What Keeps a Family Together? or A Happy Family

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок, проводится в рамках спецкурса "Страноведение", входящего, наряду с другими спецкурсами на языке, в состав гуманитарного профиля обучения на старшей ступени МОУ "Гимназия №2". Спецкурс служит для внутрипрофильной специализации учащихся при изучении английского языка и направлен обеспечение дифференциации и индивидуализации обучения, а также на развитие способностей учащихся использовать английский язык как средство образования и самообразования в области культуроведения, страноведения и лингвострановедения, на их художественно-эстетическое развитие при соизучении английского языка и иноязычных культур и на удовлетворение их современных познавательных интересов в страноведческом и культуроведческом освоении мира и коммуникативных потребностей в межкультурном общении.

Представленный урок проходил в рамках изучения темы "Семейная жизнь и традиции" и являлся обобщающим уроком по этой теме, и, одновременно, уроком в рамках семинара, проводимого гимназией по теме: "Интеграция современных технологий на уроке иностранного языка". С этим связан выбор форм работы и заданий на уроке, а также интеграция проблемно-поисковой и исследовательской деятельности, личностно-ориентированного подхода, использование интерактивной доски на уроке и здоровье-сберегающей технологии.

Перед уроком ставились следующие задачи:

- обобщить знания и активизировать лексику по теме "Семья", "типы браков", "семейные ценности";

- развивать навыки спонтанной речи;

- совершенствовать навыки аудирования, аналитического чтения;

- развивать творческое воображение, высшие мыслительные операции анализа и синтеза, ассоциативное и критическое мышление;

- формировать навыки проблемно-поисковой деятельности;

- развивать навыки исследовательской деятельности;

- ознакомить учащихся с культурно-историческим и литературным наследием Британии, мировым художественным наследием;

- воспитывать значимость семьи и семейных ценностей, серьезное отношение к браку.

Основные этапы урока:

1 stage. Organizing moment. Brainstorm. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson and targets setting (problem-research activity).

After the greeting the teacher asks students to do some brushing-up and give all the known definitions of the notion "Family", making a conclusion that the theme is wide and complex.

After that the teacher suggests the topic of the lesson "What keeps a family together? What makes it happy?" in the form of a chart with arrow-signs (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slides 2 and 3) and the students are asked to give the preliminary variants of filling-in the chart. As the students can't do it in full at the beginning of the lesson, it becomes a problem for them to be solved during the lesson.

2 stage. A warming-up activity and activating the vocabulary on the topic. Developing associative thinking.

Activity 1. The students are asked to match types of marriage and their definitions with the use of the function "arrows" of an interactive whiteboard. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 4).

Activity2. Association game.

The students are shown reproductions of world-famous paintings (Журавлев "Перед венцом", Федотов "Сватовство майора", Ван Дейк "Семейный портрет", Пименов "Свадьба на завтрашней улице", Пукирев "Неравный брак", William Hogarth "Marriage A-la-Mode") (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slides 5 - 10) and asked to give all the associations occurred either in the form of words or phrases. The interactive whiteboard with a wide screen makes it possible to watch the reproductions in a good quality for the associations to appear.

3 stage. Holding mini-research in a group (personality-oriented approach and developing critical thinking).

From the 10 family values suggested (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 11) the students are asked to choose three they consider to be the most important. They share the results. Final results with the 3 mostly chosen values are put down into the presentation on the interactive whiteboard with the help of the function "pen".

4 stage. Presentation of the results and summary of group research-work of students. Comparing their results with the results of the previous mini-research.

Some students have conducted a social public opinion poll of the pupils and their parents finding out the most and the least important family values (from the 50 given; смотри Приложение 2 ) and the qualities an ideal parent and child should possess and the importance of rules and duties within a family. Their results are presented in a form of a presentation making up a part of teacher's presentation (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slides 12 -15).

5 stage. Listening comprehension. Exam-type listening task.

The students are suggested listening to the results of a sociological research for a portrait of a happy family and doing an exam-type task "Multiple choice". The use of interactive board makes it possible to do the simultaneous auding and fulfilling the task. It is possible to use the function "stamp" of the board when checking (see the attached presentation ((Приложение 1), slide 16; смотри аудио-файл Приложение 3 и Приложение 4 с текстом аудио-фрагмента). After checking the task the students compare their image of a happy family with the described.

6 stage. Analytical reading. Exam-type reading task.

The students are suggested getting acquainted with the work of a famous British essayist G. Mikes "On marriage", and on reading it answering the questions. They are questions presupposing and developing text analysis. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 17; смотри Приложение 5 с текстом эссе и заданиями).

7 stage. Watching video-episode and solving a problem task. Developing students' spontaneous speech.

After answering teacher's questions about the title, the main characters, the genre and the contents of the film, the students are suggested watching some shots from the feature film "First Knight" (смотри видео-файл "First Knight"Приложение 6 and the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slides 18 -19) and asked to solve a moral dilemma: "What would I do in this case if I were one of the main characters?" Students share their opinions. The use of an interactive whiteboard makes viewing as qualitative as in the cinema-hall.

8 stage. Brainstorm. Presentation of the results and resumes of an individual linguistic investigative work.

The students are asked to remember English proverbs and sayings on the topic "Family". On sharing them a pupil responsible for the investigative work presents her personal results of studying 50 English proverbs and sayings, their equivalents in Russian, German and French with her resume on the adequacy of them and methods of their translation. The students are given tasks to define the form of substitution in the course of translation. The results are presented in a form of a presentation making up a part of teacher's presentation. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1)), slides 20 - 29).

9 stage. Students' monologues.

The students are acquainted with 5 reasons to keep family traditions in the judgment of psychologists. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 30). They are supposed to speak about their family traditions.

10 stage. Brainstorm (health-care technology).

The students are acquainted with some phrases and are to decide which of them will create friendly atmosphere and are supposed to be uttered at home and which are not. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 31). Interactive whiteboard is used in the function "stamp(smile)".

11 stage. Rounding-off. Sizing-up and problem solving.

The students are returned to the chart suggested at the beginning of the lesson and fill it in. The students draw a conclusion on how to solve the problem of the lesson (What keeps a family together and what makes it happy?) and enter their solutions in the chart. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 32). The interactive whiteboard is used in the function "pen".

12 stage. Getting homework.

The students are asked to do the exam-type tasks at home (the word-building task on lexico-grammatical change and the so-called "Open-Close") and write an opinion essay on the topic "A successful marriage is a building that must be rebuilt every day", said Maurois. What is your opinion? (смотри Приложение 7 Homework, and the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 33).

13 stage (optional). (health-care technology).

As a supplementary educational material the students are suggested learning some unusual or striking facts and figures on the topic. (see the attached presentation (Приложение 1), slide 34). The interactive whiteboard is used as a screen.

Ключи ко всем заданиям (смотри Приложение 8).