Открытый урок по теме "Путешествие по Лондону"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: систематизация знаний, полученных в результате изучения темы "Жизнь в Лондоне", а именно:

  • комплексное повторение темы;
  • создание новой теоретической базы по данной теме;
  • создание условий для творческого развития личности ребенка на уроке.


Образовательная: обучать учащихся аудированию, устной речи; закрепить лексический материал по теме. Учить анализировать, сравнивать, выделять главное, обобщать и систематизировать.

Развивающая: развитие воображения, речи, творческих способностей, стимулирование мотивов для дальнейшего изучения иностранного языка и данной темы.

Воспитательная: формирование эмоциональной восприимчивости, умение видеть мир во взаимосвязи явлений, эстетическое воспитание учащихся. Повышение познавательной активности учащихся, привитие интереса к стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование урока:

  • Презентация с видами Лондона.
  • Кроссворд.
  • Карты Британии и Лондона.
  • Таблички с названиями мест.
  • Карточки с ролевыми заданиями.
  • Атрибуты для ролевых игр.
  • Плакат с изображением самолета.
  • Анкеты.
  • Маршрутные листы.
  • Магнитофон.
  • Аудиозапись.
  • Фонограмма песни "London Bridge is Falling Down".
  • Шкатулка с приз.
  • Карточки-сувениры.

Ход урока

I. Вступительное слово учителя:

Good morning, dear guests! Hello, dear boys and girls! I'm very glad to see you. I know you like travelling and I know that you like reading books about travelling. Perhaps, you read a novel "Treasure Island" by the famous English writer Robert Louis Stevenson. One of the pirates whose name was Flint had buried treasure. One part of the treasure was found by Captain Silver on Treasure Island, as you know from the book. And I also know that there was another part of the treasure. And it has not been found yet. It is in the British Isles, in the capital of Great Britain. What's the capital of Great Britain? (London). So, the treasure was hidden in London. Would you like to find it and see what it is? Then let's travel to London. Now, have a look (at your desks). You've got (these are) Route Lists there. Please, put a cross if you take part in any activity.

II. But before starting we have to do a crossword puzzle just to know where the treasure was hidden. We should guess the place. Have a look! If you work it out correctly, you'll read the name of the place where the treasure is buried.

(Висит карта Британии на видном месте + карта Лондона; на доске кроссворд, составленный таким образом, чтобы одна из букв слова, являющегося ответом на вопрос, образовала слово "Tower Bridge").

  1. The ocean that washes the British Isles (Atlantic).
  2. The capital of Great Britain (London).
  3. The smallest country of Britain (Wales).
  4. The name of the Queen of Britain (Elizabeth).
  5. The symbol of England (rose).
  6. The country that consist of England, Scotland and Wales (Britain).
  7. One of the colours of the flag of Britain (red).
  8. The language that the English speak (English).
  9. One of the favourite domestic animals of the English (dog).
  10. The weather in Britain (foggy).
  11. The main river in Britain (Thames).

Please, read. Now you see that the treasure is in London under the Tower Bridge. Have a look at the map of London and try to find it. (Ищут на карте мост) Well done. Let's make a short trip to London and find the treasure.

While travelling you have to take part in the role play. Here are the cards. Please, come here and take one. During our trip you'll play these parts ( Cashier, Travellor I, Customs officer, Travellor II, Stewardess, Travellor III, Waiter, Customer ).

III. Look at the map of British Isles and you can see that Britain is washed by the see and the ocean. So, how can we get to London? : Yes, of course, by plane. Then let's go to the booking office of the airport and buy tickets for the plane.

(Д "At the booking office") (P1, P2 исполняют роли кассира и путешественника). The other pupils, please, listen to your classmates attentively and try to notice mistakes, if they make any (Write down the words and underline the mistake).

IV. We are going abroad and of course we must fill in application forms. Please, write down your name, surname, age, nationality and home address. Then take the application form to the customs. (Учащиеся получают бланки анкет и заполняют их).

