Открытый урок в 7-м классе по теме "In the World of Books"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

- развитие навыка аудирования
- развитие лексических навыков
- развитие навыка поискового  и просмотрового чтения
- развитие навыка диалогической и монологической речи

- развитие логического мышления
- формирование познавательного интереса к учению
- развитие аналитико-синтезирующего мышления (общее и разное)
- развитие умения учебного труда (работа в заданном темпе)
(приемы наблюдения, развитие воли и самостоятельности, уверенности в своих силах, преодоление трудностей, умение владеть собой)

- воспитание положительного отношения к чтению
- воспитание эстетических взглядов
- основы формирования толерантного мышления
-  формирование положительного отношения к состоянию здоровья

Тип урока
совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков, полученных ранее, и целевого применения усвоенного.

Вид урока
Урок самостоятельных работ репродуктивного типа с элементами исследования.
Цель – развивающее обучение – определила систему методов и приемов на уроке. Система методов построена  на основе принципа целеполагания.

Методы и приемы
- метод эвристической беседы
- метод исследовательских заданий
- метод диалогического изложения
- метод монологического изложения

Формы работы
- индивидуальная
- фронтальная
- парная
- групповая

Межпредметные связи
 Связь с литературой (определение литературных жанров и привлечение в качестве примеров русских писателей) и французским языком.

Оснащение урока
Аудиозапись, слайды, магнитная доска, карточки.

План урока

1. Организационный момент.
2. Целеполагание.
3. Проверка домашнего задания.
4. Работа с цитатами.
5. Развитие лексического и орфографического навыков (работа со словарными дефинициями).
6. Аудирование небольших текстов с общим пониманием прослушанного.
7. Развитие навыка поискового чтения (Scanning).
8. Физкультминутка. Релаксация.
9. Игра «Индекс популярности».
10. Чтение с общим пониманием прочитанного (Skimming).
11. Групповая работа над мини-проектом.
12. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.
Teacher(T) - Good morning! I’m glad to see you.

2. Целеполагание
T- Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Well, try to guess what it is.
(учитель вызывает ученика, который читает вслух загадку, остальные угадывают)
T - P1- Read this riddle. Let your classmates guess what it is.
(It has no mouth, but speaks. It is not alive, but it can be a good friend. It is not a tree, but it has leaves. What is it?)
P- It’s a book.
Slide 1 – In the world of books <Рисунок01>
T- Right it’s a book. So our topic today is “In the World of Books”.
We are going to discuss literature genres, listen to short stories and read extracts from the books of modern English writers.

3. Проверка домашнего задания
T – Let’s check your homework. Your task was to ask your classmates different questions about books. I am interested in what you have found out during your survey.
P1 – how many students read books regularly
P2 – how many read them from time to time
P3 – how many don’t read books
P4 – what kinds of books they prefer
P5 – what authors they like
P6 – who advises them what books to read
P7 – if they borrow books from a school library/local library/friends or relatives
P8 – if they think that reading books is important and why

4. Работа с цитатами
T – A lot of famous people thought about the importance of books. Now I will give you some quotations but the words in them are given in the wrong order – together with your partner try to arrange them correctly.
A Roman philosopher Cicero said:
without  /  A room  /  a body  /  is  /  books  /  a soul.  /  like  /  without

An American president Thomas Jefferson said:
reading. / live / I / without / cannot /

Sir Richard Steel said:
is / what exercise / Reading /to the body. / to the mind / is

J. W. Eagan said:
movie. /  by  /  judge  / Never  /  its  /  a book 

An English philosopher Francis Bacon said:
a / makes / man. / full / Reading

A Scottish writer Andrew Lang said:
can / of country  / a great deal  / in books. / cover / You
1. A philosopher Cicero – A room without books is like a body without a soul.
2. An American president Thomas Jefferson - I cannot live without reading.
3. Sir Richard Steel - Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
4. J. W.  Eagan - Never judge a book by its movie.
5. An English philosopher Francis Bacon - Reading makes a full man.
6. A Scottish writer Andrew Lang - You can cover a great deal of country in books.
(ученики восстанавливают правильный порядок слов в цитатах, по мере проверки учитель вывешивает правильные варианты на доске)

5. Развитие лексического и орфографического навыков (работа со словарными дефинициями)
T – Now I see that you understand that reading is important.
Slide 2 – a bare tree with a quotation <Рисунок02>
Another wise man said: “Life without books is as a tree without leaves.” Do you understand this quotation?

