Урок английского языка по теме «Mass Media and Me». 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Тип урока: Обобщающее повторение

Вид занятия: Урок-проект


  • активизация тематической лексики УМК 11 класса в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников;
  • углубление знаний о средствах массовой информации в России и Великобритании;
  • развитие умений и навыков учащихся аргументированно выражать своё мнение и высказываться по теме;
  • приобщение учащихся к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка через диалог культур.

Учебное пособие:УМК Афанасьевой О.В. «Spotlight” для 11 класса, Москва, «Просвещение» 2016 г.

Оборудование:  интерактивная доска, компьютер. 

Ход урока


Hello, friends! Nice to see you!
How are you?


Hello! Nice to see you too!
We’re OK. And you?

Teacher: I am all right. Thank you.

Today we are going to work in groups and individually and the theme of our lesson is  “Mass media and me».
Mass media play an important role in our life. They are usually defined by encyclopedias as any of the means of communication, such as radio, television, newspapers and the Internet that reach and influence a very large audience, at least as large as the whole population of nation.

Teacher:  As you know modern world is full of  information of various  kinds which sometimes is  even more  valuable than  money. Mass media (the press,radio. television and Internet) have a very big impact on modern society.

They serve to inform people  of different events that take place or may happen, educate, entertain and gives us any kinds of  information. Complete and  accurate information is very important to get  nowadays.

In my opinion, today’s younger generation is better informed than ever.

We are really lucky. And why do we know so much?... because of the media. Of course, not all papers and programmes are good. But  so what?  You don’t have to read or watch  the bad ones. It’s like a supermarket: you go in, look at what’s available and choose what you want.

Today we’ll speak about the meaning of mass media for each of us. Let’s begin with television.

As for me I like  watching television and I enjoy seeing new and old films on channel 1. Not long ago there was a musical project  “Voice» on TV. I saw it with great pleasure.

And what do you think of television? What role does it play in your life?

Pupil 1: I think TV plays a big role in our society and a lot of people prefer watching television to reading a newspaper. Television provides a great opportunity for people to  learn latest news, watch educational  programmes, children’s  programmes, old and new films and soap operas on TV. TV-series have also become very popular with the Russians nowadays.

Broadcasting in the United Kingdom is controlled by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Independent Television Commission (ITC). The BBC has two TV channels. BBC 2 has more

serious programmes and news features. The most independent channel is Channel 4, and it has more specialized programmes than the main channels. In general, people think the programmes offered on British television are of a very high standart. «Top of the Pops» is a programme that has been shown every week on BBC TV for many years. Of course, each week the show finishes with the number one single.

As for me, I usually watch documentaries and game shows on TV.

My mother prefers sitcoms and educational programmes; my father watches sports programmes and political talk shows. I think that it is impossible to live without television, even though the Internet, I am sure, will replace it one day in future.

Teacher: Some people say that radio is less popular than television.

Do you agree with them?

Pupil 2: I  agree with them, but I think radio has not lost its importance with the appearance of TV and the Internet.  People listen to it in cars or at work. Today there are a lot of radio stations of many different types and so much variety. Talk  shows and  music programmes with disc jockeys are very popular. Every hour radio stations tell latest news in brief.

In the UK national radio is controlled by  the BBC and listeners can choose between two stations. Radio 1 is a pop- music station with news and magazine-style programmes. Radio 2 plays light music and reports on sport. Radio 3 plays classical music, and Radio 4 has news programmes, drama and general interest programmes. There are many local stations, some private and some run by the BBC. Their programmes consist mainly of music and news. External service of theBBC is a very important part of the BBC’s work. The BBC World Service broadcasts in thirty-five vernacular languages.

My favourite Russian radio station is “ Europe plus». I usually listen to it while I am doing my homework. I think you can find any radio station to your taste. And would you like to listen to the song which is often sung on “Europe plus».

Teacher: Open your hearts to music. (A song  “October and April»)

Teacher: Sometimes I  turn on the radio to listen to latest news or music. But I also like to look through a newspaper or a magazine.
Now let’s speak about Russian and English press.

Pupil 3:  In my opinion we still cannot imagine our life without newspapers and magazines.Some newspapers and magazines publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers.

Pupil 4:  There are national daily newspapers, such as Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Rossiiskaya Gazeta, Izvestia and others.

There are also national weekly papers, for example “Argumenty and Fakty”. They  usually  contain a lot of advertisements.You can find newspapers  and magazines according to  your tastes. There are also local papers in all parts of Russia. Our local newspaper “Lukhovitskie Vesti» is very popular with young and old people of our town.

Pupil 5:  As soon as I know  the Englishmen are one of the reading nations. They  have a so-called tradition to start their morning with a newspaper in hands. A great amount of newspapers is issued and sold in Britain daily All the newspapers can be divided into two groups: broadsheet papers and tabloids. The most famous broadsheet papers are: The Times, the Guardian, the Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph. The most popular tabloids are: The Daily Mail, the Daily Star, the Daily Mirror, the Sun.

It’s worth adding that tabloid papers have stories about celebrities, sports, news and gossip about popular television programmes, such as soap operas and reality TV shows.

Teacher: One of modern high-tech inventions is the Internet. Almost every company in the world has its own website. Our Gymnasia has its own website too.  You can find something interesting there. As for me, I brouse the Net when I need some information or  to send e-mail.

Do you consider the Internet is the most popular and greatest source of information, communication and entertainment?

