The last hero of the XX century (Последний герой XX века)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: знакомство учеников с героем Подгоренской земли XX века Белодедовым Александром и его подвигом.

Задачи урока:

Образовательная: совершенствование лексическо-грамматических навыков по теме урока, развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развитие навыков говорения (монологическая и диалогическая формы речи), совершенствование произносительных навыков.

  • Грамматический материал: сослагательное наклонение (if I was…I would…), косвенный вопрос, Past Simple, Present Perfect, complex object.
  • Лексический материал: a hero, Russian, American, English, a mother, a war, a monument to, editor-in-chief, newspapers.

Развивающая: развивать умения выделять на слух необходимую информацию, основные факты; развивать умения делать сообщения по теме, кратко передавать содержание полученной информации, участвовать в дискуссии, осуществлять запрос информации, выражать свое мнение по обсуждаемой теме.

Воспитательная: воспитывать чувство патриотизма и гордости к родной стране и героическим подвигам русских солдат, а также чувство уважения к героям других стран.

Социокультурная: знакомство с английскими и американскими людьми, чьи подвиги и образ жизни заслуживают уважительного отношения.

Оборудование урока:

  1. Мультимедиа система;
  2. Районная газета «Подгоренец», областная газета «В округе»;
  3. Фотографии.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear students, I am very glad to see you!

Good morning, teacher.

Take your seats, please.

II. Сообщение целей урока.

- I am happy to say you that today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about the last Russian hero of the XX century (Приложение №1).

III. Фонетическая разминка.

But, at first, let’s prepare our lips and tongues. Answer my questions, please.

Could you tell me how many Russian heroes you know?

I know one of the most important hero of the XX century is Uriy Gagarin who was the first man that flew to the space in 1961.

To my mind, the most important person is Georgiy Shukov who won the World War II thanks to his great intellect, honour and courage.

I wonder how many English or American heroes you know.

I know Princess Diana, who was a very kind and noble person. She got the Noble Peace Prize because she was very worried about people who suffer from AICD and leprosy. Also she was the first public figures to be photographed touching a person infected with HIV.

I’d like to tell about an ordinary person, Tommy Dan, who was a fireman. He was at his work, when suddenly everybody in of his department heard terrible sound… it was the eleventh of September 2001. He was a hero!

Thanks for you stories. I have seen all of you understand what it means to be a hero.

IV. Лексическая зарядка.

Complete the sentences.

If I was a hero, I would…

If I was a hero I would protect my country.

If my friend was a hero, I might…

If my fried was a hero, I might be proud of him much.

V. Развитие лексическо-грамматических навыков.

As you know all of the heroes are very educated people. They were excellent students at school and institutes. Do you agree with me?

Yes, we do.

That’s why I ask you to translate these sentences from Russian into English. (Приложение №2).

Мы хотим быть солдатами и защищать Родину.

We want to be soldiers and protect our mother country.

Я хочу быть как мой папа, он мой кумир.

I want to be like my father, he is my hero.

Мы будем космонавтами, как Юрий Гагарин.

We will be cosmonauts as Uriy Gagarin.

Я думаю, что она станет доктором.

I think she will be a doctor.

Я хочу, чтобы они были послушные.

I want them to be obedient.

Thank you for your translation. Now I see that all of you are excellent students.

VI. Проверка домашнего задания.

As you remember we divided into three groups for our last lesson. One of them is our expert group and two others are our reporters groups. Your homework was the preparation an article or a reporting about Alexander Belodedov who was a soldier. He gave his live saving his friend in Chechnya. Alexander was only nineteen years old.

Our expert group is ready, the head of the group is Podstreshnya Marya, we can begin. Let me introduce our reporter groups. The first reporter group is called “The Independent” the other one is “The Gazette”. The editor-in-chief of “The Independent” is Slusarev Evgeniy, the editor-of-chief of “The Gazette” is Shtodin Vladislav. Let’s begin! Evgeniy, please.

Thanks. You know there are a lot of famous people were born in Podgorenskiy but I’d like to tell about a man who stayed in our hearts forever…He was a young man of nineteen years old. (Приложение №3).