P- I think life without books looks as poor and unhappy as a tree without leaves.
T- I agree with you. Now let us grow our own “book-tree”.
Slide 3 – leaves with the names of literary genres <Рисунок03>
(ученики получают «листья» <Рисунок04>, на которых с одной стороны написаны названия литературных жанров с пропущенными буквами, а на другой их определения)
T – Take these leaves, read the definitions of different kinds of books on them and fill in the missing letters. You have one minute to do it. Now let’s check what you’ve got and put our leaves on the tree (ученики могут сверить написание слов с учебником), try to make up full sentences.
P1 ….. is a detective story (or a detective story is …)
(horror, science fiction, true story, detective story, fairy tale, adventure, biography, autobiography, humorous story, historical novel, travel book)
(после прочтения своего определения жанра книги, каждый ученик выходит и с помощью магнита прикрепляет лист к «книжному дереву»,  заранее нарисованному мелом на магнитной доске)
T - Now our tree looks beautiful!

6. Аудирование небольших текстов с общим пониманием прослушанного
(Michael Harris, David Mower “Opportunities Intermediate”, Longman, Module 2 “Stories”, Warm-up p.19))
T- I see that you are great experts at different kinds of books, so let’s play a guessing game. Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is, besides write down the words that helped you make the right answer.
(раздать карточки с заданием каждому ученику, они прослушивают, сверяют в парах, потом все вместе)

Kind of story Number (№) Key words
Detective story    
True story    
Horror story    
Fairy story    
Science fiction    


Kind of story Number (№) Key words
Detective story №4 Dead, murder, victim, killed
True story №3 Memory, father, 3 years old
Horror story №1 Dark, lost, black
Fairy story №5 Princess, king, queen, castle
Science fiction №2 Space(ship),star, planet,galaxy

7. Развитие навыка поискового чтения (Scanning)
T – If we want a new book where do we usually go?
P – To the bookshop.
T – But our modern bookshops are so big that sometimes we can get lost there and need advice. Now we’ll pretend that we are in the bookshop and give advice to some people who are lost there. Come out, introduce yourself and say what you are looking for.

I’m doing a project on the Second World War at school.
My son wants to be an actor. He loves the theatre.
My Dad’s birthday is next week; he’s a great Elvis fan.
My sister loves animals and writing poems.
I’m really into football.
I enjoy trying to solve crime mysteries.
I’m mad about frightening stories with blood and gore.
Last week I read Secret Passion and I’d like something romantic again.

P1 – My name is James…. I …
P2 – You should go to the section … and buy the book called …

Suggested answers
Tom – Biography, Elvis, the boy
James –   History, The Second World War
Sally – Crime, Crimebuster
Julia –   Romance, Flowers for Amy
Geoff – Horror, Blood in the castle
Danny – Sport, Football’s Greatest Goals
Sarah –   Drama, Death of a Shop Assistant
Kate – Poetry, Poems about animals
T – Thank you, I see that you are all very helpful.

8. Физкультминутка. Релаксация.

Slide 4 – A rose <Рисунок06>
T- I think your eyes are tired, let’s have a rest now.
Зарядка для глаз.
Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.

9. Игра  «Индекс популярности»
T – I see that you know all the kinds of books. Now we are going to speak about writers. Firstly, let’s check if you can recognize them. Look at the screen. Who is that?
(Шекспир, Твен, Роулинг, Пушкин, Дюма)
Slides 5-9 <Рисунок 7-11>
Ps give the name and say a few words about the writers, then they decide who the most popular writer is.

10. Чтение с общим пониманием прочитанного (Skimming)
T – Now I would like to introduce three modern English writers to you. Look at the titles and the covers of the books and try to guess the genre. Now Read these three stories and decide which one you would like to read, give your reasons. You may use the adjectives from the textbook. <Рисунок12>
P1 …. sounds interesting (enjoyable, entertaining, amusing, exciting, fascinating, easy-to-read), etc.
(в процессе ответов один ученик ведет рейтинг популярности, в конце подводит итоги)
Which book would you like to read?
Put a tick (V) next to the story when you hear that one of your classmates likes it.

Vicky Angel           by Jacqueline Wilson  
Maniac Magee      by Jerry Spinelli  
Artemis Fowl        by Eoin Colfer  

P1 - The majority of my classmates would like to read …..

11. Групповая работа над мини-проектом
T – To finish our talk about kinds of books I would like you to divide into 2 groups and decide which of them are the best for little children and which for teenagers. Choose 3 kinds and give your reasons. <Рисунок13>
(Учитель делит учеников на 2 группы – те, у кого есть младшие братья и сестры выбирают жанры для детей, остальные – для подростков, затем записывают на доске или на отдельных листах)

12. Подведение итогов, рефлексия
Slide 10 <Рисунок14>
Did you like our lesson?
What did you like best?
T – Your homework is under the stories and your marks are …
(Option) To finish the lesson, Ps can sing a song about books.
