Приемы обучения чтению по теме "Регионоведение"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Поисковое чтение на младшей ступени обучения английскому языку в IV классе.

Пояснительная записка

В инвариантную часть учебного плана невозможно заложить всю информацию, адекватно отражающую культурное разнообразие поликультурного российского общества и культурно-историческое наследие народов и народностей, населяющих Россию. В этой связи, согласно Федеральному базисному плану общего среднего образования, учебный план должен включать региональный компонент.

Ученик должен уметь:

  • объяснять сходства и различия в традициях своей страны, своего региона и страны изучаемого языка;
  • рассказывать о себе, своем окружении, своем регионе, планах;
  • описывать особенности жизни и культуры в своем регионе;
  • различать региональные социокультурные реалии представителям других стран;

Регионоведение – это новое, не разработанное, перспективное направление современной методики обучения иностранным языкам.

Данная программа и методика – результат внеклассной и учебной деятельности на протяжении трех лет.

Приемы обучения проблемно-поисковому чтению на английском языке

В значимости личностно-ориентированного обучения и в социализации личности закономерен интерес учителей английского языка к эффективным методам и приемам обучения. Далеко не секрет, что современные ученики не любят читать даже на родном языке. Мы считает, что наиболее эффективным методом обучения является проблемный метод, так как именно он ненавязчиво побуждает ученика работать на уроке творчески. Именно степень сформированности самостоятельной поисковой деятельности является объектом контроля чтения, которая проверяется в ходе Единого государственного экзамена у выпускников школы. Проблемно-поисковую деятельность чтения необходимо начинать как на средней ступени обучения, так и с участием младшего подросткового возраста, прививая вкус и интерес к чтению.

Автор программы Регионоведения на уроках английского языка Чельдиева И. Х. является соавтором детской книги С. Каргиновой «Мы – дети природы». Ею переведено 129 рассказов на английский язык. Это небольшие трогательные истории о любви человека ко всему живому на Земле, сюжеты взяты из реальной жизни, действие происходит в горах Северной Осетии, в лесах Алагирского района, в наших поселках.

Вся работа над текстом чтения делится на три этапа: дотекстовый, текстовый и послетекстовый. Большое внимание уделяется дотекстовому этапу, так как именно он приводит в действие систему проблемно-поисковых заданий. Необходимо подобрать иллюстрации, которые помогут учащимся спрогнозировать тему предстоящей работы.


Рассмотрим рассказ «Заяц погостил», «Hare was on a visit»


  1. Talk about the hare in the picture
  2. Describe the hare
  3. Where does the hare live?
  4. Imagine you met the hare in the forest. What would you do?
  5. Read the title of the story and try to guess in what situation the hare may be called «clever»?

Ученики, таким образом, уже настроены на сюжет предстоящего текста, а последний вопрос речевой зарядки является логическим мостиком, позволяющим перейти непосредственно к чтению текста.

Post reading:

I. Look through the text to find the answers as quickly as possible.

1. Mother brought a _____

a) hare     b) bear     c) wolf

2.   Mother gave him

a) bread     b) butter     c) some cheese

3.   The hare was _____

a) very old     b) young     c) white

4.   Let him eat grass _____

a) in the forest     b) in the Zoo     c) in the park

II. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Read the sentences from the story to support your answer and write down the key-words.

  1. My mother had a talent to talk to people.
  2. When she lived in the house in the town she used to bring partridges, hares, little birds, foxes.
  3. We called him Cunurik.
  4. He didn’t know his name.
  5. She brought a young grey hare.

III. Choosing a different title.

The title of the story is «The hare was on a visit». Look at the list of other titles below. Find the one that you think is also good. What is wrong with the other titles?

  1. A Little hare
  2. East or West – home is best
  3. Time of hay-making

IV. Precis.

Fill in the gaps and retell the story in a short form.

The story _____ is about _____.

The main idea of the story is _____.

If I were the hare I would ______.

