Урок английского языка "Shopping for everything". 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Цель: закрепление лексики по темам “Одежда”,“Продукты” и “Покупки”; формирование навыков диалогической речи по теме “Делаем покупки”, совершенствование навыков чтения.

Тип урока: заключительный (итоговый).

Планируемые результаты (предметные):

– тренируются в употреблении лексики по теме “Покупаем одежду и продукты”;
– составляют диалогические высказывания, используя грамматические модели и речевые образцы;
– читают и понимают текст, построенный на знакомом и новом языковом материале;
– отвечают на вопросы учителя по содержанию прочитанного;
– владеют изученным ранее лексическим и грамматическим материалом;
– практиковать учащихся в использовании местоимений some,any, no;
– контроль усвоения изученной темы;
– развитие фонетических навыков учащихся.

Универсальные учебные действия (метапредметные):

Личностные: имеют желание учиться; понимают значение знаний для человека и принимают его; выражают свои эмоции по поводу прочитанного; примеряют на себя роль социально активной, мобильной, толерантной и адаптивной личности.

Регулятивные: вносят необходимые коррективы в действие после его завершения на основе оценки сделанных ошибок; принимают и сохраняют учебную задачу; планируют свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями ее реализации, в том числе во внутреннем плане.

Познавательные: ориентируются в учебнике; выделяют необходимую информацию из текстов; осознанно строят речевое высказывание в устной форме; сопоставляют результаты работы одноклассников.

Коммуникативные: воспринимают информацию из текста и выражают своё понимание в требуемой форме; ведут диалог “В магазине”; читают вслух выражения из диалогов и предложения из текста, соблюдая нужную интонацию; задают вопросы и отвечают на них.

Учебно-методический комплекс: “Enjoy English ”, учебник для 4-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева, изд. “Титул”, 2013 г. (учебник, рабочая тетрадь; книга для учителя), мультимедийная презентация по теме урока, раздаточный материал для учеников (тексты для чтения); ноутбук, колонки, медиапроектор.

Ход урока

Организационный момент. Приветствие:

Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What is the day of the week is it today? Who is absent? What season is it how? Do you like spring? What is the weather like today?

Постановка целей урока и мотивация.

Let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen. (Слайд 1) It is the theme of our lesson: “Shopping for everything”. Last time we were talking about shopping for clothes and for food. Today we’ll revise all the words and expressions on this topic, make our own dialogues, read the text, practice in using some, any, no. Is everybody ready to start?

Развитие фонетических навыков учащихся.

But first let's recite the poem: (Слайд 2)

”The Kitten’s Clothes” 
Jeans and trousers, 
Sweaters and shirts, 
Socks and tights, 
And jackets and skirts. 
T-shirts and shoes, 
High boots and mittens, 
These are the clothes 
Of the kittens. 

Активизация лексического материала по теме “ Shopping for clothes”.

Look at the blackboard and repeat after me: (Слайд 3)

a shirt, a T-shirt, a hat, a cap, trousers, a suit, a raincoat, a coat, an umbrella, a jacket, shorts, jeans, a dress, shoes, a blouse, mittens, a scarf, boots, a sweater, trainers.

Answer the questions: (Слайд 4)

Tell me, please, what would you like to buy?

What do people wear in winter?

What do people wear in spring and in autumn?

What do people wear in summer?

What clothes do we wear for sport, for rest?

Match the words with the seasons: (Слайд 5)

1) umbrella
2) T-shirt
3) mittens
4) jacket
b) autumn
c) summer
d) spring

Find the odd words: (Слайд 6)

Blouses, bottles, boots, dresses, skirts, pieces, mittens, trainers, shoes.

Which word is spelt in the wrong way? (Слайд 7)

Blouse, scarf, suit, sweter, trainers, umbrella, shorts.

Find the verb that is translated as быть одетым во что-либо: (Слайд 8)

put on, have on, suit, dress, take off.

Do you know that some words can't be used in singular? Let's remember them. Cross out the words that can be used in singular: (Слайд 9)

trousers – jeans – shoes – clothes – boots – mittens – shorts

Which word isn't used in singular?

shirts – shorts – shoes – socks – trainers

Make the sentence using the following words: (Слайд 10)

to buy/ coat/I'd/ warm/a/like

put on/ dress/may/ my/I/ new?

mother/ dresses/ did/ buy/ where/these/her?

Look at the blackboard. You can see the language of shopping. We use these expressions when we buy something in the shop. Match the Russian and English expressions: (Слайд 11)

Я могу вам помочь? Here you are.

Что-нибудь еще? I’ll take this one, please.

Мне бы хотелось…. Can I help you?

Я возьму вот это… I’d like…

Вот, пожалуйста.. Anything else?

Сколько это стоит? How much is it?

Let’s find out which of these expressions belong to a shop-assistant and which to a customer? (Слайд 12)

I’d like to buy… Here is money. How much is it? What can I do for you? How much are they?

