Мое любимое времяпрепровождение

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

- обобщение изученного материала по теме;

- совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений.

Задачи урока:

- совершенствование речевых умений по теме;

- развитие творческих способностей у учащихся;

- совершенствование умений аудировать с целью извлечения информации;

- поддержание интереса у учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Форма проведения урока:

- ролевая игра.

Формы организации деятельности учащихся:

- фронтальная работа;

- индивидуальная работа.

Виды ролевой деятельности:

- монологически подготовленная речь;

- монологически неподготовленная речь;

- аудирование;

- диалогическая речь.

Организация общения:

- монолог;

- диалог;

- полилог.

Оборудование урока: cтенд с творческими работами, доска, аудиомагнитофон, видеомагнитофон, карточки с заданиями, видеокассета “Peter Pan”.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (приветствие, постановка цели).

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about our hobbies. There are a lot of things children enjoy doing when they are free from school. Well, let’s have a look at our blackboard. (Учитель открывает доску, а там тень Питера Пэна)

T: Oh? What’s this?

Pupils: It’s a shadow!

T: Whose shadow is it?

Ps: It’s Peter Pan’s shadow. And here he is.

2. Фонетическая разминка.

Ps: We are delighted to meet you. We’ve read so much about you.

Peter Pan: Thank you. I’m glad to meet you, too. I’ve heard so much about you.

Ps: Thank you. We are glad to meet you.

Peter Pan: I often come to the windows of your school to listen to your lessons, to know more about things you enjoy doing. But what are these hobbies, explain me, please.

3. Развитие монологических навыков.

T: Well, now we shall have a talk about it. There are a lot of different classes of hobbies. Children, complete the Word Web and say why these hobbies are interesting and useful. (Учащиеся заполняют Word Web, выходя к доске, и дополняют свою информацию об этом хобби)

P1: Reading is useful, because it develops our imagination.

P2: Sport helps us to become healthy, strong and cheerful.

P3: Collecting makes our life more interesting, we learn new things about countries, animals and famous people.

P4: Travelling is useful and interesting because people visit places of interest, take pictures of famous building, know traditions and customs of different countries.

P5: Gardening helps us to relax.

4. Совершенствование речевых умений.

Peter Pan: Oh, Now it’s clear to me what hobby is. But you, children, have you got a hobby?

P1: Yes, I’ve got a hobby. My hobby is travelling… I have been to many countries and places. London is my favourite place. It is a centre for business and for tourism. There are many places of interest there. One of them is the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the king’s Zoo. Now it is a Museum. Buckingham Palace – is the residence of the Royal Family. Changing of the Guard is the official ceremony. It takes place at 12 o’clock every day at Buckingham Palace. It is a colorful procession that looks like a theatre show. I was at this ceremony and saw everything with my own eyes. It was fantastic!

Peter Pan: Can you imagine your life without any hobby at all?

P2: No, I can’t imagine my life without any hobby. My hobby is theatre… I like to go to the theatre. And I act in the Children’s Theatre. We show our performances on Sundays. The children enjoy them very much. I take lessons of classical choreography. We sing different songs from fairytales. Theatre is all my life. In the future I would like to be an actress.

Peter Pan: Do you have a chance to give a lot of time to your hobby?

P3: I try to give my free time to my hobby. My hobby is music… I enjoy playing the piano. My favourite composers are: Bach and Beethoven. Every year I have an exam and concerts. I play the piano different musical etude, prelude and pieces of music. Some of them are very difficult. I take part in different musical festivals.

Peter Pan: Does your hobby help you relax?

P4: Yes, my hobby is gardening… I have lots of plants: lemons, cactus, geranium, violets. Each needs special care. I like to water my plants, to watch them. All my plants like the sun. But I have a problem. It is my cat. It likes “gardening” too. It likes to eat my plants. So I should be on the watch. But I still love my cat and take care of my plants.

5. Физкультминутка.

Teacher: Well, I think you are a bit of tired. Let’s do some exercise to be active and cheerful. Let’s dance a little. (Hockey, Cockey)

6. Совершенствование навыков аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации (на материале видеосюжета “Peter Pan” by Walt Disney).

P1: Peter, and what about you? Have you got any hobby?

Peter Pan: Of course, I have. You know, I want always to be a little boy and to have fun. My hobbies are adventures and fighting. Have you ever been to Never Never Land? I’d like to invite you there. (Видеосюжет)

T: Now, let’s see how attentive you were. Do the following tasks. There are some words you don’t know; try to guess their meaning.

