Урок английского языка по теме "What makes a true friend", 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7


  • развивающий аспект – развитие способности к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям, к сравнению и сопоставлению, комбинированию речевых единиц;
  • воспитательный аспект  – формирование толерантного, уважительного отношения к мнению других людей, формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе;
  • учебный аспект – развитие умений устной речи;
  • речевой материал – лексика и грамматические явления предыдущих уроков.

Оборудование: стереосистема, раздаточный материал (листы с заданиями)


1. Начало урока – рапорт

2. T ––> Cl Boys and girls! Today we have two tasks to be done: the first one is to practise in using of the auxiliary sentences with words who/which/that; and the second one is to try to find out What makes a true friend or What kind of person a true friend should be.
Let’s start with your home task – you had to learn a poem about friendship by heart. Let’s listen to your recitations.

3. P1 – P2 – P3 Читают стихотворение о друзьях и дружбе наизусть, отвечают на вопрос Do you agree/disagree with the author of the poem?

4. T ––> Cl  OK, in the poem there are some auxiliary sentences with words who/which/that. Let’s revise the cases of using each of these words. You may use the rule in your student’s books.

P1P2P3 ––> T Учащиеся, используя правило из учебника, формулируют правило употребления союзных слов who/which/that в придаточных определительных предложениях.

5. T – Cl Well, you are absolutely right, and our next step will be making up sentences about friends and friendship using the auxiliary sentences with words who/which/that. Please, turn the page in your student’s books and let’s do exercise 2 (p.88)

P1 – P2 – P3  выполняют подстановочное упражнение, составляют предложения с придаточными определительными с союзными словами who/which/that.

6. T ––> Cl  Well, I suppose you’ve done enough to remember in which cases the words who/which/that are used. Now we’ll do the next step to make the aims of our lesson closer. Let’s turn to the poem once more and try to give some personal characteristics to the person the author considers a true friend. Will you tell me please how we can name the person who cares? And what kind of person will be the one who shares? (Cl ––> T Учащиеся образуют прилагательные careful, generous). OK, doing your next task you’ll revise the adjectives you may need to characterize a true friend. Will you do exercise 1 in your task sheets. Now you may work in pairs and you have to make up the pairs of synonyms and antonyms.                                                                                  

Exercise 1. Find synonyms and antonyms among the following words:
kind, shy, fair, hard-working, sociable, smart, skillful, honest, angry, communicative, cunning, stupid, polite, lazy, clever, joyful, loyal, serious, chatting, calm, sad, true, light-minded, talkative, silent, talented, bossy, helpful, reliable, bad-tempered

 P1 P2 P3 ––> T Учащиеся работают в парах, составляют пары синонимов и антонимов прилагательных, затем отвечают.

T ––> Cl  Will you tell me please which of these characteristics you’d like your friend to possess. And which of these traits he or she shouldn’t have?

7. T ––> Cl  To tell about a true friend you need not adjectives only but also verbs and verb phrases. Doing the following task we’ll revise some verbs and practice in using them. Will you do the exercise 2 from your task sheets? You have to match the verbs from the first column with their postpositions from the second column in the part A. Then using these verbs you must to translate the phrases from the part B. Please answer after finishing the whole exercise.

Exercise 2.

A. Match the words from the columns.

make                             out
get                                to
rely                               together
fall                                up
turn                              on

B. Translate the following into English:

ссориться по пустякам – …
могу на него положиться – …
обратиться к нему за помощью – …
часто собираться вместе – …
быстро мириться – …

P1 P2 P3 ––> T Учащиеся в парах составляют фразовые глаголы, переводят фразы на английский язык, отвечают.

8. T ––> Cl  In the next exercises there are some sentences about friends and friendship. You have to fill in the missing vowels                                                                                                                          

Exercise 3.

The vowels are missing in the sentences. What do they say?

  • Fr--nds     –r-    p--pl-    wh-    c-n    r-l-     -n     -n-  -n-th-r.
  • Fr--nds     –r-    p--pl-    wh-     -ft-n      g-t      t-g-th-r.
  • -    tr--     fr--nd      w-ll      n-v-r      b-tr--.
  • -    tr--     fr--nd      c-n       k--p      s-cr-ts.
  • -    tr--     fr--nd       -s       h-n-st      -nd       f--r.

P1 P2 P3 ––> T Учащиеся работают в парах, вставляют пропущенные гласные в предложения, затем отвечают.

T ––> Cl  It seems to me you are a bit tired, so I propose to relax a little and sing a short song.

(Учащиеся поют песню о дружбе из мультфильма Muzzy).

To make it a little more practical, let’s replace Muzzy and Bob’s names with your own names. Just sing it or maybe recite it in pairs. (Учащиеся в парах перепевают песню со своими именами)

9. T ––> Cl  During the next step of our work you’ll work in groups and analyze some quotations about friends and friendship. Then you’ll present your thoughts. Don’t forget to say if you agree or disagree with the authors and why.

A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud. (Ralph Emerson)
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. (Fr. Jerome Cummings)
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. (Walter Winchell)

Gr ––> Cl Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают цитаты известных людей о друзьях и дружбе, затем озвучивают свои мысли.

10. T ––> Cl  To make a conclusion and to formulate What makes a true friend we’ll do the most creative task for today. Open your copybooks and write down some lines about the theme of our lesson. Listen to my instructions (by the way, they are also written on the blackboard) and write line by line using just your imagination and creativity.

The 1st line – name of the theme.
The 2nd line – two adjectives.
The 3rd line – the verbal phrase on the theme.
The 4th line – feeling or emotion.

P1 P2 P3 ––> Cl Учащиеся составляют и зачитывают вслух свои «катрвейны».

11. T ––> Cl  Well, our lesson has almost finished, I suppose now you can answer the main question of our today’s lesson. Also I hope you’ve learnt something useful for you.
To sum up I can say that you’ve worked well enough today. So the results are the following: …

– Your home task for the next lesson will be the ex. 1 Reader p. 35-36

– Our lesson is over. Goodbye, cadets.