Урок "Wake up!" (УМК "Spotlight"). 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели и задачи:


  • Отработать и закрепить в речи Present Simple;
  • Практиковать учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи по теме “Мой день”;
  • Закрепить употребление предлогов времени at/ in.


  • Развивать догадку при работе с лексикой и её переводе.
  • Развивать умения учащихся в работе с интерактивным оборудованием и портативными ноутбуками.


  • Учить учащихся находить необходимую информацию в тексте.
  • Учить в игровой ситуации применять полученные знания на прошлых уроках.


  • воспитывать культуру организации досуга;
  • воспитывать валеологическую культуру, стремление вести здоровый образ жизни.

Оборудование: Smart board, portable laptops for pupils, УMK “Spotlight” 5 класс, CD player.

Ход урока

T: Good morning boys and girls.

CL: Good morning Ms Zapletaeva.

T: I’m glad to see you.

CL: We are glad to see you too.

T: How are you? I hope you are fine.

Today there are a lot of guests at our school, but I hope you will be relaxed and enjoy our lesson.

T P1, P2, P3, P4

T: How are you?

P1: I am fine, thank you.

P2: I’m OK. And you?

P3: Not bad, thanks.

P4: So so.

T: Let’s imagine some short situations and make short dialogues.

1 You are two friends. You meet and greet each other in the morning (in the afternoon, in the evening)

P1: Good morning, Sergey.

P2: Good morning, Alyosha.

P1: How are you?

P2: I am fine, thanks. And how are you?

P1: I’m OK, thank you. Good bye.

P1: Bye.

T: Our days are usually monotonous. We do the same things day by day. And today at our lesson we’ll speak about our daily routine, revise vocabulary, prepositions of time and adverb of frequency. First of all, let’s think and remember what usually we do during the day. Look at the blackboard, here you can see a lot of expressions, put them into the correct columns: what do we usually do in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.

When you chose the expression make the sentence with it. OK?

Учащиеся группируют слова в три колонки (слайд № 1).

In the morning:

Get up, clean my teeth, wash my face and hands, make my bed, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, go jogging

In the afternoon:

Have lessons, have lunch, do my homework, do sports, go out with my friends

In the evening:

Watch TV, watch DVD, have dinner, do the shopping, listen to music, read books, play computer games, go to bed

T: Well done! Of course, we can change these actions and we can listen to music for example in the afternoon, not only in the evening.

Go on working. And let’s see how well you remember these expressions which you divided into three columns. Here are two columns find the endings from the second column for each word in the first column. Look at these words very attentively.

Учащиеся группируют выражения (слайд № 2).

T: Excellent job! Fantastic! Now try to match the expression to the picture. But pay attention that there are more expressions than pictures. So some expressions won’t be used.

Учащиеся группируют выражения с картинками. Слов больше чем картинок

(слайд № 3).

Get up, have breakfast, go to school, do homework, work on computer, watch TV, do sports, clean my teeth, have lessons, read books, do the shopping, have a cup of tea.

T: Perfect! We revise our words and expressions, I see you know them well, so let’s summarize our answers and try to make stories: about our morning, afternoon and evening. Here you can see some expressions which help you to make stories.

P1: Tell us about your morning.

P2: Tell us about your afternoon.

P3: Tell us about your evening.

После проделанной работы возвращаемся к слайду № 1 или создаем идентичный слайд под № 4. (слайд № 4). В помощь учащимся для составления монологического высказывания используются выражения, которые были поделены на 3 колонки.

In the morning:

Get up, clean my teeth, wash my face and hands, make my bed, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, go jogging

In the afternoon:

Have lessons, have lunch, do my homework, do sports, go out with my friends

In the evening:

Watch TV, watch DVD, have dinner, do the shopping, listen to music, read books, play computer games, go to bed

T: Thank you everybody for your excellent stories. You were quite expressed. And I hope you can answer my following questions:

1 What time do you usually get up?

P1: I get up at 7 o’clock.

2 Do you go to school every day?

P2: Yes, I do, except Sunday.

3 What time do you usually have breakfast?

P3: I go to school at 7:40 in the morning.

4 Do you watch TV in the evening?

P4: Yes, I do.

