The lesson plan to the movie "The Time to be the First"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Патриотическое воспитание

Классы: 9, 10, 11

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Ex 1

The film is about two cosmonauts Leonov and Belyaev who are to be sent into open space (so they should step out from their spaceship). Their characters are opposed to each other. Leonov is eager to solve unsolvable situations and Belyaev is only ready to do "what his Motherland orders". Whose attitude and treatment of situations is close to you and why? Whom do you like most? What actions of the main characters make you irritated? Give examples.

I share … and think…
To my mind…
I remember the scene when…
I got irritated when…

Ex 2

"The time to be the first" is the movie about heroes. There is Korolev, an outstanding specialist and constructor of spaceships. His responsibility is enormous. Also there are two cosmonauts who are mad about cosmos. They have an incredible motivation to be the first. They depend on other people's opinion and their lives are completely in the hands of Korolev's humanism and interest of their government. Who is more heroic in your opinion? If you were to choose, whom would you like to become?

In the movie there are two sides of heroism… On the one hand it`s…because… on the other hand it`s… as…
If I were to choose I would like to be … as I think… moreover…

Ex 3

The film describes not only the professional side of the cosmonauts but also their families are described. In the scenes we see that they are pretty mothers who adore their husbands and are ready to support them in all their crazy beginnings. Describe the wives. And say how do you think is it easy to love a cosmonaut? Why?

Use the words for description: quiet, reserved, sophisticated, reliable, aggressive, brave ,obedient, independent, adventurous, peevish, caring, wise, reasonable…

Ex 4

Let's speak about symbolism.

A symbol - is something that is represented by something else. A symbol is a physical object that stands for another object, person, or idea.

  • a heart is a symbol for love
  • the Statue of Liberty is a symbol for freedom

Symbols help to associate and connect things with ideas or concepts. Sometimes, representing an idea with a physical object communicates more meaning than explaining the idea itself.

What do you think about parallel between the case from Leonov`s childhood and his present, when he is a grown up? Think whether it can be symbolic? And what ideas it can symbolize?

To my mind\ in my opinion it symbolizes
    Leonov`s interest and motivation to learn something new
  • His endless desire to broaden horizons
  • His brave character which helps him to succeed in life and go deeper in his knowledge
  • His child-like character which needs a grown-up person to stop him when it`s necessary

Ex 5

Now speak about your opinion? Was it interesting to watch? Would you like to watch more movies about Russian history of cosmos? Say what you really think about the movie, the lesson plan…