Can I help you? Can I try a blouse on? That will be 5 pounds. Here you are. Here is 1 pound change. Anything else? Does it suit?

Find the odd expression: (Слайд 13)

1) Here you are

2) Excuse me

3) Thank you

4) Look at me

Развитие диалогической речи по теме “Shopping for clothes”.

Now, It's time to check our homework. Last lesson we made up a dialogue together. You had to learn the dialogue for homework. Let's act out the dialogue. (Слайд 14)

– Can I help you?
– Yes, please. Show me the jacket, please.
– What colour would you like?
–I’d like blue.
– Here you are?
– May I try it on?
– Yes, please… Any problem?
– It’s nice. But I'd like a bigger size.
– OK. Here you are.
– It suits me. It's nice and warm. How much is it?
– 25 pounds.
– I’ll take it.
– Good, anything else?
– No, thank you. Good bye!
– Good bye!

It's time for rest. Stand up please.

Hands up! Hands down! Hans on hips! Sit down!

Stand up! Hand to the sides!

Bend left! Bend right!

Jump to 5! One, two, three, four, five!

Shake your hands! Shake your legs! Shake hands and legs!

Thank you! Sit down.

Активизация лексико– грамматического материала по теме “Shopping for food”.

And now let’s go to the food shop. But first let's recite the poem: (Слайд 15)

Shopping, shopping
Let’s go shopping
We shall buy a lot of food
Bread and butter, cheese and ice-cream
I think it tastes so good!

What food can you name? Look at the screen and name the words.

Can you guess what it is? Look at the screen. You can see funny riddles. Read and guess! (Слайд 16)

It is tasty, it is white and brown.
It can be square, oval and round. (bread.)
They are coloured and sweet like honey.
 I like to buy them. (sweets)
It is tasty, cold and white.
We can lick it like an ice. (ice-cream.)
It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.
And we like with it
Drinking tea. (a cake.)
Green and round, rabbits like it. (cabbage)
 It is a red vegetable with long tail. (a carrot)
It’s white outside,
and yellow inside. (an egg)
You smile when you name it.
The mouse likes it very much. (cheese)

Изучение различных видов упаковки.

We have learned different types of packing. Let’s remember these words: (Слайд 17)

a loaf, a packet, a jar, a bottle, a carton, a bar, a box.

And we can measure food with:

a glass, a cup, a slice, a piece

Look at the screen and match the words. (Слайд 18)

a glass of
a loaf of
a box of
a bar of
a cup of
a jar of
a slice of
a piece of
a packet of
a carton of
a bottle of
mineral water

Употребление местоимений some, any, no.

We have learned the use of pronouns some, any, no. Let’s remember! And now look at the screen and feel in the gaps. (Слайд 19)

There is ... water in the glass.
There aren’t ... carrots on the plate.
Can I have ... orange juice?
Are there ... sweets in the bag? – Yes, there are..
Would you like ... coffee?
There is … soup on the table. There is only (только) .... porridge.
There are ... books on the desk.
There isn't ... snow in the town.
I haven't got ... apples. But I have got ... oranges.
Is there ... bread at home? No, there is ... bread at home.

Look at the screen and replace the words some, any with the words a loaf of, a packet of, a box of, a jar of, a bottle of. (Слайд 20)

Can I have some bread? (a loaf of bread)
There is some milk in the fridge. (a bottle of milk)
Do we need any jam? (a jar of jam)
Can I buy some chips? (a packet of chips)
Some sweets are a good present. (a box of)

Mark the sentence without any mistakes: (Слайд 21)

Yes, there is any.
Yes, there isn't any.
No, there is any.
No, there isn't any.

Translate into English:

На столе есть молоко. На столе есть мясо? Можно мне немного кофе? В коробке нет конфет.

Развитие навыков в чтении . Let's go on to the reading of the text. Read the text carefully. Start reading the text to yourselves. Pay attention to some new words: (Слайд 22)

Goods, butchery, bakery, grocery, greengrocery, dairy, supermarket.

Текст (Приложение 2).

Let's see how much you have understood the text. Translate the names of the shops: (Слайд 23)

Butchery, bakery, grocery, greengrocery, dairy, supermarket.

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct word: (Слайд 24)

1) We can buy cheese and butter at the
a) butchery
b) bakery
c) dairy
2) We can buy food and clothes at
a) the grocery
b) supermarkets
c) clothing shops
3) We can't buy potatoes, oranges at
a) the bakery
b) the greengrocery
c) supermarkets

Answer the questions: (Слайд 25)

1) Does Mike like shopping?
2) Who goes shopping in his family?
3) What do you like to buy?
4) Where do you like to go shopping?

Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. (Слайд 26)

Great! In conclusion I would like to thank you for your work, you were very active and it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. You get “5s”. The rest have “4s”. I want you to write down your home task. Do the exercises 3 and 5 at page 54 in your workbooks. Is everything clear? The lesson is over. You may get your things together. See you.