Внеклассное мероприятие (интерактивная игра) на английском языке "Дом с привидениями" по теме "Модальные глаголы". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 6


  • обучающая - активизация употребления в речи модальных глаголов, лексики по теме "Дом, квартира";
  • развивающая - развитие воображения, внимания, мышления учащихся,
  • воспитательная - повышение мотивации, интереса к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование урока: распечатки с картинками, видеопроектор. презентация, бумажные заготовки листьев(зеленые, желтые, коричневые).

Ход игры

Т: Hello, my friends. Look at the board. Слайд 1

What do you see? (there is a rucksack, a mug, matches) What are we going to do today? (we are going to have a picnic) Слайд 2

First let's make a list of other things we shall need in the forest. Слайд 3 (we shall need a rucksack, a pot, matches, tea, meat cans, etc.)

And now we are in the forest. While we were looking for a place for our picnic, the rainfall began. Слайд 4

We have just reached the centre of the forest, when suddenly... What's this?

Слайд 5 (a big house with a swimming-pool and a tennis court) But maybe the host of the house will let us to organize the picnic at his place... Look, there is a note on the door. Слайд 6

Let's read and translate it in English.

Добро пожаловать!
Будьте как дома. В холодильнике вас вкусная еда. теннисные ракетки лежат в зале, в бассейне вода уже нагрелась.
Если вы сможете перевести это послание на английский язык, то двери этого дома откроются для вас.
Удачного вам пикника!

{You are welcome. Enjoy your visit. In the fridge there is tasty food, tennis rackets are in the living-room, the water is already warm in the swimming-pool. If you can translate this massage in English, the doors of the house will open for you. Have a nice picnic.)

T: Well, don't you think that the note is strange? And where are the hosts? Maybe they are in the house. Слайд 7 Look at the picture attentively. What do you think, who lives in the house? Yes, these are the ghosts (на доске слово"а ghost") Look, they hide in different objects. But there is no danger if you know in what things the ghosts live.

Look at the pictures and say where the ghosts live. Write the names of these things on the pictures.

And now let's think what we may and what we may not do in this house. Put down the pieces of advice under the pictures. Слайд 8

We shouldnt... We may...

Sit on the sofa. Use the tennis court. Look in the mirror. Use the telephone. Open the fridge. Watch TV. Water the flowers. Take a shower. Use the knives.

  • Now we know everything about this house and there is nothing to be afraid of. But the rain is still going on and we have to stay here. We can have a nice time. Let's show the ghosts that we can do without their things because we have all the necessary things with us. Слайд 9

Например: We don't need the fridge because we have enough food with us.

We shouldn't... but... We may not use... because... We can...

  • The rain is over and we can go away. But before leaving the house let's write some pieces of advice for those who will come here some day about the things they may and may not do in this haunted house. For example Слайд 10:

Welcome to the Haunted House. Enjoy your visit but be careful! You may use the tennis court, but you shouldn't use the swimming-pool because the ghost can catch you/ may bite you/ can eat you...

  • Our adventure is over. Did you like it? (Yes!) If yes - take and show green leaves, if you liked our journey not very much - yellow leaves, if you didn't like it at all - brown leaves. That's nice. Thank you for your help, good bye! Слайд 11