Alexander was a school-leaver of Pervomayskoy school. He was born in the twenty fourth of April in 1980 in a small settlement then Sasha went to school, he was a usual boy.

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In 1998 Alexander went to the Army. He began his army life in Kirovochepetsk, later he was in Kirov. Alexander was a commander of the department of the police. He was the head of the special battalion of the operative purpose.

Sasha wrote the letters to home very often.

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From his mother memories: “Sasha was a cheerful, brave, hardworking guy. He was fond of sport and music also he was a thoughtful son and a brother”.

From the Army to home Alexander wrote the letters very often because he was a handhold for his family.

24 of December in 1999 Sash sent a greeting card to his family and wished them good luck, joy and in the end of the letter he wrote: “Мамуля, я вас всех очень люблю и жду не дождусь дембеля”. It was his last letter…

Unfortunately, 26 of December Alexander Belodedov heroically perished. Alexander saved his combat comrade the price of his own life.

From his commanding officer testimonial: “За мужество и отвагу, самоотверженные действия по спасению товарища на поле боя, проявленные при выполнении специального задания, в условиях, сопряженных с риском жизни, сержант Белодедов Александр Николаевич представляется к присвоению звания Героя Российской Федерации посмертно”.

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On Friday the second of October there was a rain. It was the day of sorrow and grief. There were a lot of people, students and guests in a small Pervomayskoy school. It was the day when the hero of Russia got immortality. It was the monument to Alexander Belodedov the hero of Russia!

Thank you very much. You reporting is unforgettable. Now it’s time to have a rest, please, stand, look and listen to me. (динамическая пауза)

  • Put your right hand in,
  • Put your right hand out.
  • In, out, in, out,
  • And turn around.

Anton, can you help me, please, go to the blackboard.

(учащиеся выполняют упражнения, повторяя за одноклассником).

Thanks, Anton for your help. Now “The Gazette” it is you time, Vladislav, please.

Thanks. As you know, Alexander Belodedov is a hero. He is the last hero of the XXth century. A lot of people remember him his relatives, neighbours, friends and classmates. Sasha was born in Syd-Nikilaevka in 1980. He studied in a settlement school which now is called after the hero of Russia. (Приложение №4).

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Alexander went to school from 1987 to 1995. This is the former Sasha’s desk.

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But now it’s a museum of Alexander Belodedov.

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“Sasha was very kind helpful, cheerful, everybody loved him much, he was keen on sport and music!” - said his mother.

In 1998 he went to the Army. It was Chechnya. Sasha was only nineteen but without any doubt he saved his combat fried from the enemy. He paid very high price it was his life…It happened on December, 26 1999.

The memory of Alexander Belodedov is in our hearts. That’s why in the second of October 2009 was opened the monument to Alexander. There was rain and all of the people that were there grieved about him. There were five former classmates.

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And his colleagues …

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From his classmates’ memories: “Sasha was always helpful, kind, brave, selfless and faithful to his words”.

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Alexander Belodedov gave his life for the piece in the land.

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Thank you very much. Your reporting is breathtaking. Now it’s time for our expert group, Mariya, please (развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации).

We have seen two amazing pieces of article, their reporting make us think about piece, ordinary people who gives their lives without any doubt I can say that they have done excellent work. But I’d like to know when and where Sasha was born, Marina, tell us, please.

Alexander Belodedov was born in Syd-Nicolaevka in the twenty fourth of April.

Yes, that’s right. I wonder if Sasha had a lot of friends, Olga, please.

Sasha had a lot of friends because he was a very clever, kind and cheerful guy.

Thank you. Tell me, please, do you understand what it means to be a hero?

Yes, we do.

VII. Итоги урока.

- Thanks, Mariya, for your opinion. I think all of you have done laborious task and got excellent marks.

VIII. Домашняя работа.

- Your homework is you should answer the question: “Would you like to be a hero?” The bell is gone, good-bye, students.

- Good-bye, Olga Vladimirovna.