Release = to make free;

Codfish = a soft of fish;

Coward = be afraid of something;

Beware = be on guard;

Courageous = brave.

The tasks: (на карточках)

1) Who said it:

  1. “Release the princess and take her back to her people” (Peter P.)
  2. “Oh Pete, do be careful” (Wendy)
  3. “I’ve got you this time, Pan” (Captain Hook)
  4. “It’s an evil spirit, Captain” (Smee)
  5. “Try your luck Mr. Smee” (Peter P.)
  6. “How dreadful” (Wendy)
  7. “A codfish on a hook” (Peter P.)
  8. “Spirit of a great sea water, is it?” (Captain Hook)
  9. “I say Captain, do you hear something?” (Peter P.)
  10. “Beware, Captain Hook, beware” (Peter P.)

2) Make two lists of words to characterize Peter Pan and Captain Hook, and then speak about them.

Brave, fearless, terrible, willing to help, selfish, courageous, funny, silly, cruel, coward, sometimes boastful, frightened, good at playing funny tricks.

7. Развитие творческих способностей учащихся:

T: Well done. Peter is good at playing funny tricks, but some of you are good at making good literary translations.

P1 —> Peter Pan

P: Do you know Vika?

Peter Pan: Vika, who?

P: Vika is our best translator!

Peter Pan: Of course, I do, I have heard her translations, but I’d like to hear some more.

(Несколько учеников декламируют стихи и зачитывают свои литературные переводы):

Come out to play

Girls and boys, come out to play,
The moon is shining bright as day;
Leave your supper,
And leave your sleep,
And come with your playfellows
Into the street.
Come with a whoop
And come with a call,
Come with a good will
Or come not at all.
Come let us dance
On the open green,
And she who holds longest
Shall be our queen.

(From Nursery Rhymes)

Свободное время

В солнечный день из домов выбегайте,
А не дома примеры решайте!
Веселитесь и кричите,
Бегайте и не молчите,
Гуляйте и играйте.
Можете вы на траве танцевать,
А можете новое что-то узнать.
Музыкой заниматься,
Рисовать, смеяться,
В футбол, баскетбол играть.
А можете сесть и книжку прочесть,
Когда свободное время есть.

(By Vlasova Polina)


When all the days are hot and long
And robin bird has ceased his song,
I go swimming every day
And have the finest kind of play.
I’ve learned to dive and I can float
As easily as does a boat;
I splash and plunge and laugh and shout
Till daddy tells me to come out.
It’s much too soon; I’d like to cry
For I can see the ducks go by
And daddy duck – how I love him –
He lets his children swim and swim
I feel that I would be in luck
If I could only be a duck!

(By С. Scollard)


Какой чудесный летний день,
Идти на речку нам не лень!
Я так люблю нырять, плескаться,
Играть в воде и кувыркаться!
Но только папа – как всегда,
Уже кричит: “Пора, пора!”
А тут и уточки пришли,
Ныряют, плавают они.
Их папа не бывает строг.
И вот бы мой был не жесток!
Тогда б я плавал целый день!
И был бы, как морской тюлень,
А может, и как утка?
Кто знает… это ж шутка!

(By Skutina Vika)

8. Well, you’ve done your work well today. Now let’s have some fun. Let’s go on developing your literary skills. Look at these funny poems and finish the poems with the rhyming word.

3) Finish the poems with rhyming word:

We go by car, and we go by train

We go by boat and we go by (plane)

We go by land, by sea, by air

We go, go, go from here to (there)

I usually go on holiday by train

And very seldom by (plane)

I often go to work by bus

And sometimes by car

I prefer going to work on foot

If I’m in a bad (mood)

But I never go by taxi

Because it’s very (expensive).

4) Match the beginnings with the endings of the following proverbs, concerning “Travelling”, and explain how you understand them.

  1. East or west
  2. There is no place
  3. The Englishman’s home
  4. He who travels far
  5. Travelling
  6. So many countries
  7. Every country is strong
  1. is his castle
  2. knows much
  3. like home
  4. home is best
  5. by its traditions
  6. broadens the mind
  7. so many customs

T: Let’s play a game. Think of a hobby, but don’t name it, explain it with the help of your hands and mimicry. We’ll try to guess what your hobby is. (Ученики изображают свои хобби: игра в футбол, плавание, игра на скрипке)

8. Home task.

Well done. So, for the next lesson I want you to draw the character of the videofilm “Peter Pan” you liked more. Try to describe this character.

9. Оценки. Итоги урока.

Well, thank you for your work. You were active today. I’ll give you excellent and good marks. Good bye, Peter and welcome to our lessons. See you tomorrow.