Литературно-музыкальная композиция "Only love is spoken here…"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Звучит музыка, открывается занавес, на сцене сидят, стоят в выстроенной мизансцене участники программы, звучит на записи стихотворение Эдуарда Асадова “Слово о любви” на фоне музыки “Song from Secret Garden”.

Параллельно со стихотворением на экране выстроенный монтаж видеокадров из известных кинофильмов: “Ромео и Джульетта”, “Прогулка в облаках”, “Привидение”, “Р.S. Я люблю тебя”, “Дневник памяти”, “Вам и не снилось”, “Титаник”, “Унесенные ветром”, “Дом у озера”, “Спеши любить” и т.д.

После стихотворения 5ведущих выходят на авансцену, на фоне их текста звучит лирическая мелодия.

S1: Today we are going to speak, to sing, to dance, to show LOVE.

S2: No scenery-only LOVE!

S3: No costumes-only LOVE!

S4: No storyline- only LOVE!

S5: Listen!.....Do you hear?

Все: Only LOVE is spoken here!

S2: LOVE! Only four letters in the word! But what strength!

S4: What is LOVE? Can people live without LOVE?

S3: Does LOVE change you?

S2: Why do we lose LOVE?

S5: At least once a life every person tries to find answers to these questions.

S1: And every time, answering these questions, we are amused to realize how many different meanings this small word has. But what strength and power it possesses!

На экране - этот же текст с высказываниями о Любви

S3: LOVE is patient and kind; it is not jealous or envious, never boastful or proud.

LOVE is not ill mannered or selfish or easily angered...

S1: LOVE does not keep a record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. LOVE never gives up...

S5: It always protects. Always trusts. Always hopes. Always persists.

LOVE never fails.

Ведущие с горящей свечой на ладонях читают стихи на английском языке: на экране идёт подборка видеокадров. Исполняется музыка Yann Tiersen (OST Ameli)

S4: “Love’s Secret” (by William Black)

Never seek to tell your Love,
Love that never told can be,
For the gentle wind does move
Silently, invisibly...
I told my Love, I told my Love,
I told her all my heart:
Trembling, cold in ghastly fears
Ah! She did depart...
Soon, as she was gone from me,
A traveller came by,
Silently, invisibly
He took her with a sigh....

S6: “Red, Red Rose” (by Robert Burns)

Oh, my love is like a red, red rose,
That’s early sprung in June.
Oh, my love is like the melody,
That’s sweetly played in tune.

As fair art you, my bonny lass,
So deep in love am I,
And I will love you still, my dear,
Till all the seas go dry.

Till all the seas go dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt with the sun!
And I will love you still, my dear,
While the sands of life shall run.

And fare you well, my only love,
And fare you well a while!
And I will come again, my love,
Though it were ten thousand mile!

S7: “My Love“ (by Tasha Shores)”

My love is like an ocean
It goes down so deep
My love is like a rose
Whose beauty you want to keep.

My love is like a river
That will never end
My love is like a dove
With a beautiful message to send.

My love is like a song
That goes on and on forever
My love is like a prisoner
It's to you that I surrender.

(Исполняется песня на английском языке “I’m a Big-Big girl”)

S3: For ages people have been trying to express their LOVE

through poetry, songs, music, dances, paintings and pictures.

S4: So much is told about LOVE... and so little.

S3: Because while there is life, there is LOVE.

S4: A Happy man is, if he knows and feels TRUE LOVE.

(Исполняется музыкальный отрывок на синтезаторе )

S7: There are so many stories about LOVE. Some are sad and thrilling, others are happy and beautiful. We are going to tell you some of them. And maybe they will help you to understand what the TRUE LOVE is.

Звучит фонограмма на русском языке : Любить – значит, прежде всего, давать,... Что один человек дает другому? Он дает себя, самое драгоценное из того, что имеет, он дает свою жизнь. Но это не обязательно должно означать, что он жертвует свою жизнь другому человеку. Он дает ему то, что есть в нем живого, он дает ему свою радость, свой интерес, свое понимание, свое знание – все переживания и все проявления того, что в нем есть живого. Этим он обогащает другого человека. Он дает не для того, чтобы брать. Любовь – это сила, которая рождает любовь, а бессилие – это невозможность порождать любовь.