Pupil 6: Yes, I do. The Internet provides any kind of information on any topic. Of course, some of the sources are not reliable, but the Internet gives a very good opportunity to shop, book rooms and flights, watch films, listen to  music and many other things. The Internet also gives an opportunity to make new friends and find old ones thanks to social networking sites such as Facebook or Vkontakte.

Teacher:  It’s time to know your preferences about mass media. In each group one of the members will interview the rest to find out their likes and dislikes.
(Полилоги о предпочтениях в группах)

Teacher: Now answer my question. What is the latest breaking news you’ve heard lately?

Pupil 7: It’s the opening of the 22-nd Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

They began on the 7-th of February.  

Teacher:  Let’s see live coverage of the Olympic Games. (Фрагмент открытия Олимпийских игр).

Do you watch competitions every day?

What are the first results?

Would you like to go to Sochi?

Maxim, I know you are a sportsman. What kind of sport do you go in for?

Pupil 8: Yes, I’m a sportsman. I go in for light athletics.

Teacher: What do you want to be in future?

Pupil 8:  I want  to be a good sportsman and to take part in Summer Olympic Games.

Teacher: Good luck to you, Maxim.

Surely, there are advantages and disadvantages of mass media.

Pupil 9: I’d like to  tell you that TV is the main source of news  for millions of people. A lot of people like watching  TV because they can see everything with their  own eyes. It is an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing.

Pupil 10:  When we watch TV we learn about the world, famous people and global and recent news. The TV programmes influence the way we see the world and  make us more intelligent and educated people, shape our views. There is a great number of programmes: news, sports programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries, and feature films, concerts and performances.

Pupil 11: «Smart TVs» provided with new satellite systems are changing. Soon will be available as many as a thousand channels. Home shopping programmes will allow viewers to shop for everything from a yacht to a loaf of bread. Travel services, weather reports, video games, financial services, any kind of educational courses will be available at the touch of the button. It will be possible  to transport any information to every home.

Pupil 12:  In my opinion TV has a lot of disadvantages. We can say that television  is doing a lot of harm. TV leads to poor health through rushed meals, lack of sleep and exercise, eyetrain.

Pupil 13: I agree with you. I can add  that people forget the art of conversation and reading. Many of them are becoming TV addicts.

Pupil 14: I think there is much violence on TV nowadays. So I don’t watch such programmes. In my opinion we should choose them according to our tastes and interests and everything will be OK.

Teacher:  Let’s speak about «pros» and “cons» of  the press.

Pupil 1:  I can say that newspapers are  one of the oldest  mass media and they are still popular now. There are  newspapers and magazines for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers which are colourful and full of pictures, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening and for those who keep pets.

Pupil 2: Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. Nothing can substitute newspapers.

Pupil 3: I think the advantage of all  newspapers is that they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.

Pupil 4: To my mind it’s plus that many newspapers and magazines print readers’ letters, in which people write about their problems.

Often there are answers, written by psychologists, doctors, educators etc.

Pupil 5:  In my opinion newspapers are always full of bad news and dramatic events. And more over there are too many gossip and scandal
articles there.

Pupil 6:  You are right.  I can add, that there are too  many kinds of newspapers and magazines and it’s  difficult to choose the right and fair one.

Pupil 7: Tastes differ. But I am sure you’ll find something interesting in this or that newspaper or magazine.

Teacher:  Thanks a lot.  Please, give your arguments for and against radio.

Pupil 8: Radio is widespread for it’s portability. It can be easily carried around. People like to listen to the radio in the park, on the beach, at the seaside, in the car, or in the open air.

Pupil 9:  Some radio stations are still very popular  with young people and teenagers, because of different kinds of music. Various favourite songs are broadcast every day. Especially teenagers get a lot of pleasure listening to them. Music reflects their mood and emotions.

Pupil 10: I’d like to say that radio broadcast the latest news and important events too.

Pupil 11:  But radio doesn’t give us an opportunity to see everything with our own eyes.

Pupil 12: I agree with you. But it’s quite easy to listen to the radio from any part of the world. Wherever you are, you may enjoy good music or interesting programmes without any effort, just when you do something about the house, driving the car, etc.

Teacher:  And what  can you say about the Internet?

Pupil 13: Well, the Internet has become the most popular and greatest source of information, entertainment  and communication. If you have the Internet access, you may read newspapers online, watch films, listen to music, listen to the radio and even watch television online!

Pupil 14:  I use the Internet every day for various purposes: I chat with my friends all over the world, read news and brouse the Net to find necessary information for my studies.

Pupil 1:  As you know, E-mail has become the greatest way of communication. You can send a letter to your friends (even from the most distant countries and places) without buying an envelope, and the letter will be delivered in a few seconds.

Pupil 2:  To tell the truth I like social media sites, like Facebook and Vkontakte. I have my profiles there and they help me stay in touch with all my friends both from Russia and abroad.

Teacher:  I agree with you. These are some main advantages of the Internet. What about its disadvantages?

Pupil 3:  I think, one of them is that sometimes the information which is provided on the Internet is unreliable and may even be harmful to people.

Pupil 4:  Another disadvantage is that many users spend  a lot of time on the Internet. It leads to Internet Addiction Syndrome, a new illness that can cause serious problems and ruin many lives.

Teacher:  So what conclusion can we come to?

Pupil 5:  In spite of all disadvantages, people still read newspapers and magazines, watch TV, listen to the radio and browse the Net.

We ourselves should decide how to use them.

Teacher:  You are quite right. Thank you for your presentations and your participating in our discussion. You were very active today.

Your marks are … The lesson is over. See you.