answer. OK, now read it in turn.

Thank you, please, take your seats again. Do you agree with the comments to your reply? Is it really so? (учащиеся отвечают). (2+4 мин. = 6 минут всего)

So, I'd like you to develop and give the name of our today's topic. (называют, я записываю на доске). And, what is the goal we should achieve? (отвечают: to discuss and work out, what food and, maybe, what else is necessary to be in a good shape and remain healthy).

IV. Listening

Показать слайд 5. Раздать задания с аудированием - 8 экз.

Listen to the speakers and choose which of the following ideas each speaker expresses. There is an extra one. (прослушивание 1 раз. Ответы: 1C, 2E, 3D, 4A, 5B). (3 мин. + 1мин. на ответ). (3+1 минут = 4 минуты всего).

V. Grammar & Vocabulary Work

My dear friends, at the previous lessons we studied the use of Conditionals. And, I suggest that you do the following exercises to revise this rule one more time.

Look at the screen again, please. (На экране слайд №6 - поставить 4 предложения в условное наклонение).

  • He wouldn't have had a headache if he had gone to bed earlier.
  • If they had set out earlier, they wouldn't have missed the train.
  • I wouldn't have found the injection painful if the nurse had been gentle.
  • If he hadn't eaten the prawns, he wouldn't have had an allergic reaction.

(Выключить экран на время)

We continue revising the rule. Please, translate into English the following sentences:

1. Если погода не переменится, мы не поедем за город.

If the weather doesn't change we won't go to the country.

2. Если я не буду занят вечером, давайте пойдем в кино.

If I'm not busy in the evening let's go to the cinema.

3. Если бы она занималась больше, ее оценки были бы лучше.

If she studied more her marks would be better.

4. На твоем месте, я бы почитала эту книгу.

If I were you I would read this book.

5. Если бы Джон бежал быстрее, он бы выиграл гонку.

If John had run faster he would have won the race.

6. Если бы я не пропустил автобус, я бы не опоздал на работу.

If I hadn't missed the bus I wouldn't have been late for work.

7. Если бы я жил во Франции, я бы говорил по-французски хорошо.

If I lived in France I would speak French well.

8. Мы устроим вечеринку, если Алан сдаст/пройдет тест на водительские права.

We will make a party, if Alan passes the driving test.

9. Если вода замерзает (становится очень холодной), она превращается в лед.

If water gets very cold it turns into ice.

Thank you for your translation. I see, you remember the rule.

At the next step of our work I'd like to talk about idioms connected with food.

(На экране включить слайд №7 с идиомами о еде).

There's a proved fact that if you use idioms in your speech that means that you are an advanced learner, and you speak the language fluently. In the screen you can see the most popular idioms about food. Listen to me attentively as I'll be giving some examples with their use and you'll have to guess about their meaning if you don't know them yet, and translate these idioms.

1. Couch potato - лежебока, увалень, лентяй

My brother is a real couch potato! He spends all the time lying on the couch and watching TV! - My brother is an extremely lazy person!

2. Apple of one's eye - "зеница ока"

Mary's little son is the apple of her eye. - Mary loves her son very much.

3. Cool as a cucumber - человек ведет себя спокойно, сдержанно, хладнокровно, не волнуется

Though many students were nervous before the exam, Tom was as cool as a cucumber.

4. To be one's cup of tea - это занятие, увлечение, то, что вам нравится, получается хорошо

Knitting is really my mother's cup of tea. - My mother likes knitting very much.

5. It's another cup of tea - "совсем другое дело", "совершенно другой вопрос"

When I went to England, I realised that it was another cup of tea. - When I went to England, I realised that the life there was completely different from what I was used to.

6. Half-baked - непродуманный план и опрометчивый, поверхностный ответ, к человеку, в значении неопытный, незрелый

I must admit that my project failed because it was half-baked.

7. Hard nut to crack - "Крепкий орешек", по отношению к человеку, которого трудно "раскусить" или повлиять на него, либо по отношению к задаче, предмету, который сложен для понимания

It is impossible to persuade Max from doing it. He is a hard nut to crack. -He is difficult to influence.