Притча №1 (Театрализованный рассказ легенды о “Незабудке” на английском языке)

Во время театрализации девушку и парня играют ученики, которые в конце рассказа встают и исполняют танец под песню “Let me show the way”.

S1: Long,long ago...When LOVE was just born and people were only learning to LOVE, a young girl and a young boy, who were in LOVE ,were sitting on the bank of the river.

S3: Everything was so beautiful around. The beloved were so happy! Suddenly in the distance they noticed blue light. In some minutes there were a lot of blue lights here and there and everywhere. At last the boy and the girl understood that these were NOT lights, these were small blue flowers, as blue as the summer sky.

S4: When the boy saw how much admiration there was in the girl’s eyes when she was looking at the flowers, he decided to bring her a flower. On his way back with a beautiful blue flower for his beloved he was in a hurry and didn’t notice a marsh. So, he fell down into it....

S2: After some minutes of struggle he realized that he would never be able to get out of the marsh....He was dying.... So, He made the last attempt and threw the blue flower to the girl crying: “Forget me NOT!!!!”......

S1: Since that time these blue flowers are called Forget-me-nots.

Звучит фонограмма на русском языке: Да, главным законом человечества была и остается любовь. Человек, бережно хранящий, лелеющий и проносящий через всю свою жизнь и дела свои любовь к окружающему миру, людям и к себе, не совершит зла. Человечество может сохранить себя только тогда, когда каждый человек поймет и внутренне почувствует, что он может жить только в любви.

Притча №2 (Театрализованный рассказ “История любви” на английском языке)

S1: Once a young man visited a small provincial town. He was rich and rather handsome. One day he was walking around the town when he suddenly saw a pretty girl in the window of a house. She was sitting at the window, singing song and embroidering. Her song was about a friend who was living far away.

S7: The young man was so impressed by the beauty of the girl that he couldn’t move. He was just standing and looking at her. When the girl noticed him, she was confused a little. She stopped singing and disappeared in the darkness of the room.

S8: Next day the young man came again to that house hoping to see the girl. But she wasn’t there. He came the next day, and the next, and the next. He came in the morning and left his post late at night. But he failed to see the girl.

S5: One day he as usual was waiting for the girl when he heard a voice at the back. It was an old woman. She said:

S4: You waste your time. You’ll never see Jasmine.

S9: Why? What do you say?!

S4: This girl’s name is Jasmine. She can’t walk, because she has problems with her legs from her birthday. She is very beautiful and kind. Everybody likes her. But nobody can help her. She will never be able to walk. So, leave her. You won’t be happy with her.

S1: You may suppose that the young man went away in despair and never came back?......NO!!!! He smiled and cried: “Jasmine, I will be coming here every day, till I see you in the window! I LOVE you!!

S5: And he DID!!! He had been coming to the girl’s house for a month, then the next month, again and again......

S1: One year passed. But every morning all citizens of that small town could see the young man, standing in front of the house where Jasmine lived. And he never was unhappy or sad.

S5: And one day... Can you believe it?!! The doors opened and Jasmine went out to him on her own legs.......S3: Really!!!! True LOVE is great strength and magic!

(Исполнение песни “Love me tender”)

Звучит фонограмма на русском языке: Любовь приходит к нам внезапно, вспыхивает и поражает, как молния. Она смешивает в нашей крови страсть, нежность, ревность. И мы – уже не мы, а... Любовь. И ничто не может остановить Любовь – ни время, ни расстояние, ни смерть. Любовь – это стихия, не поддающаяся разуму. Она ни о чем нас не спрашивает. А если бы и спросила, то мы ничего не смогли бы ей ответить. Любовь – это СОКРОВИЩЕ, которое дается нам только раз, и надо уберечь наше хрупкое счастье.

Притча №3 (Театрализованный рассказ “Притча о ЛЮБВИ” на английском языке)

S3: There was an island where different feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Pride, Wealth and LOVE. It so happened that the island began to disappear under the water and all Feelings had to leave it. And they did. At first LOVE didn’t want to leave her favourite home. But when thе island was almost covered with water, LOVE called for help.

