Марина Михайловна Талова

Место работы:
ИП Талова М.М. Лингвистический центр Mr.English
директор, преподаватель

Темы Открытых уроков автора

  • Обобщающий урок английского языка в 6-м классе "The top-secret of iearning English" 2007

    Урок английского языка для 6-го класса. Without sufficient motivation, even individuals or students with the best of abilities cannot accomplish long-term goals. That's why teachers working in our school which is a private one are supposed to take into accounts motivation of our learners from the beginning of the year and provide them vocabulary they need to formulate their own reasons of learning English. It is worth doing because students need to understand clearly where their knowledge of English can be used and what they should do to improve and make it better.