"КВН для 3-го класса"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Я хочу предложить вашему вниманию КВН для третьего класса общеобразовательной школы по теме “Мои лохматые друзья” по УМК “Английский в фокусе” авторы Н. Быкова, М. Поспелова и др. Этот КВН можно использовать в качестве внеклассного мероприятия или промежуточного контроля сформированных навыков учащихся. В игровой форме учащиеся демонстрируют свои умения по четырем видам речевой деятельности: чтение, говорение, аудирование и письмо; учатся работать в группе, выполняя единую задачу. В качестве ведущего и членов жюри можно привлечь старшеклассников.

Раздаточный материал:

  1. Карточки с номерами “1” и “2” по числу участников.
  2. Конверты с рассказом о животном, разрезанном на слова. Артикль можно оставлять вместе с существительным или давать отдельно. Это зависит от уровня подготовленности вашего класса. Клей, ножницы, бумага.
  3. По 5 картинок с животными на каждую команду. Картинки должны включать животных одного цвета или размера.
  4. Две карточки с рассказом о животном с пропусками.
  5. Две игрушки.
  6. Плакат “Животные и действия”.
  7. CD с песней” The Can Can Song“.
  8. Звезды.
  9. Призы.

КВН для 3-го класса

“My furry friends”

(УМК Н Быковой, М. Поспеловой “Английский в фокусе”)

Welcome to our club! The club of merry and quick-witted! We begin our quiz “My furry friends”

First, we should divide our class into two teams. Each of you will take a piece of paper with a number of your team and take your place at the table.

Now we’ve got two teams. Each team should think over a name and choose a captain.

(2-3 min)

Now, dear Captains, introduce your team and yourself. Answer my questions, please.

What is your name?
How old are you?
What is your team’s name? –

1. The first task is warming up. Captains will start. You should name as many animals as you can. But don’t repeat the animal which has already been mentioned. The student who will win gets a star for the team. Others should write the words which your captains have said and if your captain doesn’t know the word you can help them but only once.

    (10 min)

Note: your helpers can check the spelling while the students are doing the next task.

2. The second task is to make a story. You’ve got envelopes with words, glue and a sheet of paper. The team who will do the best story will be a winner and get a star. Make a story and put it on the blackboard.

(Total 7 points and 1 point for the right order)

Students’ answers:

1. This is a reptile.
It is from Africa.
It is green.
It has got a long tail, short legs and big teeth.
It can swim and run.
It can’t climb.
What is it?

2. This is a mammal.
It is from Africa.
It is grey.
It has got a long nose, big legs and big ears.
It can walk and run.
It can’t fly.
What is it?

3. Now look at the blackboard. You see it’s a riddle. Your task is to guess what animal the story is about. I’ll give you photos of animals and you should choose the appropriate one and explain your choice.

Students’ answers: It’s a crocodile because it is green. It has got big teeth and a long tail. It’s not a frog because it can’t run.

Note: you can give a point for each right sentence.

4. The next task is to put the words into plural. You will go to the blackboard one by one and write the plural form of the word. One point for each right word.

(Total 6 points)

Students’ answers

1. A mouse – mice
A dog – dogs
A man – men
A fly –flies
A foot –feet
A child – children
2.A sheep – sheep
A cat – cats
A fish – fish
A butterfly – butterflies
A tooth – teeth
A woman – women

5. You’ve got a story about an animal and you should complete it with the words can, can’t, has got, hasn’t got .Who will be the first and more careful will get a star.

Cards with gaps:

  • A spider has got eight legs. It hasn’t got a tail. It can climb, but it can’t swim.
  • A parrot has got a long tail. It hasn’t got any teeth. It can fly, but it can’t crawl.

(Total 4 points)

6. Now we’ll check your memory. You’ll hear ten words and then you’ll write what you’ve remembered on your sheets of paper.

a nose
a pet
a bird
a rabbit
a tortoise
a head
a leg
a body
an elephant
a crocodile.

One point is for every right word.

(Total 10 points)

7. Description.You should tell us about the toy using as many sentences as you can. You should pass the toy to your classmate who is sitting next to you. For each right sentence you‘ll get a point. Who will get more points gets a star.

    (5–6 min)

8. Now let’s have a rest. Stand up please. Repeat and do after me.

I’m cleaning my teeth scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub
I’m washing my hands rub, rub, rub, rub
I’m eating my jam um, um, um, um
I’m going to bed creep, creep, creep, creep
I’m in bed fast, fast, asleep.

9. Well done. Let’s remember what tense we use in this poem. Students’ answers (Present progressive).

When do we use it? – Students’ answers (When we want to show the action which is happening right now.)
How do we form it? – Student’s answers (The verb to be (is, am, and are), a verb and the ending ing).

Note: Write on the blackboard or use the computer to show the formation of the tense.

Now you should make sentences about the animals. What are they doing? Who can make more?

(5 min)

(The poster “Animals and actions”)

Students’ answers (E.g. The monkey is jumping.)

10. Well our contest is over. All of you are excellent students. While our helpers are counting your stars we’ll sing a song. The Can Can song. You can dance if you want.

Can, can you dance
Like I can?
Can you sing like I can?
Can you run
And can you jump
Like me?
Can, can you walk
Like I can
Can you talk like I can?
Can you swim
And can you climb
Like me?

11. Now let’s remember what we have done today. Do you like our lesson? – Students’ answers.

После окончания, в зависимости от выбранной задачи и цели, можно проставить оценки и попросить дома сделать проект о любимом животном или назвать победителей и раздать заготовленные призы.

Good luck to everybody!