5 Do you watch DVD in the morning?

P5: No, I don’t.

6 What time do you go to bed?

P6: I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

7 Do you play computer games every day?

P7: Yes, I do. \ No I don’t.

8 Do you go jogging in the morning?

P8: No I don’t.

T: Excellent! Good job boys and girls. So as I see you are ready well today. And before we go on our working, let’s relax, have a rest and make some activities.


Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips
Sit down.
Hands up, hands to the sides
Bend left, bend right.
Hands on hips,
One, two, three – hop.
One, two, three – stop.
Stand still.

T: Almost all our sentences were used with prepositions of time. So why do we use them? Of course, to point out exactly when we do some things. Look at this slide and put the correct prepositions in the following expressions: at or in

(слайд № 5).

____ 3 o’clock
____ the morning
____ midnight
____ noon
____ the afternoon
_____half past six
____ the evening

T: Now try to make your own sentences with each of these expressions.

1 I do my homework at 3 o’clock.
2 I have breakfast in the morning.
3 I sleep at midnight.
4 I have lunch at noon.
5 I do sports in the afternoon.
6 I get up at half past six.
7 I watch TV in the evening.

T: Wonderful! Thank you everybody. When we make sentences we usually use adverbs of frequency to show how often or seldom we do some activities. Where do we place the adverb of frequency?

P1: before the verb.

T: Yes, we put them before the main verb.

So where do you put the word usually in this sentence. (слайд № 6).

1 I do my homework every day. (usually)

Yes, you are right. Now put the adverb of frequency in the box into the correct place in these sentences.

2 She plays computer games. (often)
3 I watch TV in the morning. (never)
4 My dad doesn’t go jogging in the morning. ( usually)
5 My mother goes shopping in the evening. (always)
6 Do you have lunch at school or at home? ( usually)
7 Does she go to bed at 9 o’clock? (sometimes)

T: We revised our vocabulary and grammar material. You have done an excellent job. It’s time to check your knowledge. Take a short test in your portable computer.

Test (ПРОГРАММА “MY TEST”) Приложение 1

Fill in: get, watch, have, go, work.

1 __up
2__a DVD
3__ to bed
4__ breakfast
5__ on my computer

Fill in: at or in.

6 __7 o’clock
7__ in the afternoon
9__half past
10 __the evening

Fill in: do\ does.

11 I ___ my homework.
12 ___you go to bed at 10 o’clock?
13 __he watch DVD in the evening?
14 ___she work on the computer every day?

Choose the correct word.

15 My dad ____at 6 o’clock. Get up \ gets up
16 We___ have dinner at home. Don’t \ doesn’t.
17 My brother ____go jogging in the morning. Don’t \ doesn’t.
18 Do you get up at 7 o’clock? Yes, I do \ Yes, I does.
19 Does he go to school at 8 o’clock? (Yes, he does. \ Yes, he does.
20 Do they go shopping on Sundays? No they don’t. \No they doesn’t.

T: Perfect! Excellent! Fantastic! Well done! And now I offer you to make short dialogues like as an example using the following phrases which are given. You may change time and adverbs of frequency if you want.

(слайд № 7).


P1: Do you have breakfast at 7 o’clock?

P2: Yes, I do. What time do you usually have breakfast?

P1: I usually have breakfast at 7.15. Do you go to school in the morning?

P2: Yes, I do.

T: Open your activity book at page 49. Look at the text about Harry Potter and complete the missing words. Read the sentences with missing words.

(Слайд № 8)

T: Now, look through the text again and put the correct time at our clocks.

Extra activity:

Небольшой ролик о распорядке дня школьника. Просматриваем. Вопросы по ролику.


T: What did we talk about at our lesson today?

CL: Our day. A daily routine.

T: Thank you everybody. Your work was fantastic. You completely did all the task extremely and correctly. And your marks are good and excellent today. Our time is almost over. And I suggest you last task. Stand up! Come to the blackboard and give your attitude to our lesson today. Put a smile next to one of these smiles, if you didn’t like our lesson -put it here, if you like it – put it here. Quick!

Take your place. The lesson is over. You may be free. See you next lesson. Goodbye.

CL: Goodbye, Ms Zapletaeva.