8. In a nutshell - вкратце, кратко, в двух словах

As she had only few minutes, she told us the story in a nutshell.

9. Make one's mouth water - "у меня слюнки потекли"

This picture of grilled chicken makes my mouth water.

10. Out of the frying pan and into the fire - "из огня да в полымя", из одной сложной ситуации попадает в другую, еще более сложную

After she had lost her job she knew that her flat was burgled. She jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. - After she had lost her job she knew that her flat was burgled. After one bad situation she faced a worse one.

11. Sell like hot cakes - о товаре, который не лежит долго на прилавке, а распродается очень быстро, как горячие пирожки

The new books by this author sell like hot cakes. - The new books by this author sell quickly.

12. Full of beans - говорят об энергичном, живом человеке

Your grandmother is full of beans in spite of her age! - She is very active.

13. Take something with a pinch of salt - говорят о фактах, к которым мы относимся с долей сомнения, подозрения, сомневаемся в их истинности

Take Mary's stories with a pinch of salt. She tends to make up most of them. - Don't believe all of Mary's stories. She tends to make up most of them.

14. Be like chalk and cheese - абсолютно разные, непохожие, не имеющие ничего общего, употребляется по отношению к людям и предметам

I don't know how Sam and Ann can get on well. They are like chalk and cheese. - I don't know how Sam and Ann can get on well. They are completely different.

(все задания должны занять 8 минут)

VI. Listening, watching and discussing

(Включить слайд №8)

I'd like to suggest you watching a 4-minute video about the oldest female bodybuilder, Ernestine Shepherd. I think, you'll be wondering how old this woman is. And, as I think, she is proud of her age. Be attentive, after watching it you'll have to answer 5 questions about her.

(Раздать задания с вопросами - 22 экз., 1 - себе)

Ответы: 1d), 2b), 3c), 4b, 5a).

So, the first question is… (на листе)

She is a little over 80… I think she is a good example for all of us, stimulating to remain in a good shape and eat the right food.

Did she impress you? What was the most surprising fact about her for you?

(Выключить экран) (6 минут)

VII. Dialogues

Your homework was to make up and work out some dialogues about food and healthy lifestyle. Well, who would like to be the first to start? Don't be shy… (4 dialogues) (4 минуты)

VIII. Video with 3 classmates

(слайд № 9) (3 минуты) - если останется время.

IX. Homework

Listen to me, please, as I'm explaining your next homework. You should make up one of 4 diets. (слайд № 10), разделить на 4 группы для задания. The diets shouldn't be complicated. Just point out breakfast, lunch and dinner for:

  • a sumo wrestler,
  • a 1-year-old baby,
  • a teenage boy,
  • a super model.

But you should point out what they must include into their meals, taking into account their age and occupations. (1 минута)

X. Summery

I'm sorry but we're running short of time. I still have a few more interesting exercises and tasks but the limits of our lesson don't allow me to do it.

So, let's discuss our work today.

From my part, I should say that everybody worked well, and some of you even better. I will assess it without fail.

(указать, кто особенно хорошо работал)

Now, let's sum up, tell me, what ideas did you get from today's work and discussions?

(Отвечают: Healthy food, lifestyle and keeping fit are the basic principles of your health and longevity).

And now, please, tell me how do you feel about the lesson?

(включить слайд №11, а затем №12)

- How do you feel about the lesson, Ann (Viky, Vlad… 7-8 pupils), showing slides 12.

Затем учитель показывает слайд 13 и опрашивает оставшиеся 7-8 человек.

Показать слайд 14 и спросить:

Now choose the smile and tell its number to reflect your feeling and opinion about the lesson and your work at it. (учащиеся выбирают от 1 до 5).

Слайд 15.

Thank you very much for your work today and, I hope, for your honest and upright answers. Включить мелодию из кинофильма МП.

(Взять корзину с яблоками, поставить на первую парту среднего ряда)

This basket with apples is not here by any chance.

The apple is a symbol of good teeth, health and longevity at many peoples in the world.

So, please, help yourselves.

(один из учащихся подносит корзину всем, чтобы взяли по одному яблоку).

Our lesson is over. (4 мин.) 45 минут