Обобщающий урок по теме "Времена года". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3


Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие умений и навыков устной речи с опорой на известные детям модели ;
  • развитие памяти, творческих способностей;

Учебный аспект:

  • развитие умения читать и аудировать с разными стратегиями;
  • формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения по теме “ Времена года”

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитание чувства товарищества, взаимопомощи;
  • воспитание любви к природе, желания охранять и оберегать ее.

Средства обучения:

  • доска
  • картины с изображением времен года
  • компьютер

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент
  1. Приветствие, сообщение целей и темы урока

Good morning, children!

Let’s remember our poem.

Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
I’m glad to see you!

Today we shall have a talk about seasons of year, describe our favourite season and play some games.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Слова на доске:

Warm, cold, clean, hot, bright, sunny, rainy, frosty, cloudy, slippery, windy, foggy, snowy

-Read the words with the sound [k]

(cold, cloudy, clean)

-Read the words with the sound [i]

( sunny, rainy, frosty, cloudy, slippery, windy, foggy, snowy)

-Read the words with the sound [f]

(foggy, frosty)

-Read the words with the sound [r]

(slippery, rainy, bright, frosty)

2)T: Let’s play the game “Snowball”. We shall remember the words on the topics “Weather” and “Seasons”. The first pupil will think of one word, the second pupil will repeat it and add another word, the next pupil will repeat two words and say one more. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the words on the topic.


-frosty, windy

-frosty, windy, rainy

-frosty, windy, rainy, spring Etc.

III.Речевая разминка

T: As I know you like to play. I shall think of the word to describe weather. Guess the word, please. Какой вопрос мы будем задавать? Правильно: Is it ( snowy, nice, …)? (отработка постановки вопроса и кратких ответов на него)

(Ученик, отгадавший слово, становится ведущим в игре и загадывает свое слово).

- Is it snowy?

-No, it is not.

-Is it frosty?

-No, it is not.

-Is it nice?

-No, it is not.

-Is it foggy?

-Yes, it is.

We have a guest today. It is a dragon Marusya. Marusya likes play and has some tasks for you. The first task. Listen to her statements, look at the pictures and agree or disagree.

It is rainy today.

\( I disagree with you. It is not rainy. It is snowy)

It is cold in summer.

(I disagree with you. It is not cold in summer. It is warm in summer)

It is cloudy in autumn.

( I agree with you. It is cloudy in autumn)

It is frosty in winter.

(I agree with you. It is frosty in winter)

IV.Формирование навыков письма по теме.

The second task:

We have remembered the words to describe weather. Can you write them? Take the cards from your tables and fill in the missing letters.

Задание на карточках

Br-g-t (bright – яркий)

Fo- -y (foggy – туманный)

Fr-st- ( frosty – морозный)

n-ce (nice – красивый)

sno - - (snowy – снежный)

ra- - y ( rainy – дождливый)

clo-d- ( cloudy – облачный)

co-d ( cold – холодный)

h-t ( hot – жаркий)

2) Look at the blackboard, please. You can see three pictures and the first letters of the words to describe the weather on these pictures. Guess the words and write them down.

  1. r…, c… , w … . ( rainy,cloudy,windy)

2)w …, n… , b … . ( warm, nice, bright )

3) f …, c… , s … . (frosty, cold, snowy)

3) Write the words: (слова написаны на доске)

1. tho (hot) 4.swyno (snowy) 7. nnysu (sunny)

2.uclydo (cloudy) 5. wydin (windy) 8. mawr (warm)

3.dlco (cold) 6. nyair (rainy)

V. Совершенствование аудитивных навыков по теме.

Listen to the texts and guess what season these children like.

1) I like sunner but the cold weather is also fun and I like it the best. It’s great to make snowmen and play hockey. We have a big hill in our yard and we sledge a lot and go skiing.


  1. I like this season best because:

-my birthday is in March

-it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold

-it is rainy

-everything is very colourful and beautiful


3)I like this season because it’s not too hot and it’s not cold. You can go out without a jacket, but you’re not cold. I love it because the trees are beautiful, especially in the parks. It’s the best time to bike, go for wolks, hike.


4)I like this season very much. We have holidays and I can ride my bike all day. I can go swimming a lot because there is a river and a beautiful lake near our town. It’s fantastic!



Hands up! Clap!Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Run! Go! Swim! Stand up!

VI.Формирование навыков говорения на краеведческом материале.

1)What is the weather in our region?

T: What is the season?

P1. I think it is a …

T: Why?

P2: The winter is snowy, white and frosty


1.How many seasons are there in a year in our country?

2.What are the spring months in our country?

3. How many winter months do you know? Name them, please.

4.When does summer begin in our country?

6. And how many autumn months are there in our country?

What is the nature in our region?

The nature in our region is very beautiful.

T: Look at this photo. What is your opinion about it? Is it beautiful? Why?

2) Чем мы можем заниматься в разные времена года?


In winter I can ….

In summer I can…

In spring I can…

In autumn I can…

3)What is your favourite season? Why? ( составление мини-рассказов по плану)

- I know … seasons. They are …, …, …., ….. .

-My favourite season is…..

In ….. is……. .

I can…in autumn.

VII.Совершенствование грамматических навыков. (таблица на доске )

What do your mother advise you to do and not to do in all weather?

The weather is fine.

It is cold.

It’s hot.

It’s sunny.

It’s rainy.

It’s warm.

It’s stormy.

You should take your umbrella.

You should put on your warm coat.

You should go for a walk.

You should stay at home.

You shouldn’t put on your sweater.

You shouldn’t go to skiing.

You shouldn’t play in the garden.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

That’s all we have time for.Let’s say “Good bye” to Marusya and invite her to visit us again. See you soon. Good luck to you.