S7: Wealth had a big marvelous ship. LOVE asked Wealth to take her on the ship. But wealth refused: “Oh, no!-she said-“There is so much money and gold on the ship. But no place for you.”

S9: Then LOVE asked Pride for help. But Pride was too proud to help anybody.

LOVE wanted Sadness to take her on board the ship. Sadness said: “Oh, LOVE! I’m so sad, that I have to be alone...”

Happiness was sailing nearby, but she was so happy that didn’t even hear LOVE’s words.

S3: Suddenly LOVE heard a voice: “Come here, LOVE, I’ll take you!”

It was an old man. When they came to the land the old man silently went away. “Who is that old man?-asked LOVE.

S7“It is TIME,”-answered Knowledge.

S3:“But why did Time help me?-asked LOVE.

S7: “Because only TIME can realize how important LOVE is.”

(Исполняется танец на пуантах)

Звучит фонограмма на русском языке: Способность любить - ощущать, переживать и проявлять любовь - различна у всех людей. Не всем она - любовь - под силу, по плечу. Ведь она включает в себя, кроме всего прочего, и умение заметить, понять, почувствовать состояние любимого, постоянную готовность и стремление разделить с ним радость, облегчить его печаль, горе, взять на себя тяжкую ношу. Способность любить - это способность к самопожертвованию.

Притча №4 (Театрализованный рассказ “Счастье и любовь” на английском языке

“Happiness and Love”)

S1: Why does Love disappear?-asked Little Happiness his Father.

S2: It dies,-answered the Father-People don’t appreciate or take care of what they have.

S1: Little Happiness thought: “When I grow up? I’ll help people to save Love.”

S3: Years passed. Little Happiness grew up. It became big and strong. It has always tried to help people... But... very often people didn’t notice it. And that’s why from day to day Happiness was becoming more and more wilted, smaller and sicker.

S2: Happiness was scared. It didn’t want to disappear forever. So, it made a decision to find a remedy for its illness. It has been wandering over the world for a long time. One day it stopped under the tree for the rest.

S1: Sudenly it saw an old woman, barefoot, in rats with a walking stick in her hand. The old woman was very tired and Happiness offered her to have a rest. After a while she told her story: “I feel upset when everybody calls me an old woman, because I’m rather young...

S3: “And what is your name? - asked Happiness. “My name is Love.” “Love!?”- Surprised Happiness,-“But everybody says that Love is the most beautiful thing in the world!”

S1: What is YOUR name? - asked Love. “Happiness,”-answered Happiness.

Love continued: “Listen, Happiness, if you and me live together and take care of each other, we will be strong, young and beautiful forever.” And they decided never to depart.

S2: Since then, when Love and Happiness live together, Life is wonderful!

S1: But if there is no Love in somebody’s life, there is no Happiness either!

(Исполняется песня ”Only Hope”из к/ф “Спеши любить”. На экране видеоряд из этого фильма)

Финальные слова (участники входят на сцену). Звучит мелодия “Song from Secret Garden”


Любовь - это старая сказка. 
Любовь - это вечная мука. 
Любовь - это страшная маска. 
Любовь - это адская штука


Love is a wonderful thing,
Though it is sad...
Love makes you happy,
And goes to your head.


Любовь - это синее небо.
Любовь - это чёрное море.
Любовь - последняя крошка хлеба.
Любовь - это сокол в небесном просторе.


Love keeps you lively
When others are down.
Love keeps you smiling
No trace or a frown.


Любовь - это молния с громом.
Любовь - это солнце с дождём.
Любовь - корона с троном.
Любовь - это мысли о нём.


Love keeps you warm
On a cold winter’s night.
Love makes you daydream.
Makes things seem alright.


Любовь - это мысли о нём и о ней.
Любовь - сплетение слов.
Любовь - это зелень полей.
Любовь - это шелест лесов.


Love seems forever,
Love never ends.
And you can not only love.
You can also be friends.


Любовь - это алый цветок,
Любовь - голубая лагуна.
Любовь - это дар Богов...

Teacher: We”d like to thank you for coming. We hope that our poems, songs, stories, our program in the whole helped you to understand that LOVE is everything in our life. We wish you to find your Love. As for us, WE- FOUND –LOVE!!!!!!

Финальная песня: “We found Love ”, исполняют все участники.