(Включить музыку. Приготовить кассету для аудирования). Are you ready? If you are ready then let's pass through the customs. (Coбрать application forms, Д. "At the customs").

V. So, we are at the airport. Now, you must make out (понять, разобрать) the number of the flight and the number of the date. Please, listen to the tape (to the announcer) very attentively and write down the number of the flight and then come up to the necessary date. (Аудиозаписи на кассете) (T просматривает № рейса - 305) (Дети подходят к выходу №7).

VI. (Д. "On the plane") Stewardess

We are on the plane. Let's see what there is in the plane. Please, read the instructions and translate them into Russian. (Читают, что написано на плакате, изображающем самолет, и карточки).

Now you know how to behave on board the plane.

T: (About 3 hours have passed and we are in London, the capital of Great Britain).

VII. (Встречает гид - P1). How do you do? I'm your guide. My name is : . I'll show you our beautiful city. Please, take that bus. While going I'll tell you about London. (Рассказ гида). Now we are in the hotel. You have one hour to get ready. I'll wait for you in the hall. (One hour later).

P1: Our hotel is not far from Oxford Street. So let's start with it. (P1 рассказывает об Oxford Street). Our next point will be Hyde Park. (Tourist: Is it far from here?) Here we are. (P2: How do you do? My name's : рассказывает о парке) (Tourist: Oh, I'm hungry. Is the cafe near here? P1: Oh, yes. I know one. Not very expensive and they cook well there.)

(Д. "At the cafe") (T: Don't forget to make notes!)

(P1: Well, off we go. We are going to see Buckingahm Palace).

(P3 рассказывает о Букингемском Дворце).

(P1: Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in Parliament Square. There are Houses of Parliament here. It's the seat of British government).

(P4 рассказывает о парламенте).

(P1: On the other side of Parliament Square we can see Westminster Abbey).

T: Is it a church or a cathedral? P1

(P5 рассказывает о Вестминстерском Аббатстве).

(Обменяться впечатлениями).

(P1: Please, hurry up! Our next point will be Trafalgar Square). (Садятся на "автобус", Гид рассказывает, что едут по Whitehall. Справа есть небольшая улица, где живет премьер-министр Британии) T: Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain now?

(Один из туристов отстал, видит полицейского и расспрашивает, как добраться до Трафальгарской площади. Д. "In the Street").

(P6 рассказывает о Трафальгарской площади).

T: How old is Trafalgar Square? Why is the square called Trafalgar?

(P1: Now we are going to St. Paul's Cathedral).

(P7 рассказывает о соборе Святого Павла).

T: Shall we visit it now? (P1: No, you'll visit it tomorrow. We're going to see the Tower of London now. Have a look! We're walking past London Bridge. It has got a long history).

T: Is this bridge called London Bridge?

(P8 рассказывает об истории Лондонского моста).

(P1: By the way, there is a very popular song about London Bridge).

T: And we also know it. Let's sing it all together.

(Звучит музыка. Дети исполняют песенку "London Bridge is Falling Down").

(P1: Off me go to the Tower).

(P9, P10 рассказ о Тауэре) (Игра акростих)

T: What is there in the Tower?

(P1: Here we are at last-on Tower Bridge).

(P11 говорит несколько слов о Тауэрском Мосте).

T: We can get the treasure. Here it is, in this casket [?ka:sk?t] (chest). But it is locked and the key is English proverbs. Do you remember them? (Дети называют пословицы по очереди. Ларчик открывается). Let us see what is in the chest. Oh, it's a film about London! Great, isn't it? But we have little time to watch it today. We'll do it at our next lesson. Do you agree? (Agreed) OK. So, our journey comes to the end. I'm pleased with you and glad you were active and played your parts well. I give you "fives" and these little prizes to remember our trip.

Now, please, give me your Route Lists. Next time the most active pupil will receive a special prize.

Your home task is: to make crossword puzzles about London and its history and places of interest (comprising not less than 10 words).

Now, stand up, please. The lesson is over. Goodbye. Say "Goodbye" to our guests.

Приложение 1.

Приложение 2.

Приложение 3.