V. Speak about the hare.

Важным моментом проблемного чтения является обсуждение предстоящего проектного задания. Огромную популярность проектных заданий и желание всех без исключения учеников включиться в их выполнение  можно объяснить не только характером связи изучаемого иноязычного материала с реальной жизнью, но и интересом учеников младшего подросткового возраста к занимательной проблемной игра «Где должны жить звери?»

VI. Where must animals live?


My mother had a talent. She knew the language of animals. When we lived in the cottage in the mountains she used to bring partridges, hares, little birds, foxes. It wasn’t easy to domesticate them, but she managed.

Once she brought a grey young hare. He felt like at home and we didn’t keep him in the cage. Mother often made cheese and he liked to sit near her, licking with his pink tongue. Mother gave him some cheese, he ate it very quickly and then asked for some more cheese. We called him Cunurik. He knew his name.

Time of hay-making came and mother decided to take Cunurik with us to the forest:” Let him eat grass in the forest and gambol”. Cunurik waited for a while and then decided:” East or West – Home is best”, and we could only see his white tail in the distance.


Text for reading


I thank my lucky stars that I was born in the mountains. Mountains are like the sacred monastery. There is peculiar force here, it is impossible to be weak here, and we have to live just according to their laws. Maybe that’s why I live with the help of eternal beauty and I have no right to be weak.

My dear Ksurt! You are the birthplace of my beloved mother and her forefathers. You are so dear for me! My birthplace… Our deserted nest prepares me its arms with silent grief.

I always remember everything very excitedly. The famous generation of Baskaev family is from Ksurt. There are a lot of worthy people among them. There were huge losses of this famous generation, especially during the war.  Though the settlement is deep in the mountains the aftermath of war came even here.

Now this Baskaev’s birthplace became an orphan. The last who left this place was my mother.  This settlement cannot be compared with any other settlement in Ossetia. Alpine meadows, constantly green pine wood, here is medicinal water – the more you drink – the more you are thirsty. There are seven sacred places in the settlement. It was forbidden to have pigs here. It was considered the desecration of the land.

Today we respect and visit the sacred place Tkhost. In former days everyone from the settlement Ksurt gathered here and made a real holiday in honour of saint Tkhost.

My uncle Dzambolat told me that if someone was absent during the celebration of saint Tkhost he was considered dead. To visit the holiday was strictly necessary for everyone. The people from this settlement had to visit the holiday wherever they were. Even today we celebrate the holiday for the purification of the soul on the last Sunday of July. Only men may visit the sacred places and women stay at home and lay the table, this sacred place of Tkhost helps to realize one’s dreams.

I spent my childhood and secure youth in that place. Here is a patrimonial tower of my forefathers. It keeps the memory about the sacred land. You look and admire its greatness: the walls are sharply polished and there are huge stones on the very top. Who could build so? Could they be people-giants? I touch the walls of this tower with my chick, the tower which is washed by the secular rains.

My land – you are a real cradle of kindness, I love you immensely and I am proud of you. The warm stones of the tower inspire peace. There are still narrow streets which are covered with stones. I want to touch everything with the magic bacillus and to put life into everything to see that far saint world of my childhood.

The Baskaev’s love their little birthplace very much and I was also engrafted that love.  Every stone of the blasted tower, of the house is dear to me, these proud tops of the mountains with the incomprehensible mystery and the fly of the rock eagles in the height, this crisp cold water is transparent like a tear.

The cradle of the spring feeds the stormy stream. Silence… the rank gardens, the fruit trees which were not taken care of for a log time, the thrown fences. The door of our house again is broken by the unkind persons. Only swallows found a shelter here. They say if the swallows make their nests in the house – this is happiness. But where is this happiness in my father’s house?! When I saw everything broken and destroyed and rambled, the tears welled up into my eyes. I think the people who came to our hospitable house not once do now such things. Why do they do so? The dead see and hear everything and the time will come when these people will be asked for everything. There is nothing left scot-free. With such melancholy thoughts I went farther from our house and I didn’t even notice the sky cover with silver clouds. They gathered in order to let the rains pour.

