Конспект урока английского языка в 9-м классе "The USA – a melting pot"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Ход урока


Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down.

And now, listen attentively to the following recording.

Демонстрируется видеоролик, звучит запись песни «America, the beautiful…»

Teacher: I hope everybody has guessed what country we are going to speak about at our lesson. Of course, the United States of America. The aim of our lesson is to improve your knowledge and to know some more facts about this country.

Though there are numerous aspects of American history and today’s life «The USA is a melting pot of nations» will be the subject of our discussion today.

Речевая разминка

The fact is that when a person comes to the USA for a permanent stay he has to pass the «US citizenship exam». To pass this exam he has to answer several questions. I’m sure you are able to answer them now. Here are some of them.

Учитель задает вопросы, учащиеся отвечают на них.

  • How many stars are there on the US flag?
  • What colour are the stripes on the US flag?
  • How many states are there in the Union?
  • What is the 4th of July?
  • Who is the President of the USA today?
  • Who is the Vice President of the United States now?
  • What is the Constitution?

Развитие монологической речи учащихся

Teacher: and now, let’s listen to the presentations, prepared by our students.They’ll tell us about the immigration to the US in the past and at present.

Listen to them attentively and make your notes in the comparative tables. They are on your desks. These notes will help you to discuss the problems of immigration later.

Учащиеся представляют свои проекты об иммиграции в США в прошлом и настоящем. Далее класс обсуждает услышаное, используя свои записи в сравнительных таблицах.

- What countries did immigrants come from to the US in the past?

- Has the situation changed at present?

- What problems do immigrants have?

- Are there only negative aspects of immigration for American citizens?

- Do the immigrants try to preserve their traditions and their own language?

- When did the US receive the greatest number of immigrants in the past?

- Are the problems of immigrants today and in the past the same?

- Were there any laws to control the situation with immigrants in the past?

- And now – which of you will summarize the results of our discussion?



Number of immigrants


Laws to control the situation

Immigration in the past





Immigration today





Контроль понимания монологических высказываний

So, children, you’ve worked hard. Let’s have a break and do some exercises for our eyes.


Look left, look right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.

Работа с текстом

Teacher: Our next step is reading. Look at the screen. This text is about problems of immigrants. Read it and do the task which is similar to that of the State Attestation .

Identity Crisis

Since the first settlers arrived in America in the seventeenth century, more than 60 million immigrants have had to decide what it means to be an American. The greatest number of immigrants – some 23 million of them – arrived on these shores between 1880 and 1920. They came from all over the world, but the majority was from small villages in Poland, Russia, Italy, and elsewhere in Europe. In trying to assimilate, or fit in, the children of immigrants were caught between two worlds.

These children worked hard to adapt. They learned English and explored American attractions such as baseball and movies. But often, their efforts to assimilate left the older generation troubled. Parents did not want their children to lose touch with the Old World and tried to steer them toward European games, European friends, and European languages. These efforts usually failed.To most immigrant teenagers, the old family traditions were just that – old.

Учащиеся читают текст и выполняют следующее упражнение в формате ГИА:

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3-Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

А) The first immigrants came to America in the 17th century.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

B) The greatest part of immigrants came from India and China.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

C) More than 22 million people arrived in America between 1880 and 1920.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

D) Parents didn’t want their children to explore American attractions such as movies and baseball.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

E) In the past members of the same ethnic group tried to keep together and speak their own language.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

Контроль понимания текста учащимися

And now, children, exchange your sheets and check each other’s works. If there are no mistakes, put «a five», if there is one mistake – «a four», if there are more than two mistakes – «a two».

Look at the screen. The correct answers are in front of you.

Просмотр видеоролика и выполнение заданий к нему в формате ГИА

Teacher: And now be very attentive, children. We’re going to watch a short movie about a typical American city with the population over 3 million people, where men representing all parts of the world live together.

You’ll see this film twice. Try to understand the main ideas of the film and do your best to answer my questions after it.

Введение новой лексики

But first of all you should get acquainted with new words you’ll come across while watching the film. Try to guess the meaning of them:
- a turban
- diversity
- police station
- budda

Контроль понимания просмотренного видеоролика

Answer my questions now.

  • What city is this movie about?
  • What are the main religious beliefs depicted in this film?
  • What is the nationality of the man wearing a turban?
  • What is the Russian equivalent for the Orthodox Church?

Watch the film once more the film once more and do the task which is on your desks.

Вы просмотрите фильм о многообразии национальностей в Чикаго. Обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

  • This film is about:
  • music festival
  • the diversity of nationalities in Chicago.
  • the climate of Chicago.
  • The Asian woman speaks about:
  • family support system
  • number of children in the family
  • American fast food
  • The Muslims pray in:
  • the church
  • the chapel
  • the mosque
  • The Diversity Forum is held to:
  • to strengthen ties between communities
  • to solve contradictions
  • to celebrate holidays
  • The main idea of the film is that Chicago is:
  • a religious city
  • a cultural city
  • a multinational city

Развитие диалогической речи учащихся

Teacher: Well, our next step is speaking practice. You should make up your own dialogues. You’ve got 2-3 minutes. The task is on the screen.

Task (2-3 min).

You need to go to the United States of America. You come to the US Embassy for the visa. Answer the Embassy official’s questions. Work in pairs. One of you will play the part of the Embassy official, and the other – the applicant’s for the visa.

Ask and answer each other’s questions about

  • your name, address and phone number
  • date of your birth
  • nationality
  • purpose of visiting

Remember to

  • be active and polite
  • ask the questions and find out the information you need.

Заключительный этап урок

And now let’s discuss what we have done at the lesson, what emotions you feel and why.

Ss: Now I know how to

  • Speak about,
  • Explain the problem,

During the lesson I have

  • Got acquainted with
  • Found out
  • Learnt
  • Remembered

What emotions do you feel?



- satisfaction

- dissatisfaction

- happiness

- irritation

- joy

- boredom

- success

- sadness

Well, children, our lesson is almost over.

Let’s discuss your hometask. At home you’ll have to write a letter to your English-speaking pen-friend. Here are the cards with your task.

You’ve received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Pedro from America.

We moved from Puerto Rico to the USA about 2 years ago. At present we are living in the trailer park near Chicago. There are many people from Latin America here. I go to local school. I don’t have many friends here and feel lonely. Where did you meet your best friend? What is she\he like? Do you like to spend your free time together, what do you do?

Write him a letter and answer his three questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Dear students, I’m very proud of you. Well done. Your marks are good and excellent. Now, I can see that you know much about the country you’ve just represented. Good-bye.