Открытый урок по теме "Meals". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Ход урока

I. Начало урока

Good afternoon children! Sit down! Do you like holidays? I like holidays too. My favorite day is my birthday. This is my friend. His name is Pif. Today is Pif's birthday. We don't have a lesson today, we have a dog's party.

Let's share some ideas about this party. In this party we are going:

  • to sing songs
  • to recite a poem
  • to discuss about music
  • to learn how to make pancakes

Вместе с учителем определить цели урока (Any more ideas? Say it in Russian. Don't worry about mistakes.)

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Listen to the poem:

“Who likes what?”

Some of us like brown bread,
Some of us like white,
Some of us eat a lot of meat,
Some don't think it's right.

Some of us like apples,
Some drink juice at night,
Some of us eat many sweets,
Some don't think it's right.

Repeat phrases after me! Shall me say this poem together? Let's try! Say it clearly! Recite a poem.

III. Активизация лексических единиц, структурных групп в речи учащихся

Some of you like fruits, some of you like vegetables. What does Pif like?

Вопросы к картинке.

  1. How many meals does Pif eat every day? /Pif eats three meals a day/
  2. What does Pif eat during the day? /Pif eats fruit, vegetables, bread, cheese, butter, sweets, meat/
  3. What does Pif drink during the day? /Pif drinks milk, juice, tea/

Контроль монологической речи по описанию картинки по теме.

Say what Pif has for breakfast, dinner, supper. Don't forget about important things! What elements are there in Pif's breakfast, dinner and supper?

Примерные высказывания учащихся.

  • For breakfast Pif has some bread, cheese, butter. Pif drinks some milk. There are fats, carbohydrates, protein, water in its breakfast.
  • For dinner Pif has some mest soup, meat and potatoes, vegetables. Pif drinks some juice. There are fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, protein, water in its dinner.
  • For supper Pif has some fruit, sweets. He drinks some tea. There are vitamins, water in its supper.

Children what element isn't there in its food? /fibre/ Where is fibre? /Fibre is in nuts, beans and cereals.

Активизация употребления в речи учащихся “some”, ''any''.

Now you know what Pif likes. It's time to go shopping. Look at the shopping list. Tell your friends what you have got and ask them about other things, follow this example:”I've got some cassettes, but I haven't got any CD. Have you got any Cds?

Учащиеся работают по таблице (см. Приложение 1) по цепочке Р1-Р2-Р3-Р4.

Pif wants to know how well you use “any”and “some”in the sentences. Take the sheets of paper and fill in the words in the sentences(см. Приложение 2). Exchange your sheets of paper and check, the answers are on the board.

IV. Проверка навыков чтения учащихся

Pif has got 4 bags with food. Open your workbooks on page 44, ex.22.Look at the pictures. Read the text and find the correct letter to each bag. (Самостоятельное чтение 2–3 минуты, вид ознакомительного чтения, учащиеся определяют основное содержание текста и соотносят содержание текста и рисунок упражнения. Проверка понимания прочитанного.) Read the text to the picture 1(answers: 1-A, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B).

V. Развитие навыков аудирования

Pif likes to eat pancakes. Can you make them? P1 and P2 will learn you (инсценировка домашнего диалога, где учащиеся используют реальные продукты).

А – OK. Have we got everything we need?
B – I don't know, what do we need?
A – We need some milk.
B – Yes, we've got a lot of milk.
A – We need only 3 cups of milk. What about flour?
B – Flour, flour.. We've got about half a kilo.
A – We need 2 cups of flour.
B – We've got some eggs. Do we need them?
A – Yes, three eggs. We need some sugar and salt.
B – Here you are. And add some oil.
A – Now, we mix everything together and cook pancakes.
B – It'll be very delicious.

Thank you, the girls. Now children, you can make pancakes. Do you know this recipe?( контроль понимания учащимися диалога, примерный ответ: I need 3 cups of milk, 2 cups of flour, 3 eggs, some salt and sugar. Oil/ I mix them all and cook pancakes.)

VI. Развитие навыков устной речи учащихся

A party without music isn't a party. Do you like music? (P1 – Yes. I do). Pif likes music too. Pif has got a new cassette. Listen. Do you like it? (P1,2 – I think it's nice. I think it's OK. I think it's horrible). This is my cassette. Do you like it? (P1,2 – I don't like music. It isn't my favorite music. I like it. I think it's OK). Well, what's you favorite music? (P1,2 – I like Sleeping Girls. I like Mash Boys ets.). Oh, yeah. They're nice. Here listen to this and sing with. (Учащиеся поют песню “I love chocolate”, см. Приложение 3).

VII. Заключительный этап урока

Our party is over. Your homework is Ex. 6, p. 76 SB.
Do you like our party? What was interesting for you?

(Примерные ответы учащихся: I like this party/ I like to sing songs/ I like Pif/ I like to discuss about music/ I learn how to make pancakes/ The party was interesting).