It was getting dark, the time was standing still and the black clouds were floating silently. And now it lightened. The pouring rain began and it became stronger and stronger. There was a fluffy tree in the corner of the broken house. The birds hid at the top of the tree pressing each other. I also hid and wasn’t wet at all. Everything knows here that such a rain stops very quickly. The sun appears again. Now it smelt with freshness everywhere, the birds began catching each other with jolly chatter.

After a long walk I came back home, sat on the bench which stayed untouched by wonder, and I fell into a doze under the kind beams of the setting sun. Suddenly through the somnolence I felt as the big and kind creatures were looking at me. It was our kind secular pear. It looked at me, listened to my sad thoughts with its leaves. I remember from my childhood as my father presented this pear the second life. Silently, under the calming affable crown I listened to the story about the bygone days, about the inhabitants of this house before us and about those who left this kind and hospitable house quite recently, about the wise old men who liked to sit on this bench, about different events in this settlement both joyful and bitter. So much time passed! And more about the kind hands which planted new fruit trees with which my pear beguiles its time. There was such warmth and magnificent kindness to people in these stories.

It is quiet around. It is getting dark. The first stars appeared in the sky. The bad thoughts didn’t leave me but I was glad to visit and to see my native places and to remember my childhood and youth. And now the whole world hid under the vaults of the mysterious twinkle of the stars and bright moon…




1) Read the title of the story and try to guess what the text is about?

2) Look at the picture and describe the butterfly.


Our summer residence is located in the most picturesque place. There are high beautiful mountains, alpine meadows, a fantastic wood, vivifying water...

The wood was burnt through the hunters’ fault. It was burning for a long time. We felt hurt when we saw it. Even animals did not disturb each other in such horror when they went down for watering. Ill natured people used this situation for their purpose. They started to kill animals.

Many animals and birds died. We couldn’t hear birds’ singing in the morning and see butterflies for a long time. They escaped.

Time passed. I visited my summer residence again. I couldn’t help admiring the beauty of this place. I got up very early and lived there in a natural way without conveniences: radio, newspapers and electricity. I went to bed at sunset and rose at dawn. Such daily routine made me calm and gave me strength.

After that fatal fire little by little the environment began to restore. Now I could see many dragonflies, may-bugs, birds, butterflies and unknown insects to me in the air.

One day a big beautiful butterfly flue to our yard early in the morning. I was very glad to see her. I stretched my hands to her and called with kind and warm words. It looked as if she understood me and she sat on my hand trustfully. She put down her wings. I felt her taking my energy. I was patiently waiting as I was glad to see her. I examined her colourful wings, black eyes, shaggy legs and short feelers.

Suddenly she trembled, as if she woke up from her sleep, sat on my head and flew away. One moment she flew back, turned round my eyes and disappeared in the     trees.

I felt she was glad to see me too.

Post reading.

Look through the text and find the answer as quickly as possible.

1) Our summer residence is located in  ….           place.

a) the most picturesque     b) the lowland     c) a fantastic wood

2) The wood was burnt             .

a) through day’s fault        b) through hunters” fault      c) through hot summer

3) I went to bed                .

a) later          b) early           c) at sunset

4) One day…           flew.

a) a dragonfly        b) birds         c) a butterfly

5) I felt she was  …           to see me too.

a) afraid            b) glad             c) angry

Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Read the sentences from the story to support your answer and write down the key-words.

  1. We felt hurt when we saw it.
  2. Many animals and birds died.
  3. I got up very late and lived there with all modern conveniences.
  4. After that fatal fire the environment began to restore very quickly.
  5. I felt she was afraid to see me.

Choosing a different title.

The title of the story is “Butterfly”.

Look at the list of other titles below.

Find the one that you think is also good.

What is wrong with other titles?

  1. A great fire.
  2. Restoration.
  3. Beautiful nature.

Answer the questions:

  1. How should people behave in the forest?
  2. What can people do to preserve nature?
  3. Will the butterfly return to the cottage? Why?