Музеи Лондона

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Совершенствовать устные навыки владения английским языком.
  2. Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся, расширяя их кругозор.
  3. Развить интерес учащихся к культурному наследию Великобритании.
  4. Создать творческую атмосферу на уроке.


  1. Организационный момент
  2. Вступительное слово о музеях Великобритании
  3. The Teddy Bear Museum (Музей игрушек)
  4. The Tower of London (Тауэр)
  5. The British Museum (Британский музей). Экскурсия по Британскому музею:
    1. The most.....(самый, самый) (работа с карточками);
    2. The Chinese pats (китайские вазы);
    3. Coins and medals (монеты и медали);
    4. Prizes from the Game (призы за Олимпийские игры);
    5. Ivory chessman (шахматные фигуры).
  6. The National History Museum (Музей естествознания):
    1. рассказ о музее;
    2. работа с рабочими листами музея.
  7. Science Museum (Музей науки).
  8. Подведение итогов.

Ход урока

1. Good morning! Sit down, please! How are you? I hope all of you are fine today.

2. Today we’ll speak about Museums of Great British. I’d like to suggest you some fascination trip to Great Britain and we start it from the observing excursion. (Приложение №1)

3. We start speaking about the museums from the unusual museum Teddy Bear Museum (student’s report).

4. The next places of interesting is the Tower. It is the most popular museum in London. Some words about the Tower (student’s report).

5. One of the famous museums in the word is the British Museums. I’d like to suggest you small excursion on some exhibits of this museum. At first I want you to do some practical work.

You’ve got questions about the British Museum. Answer these questions (работа с карточками). (Приложение №2)

There are many interesting exhibits in the British Museum. Talk about some of them (student’s reports).

6. The next famous museum in Great Britain is the Natural History Museum (student’s report).

As you know the Natural History Museum is famous for its scientist research. Many children visit this museum and know about the nature not only from the lecture but they can do practical works which help them to learn more about some exhibits.

Imagine that you are in the Natural History Museum. Take activity sheets. And do practical work (работа с карточками). (Приложение №3)

7. The next sights of London are the Science Museum (student’s report).

8. Our trip is finished. I think it helps you to know more about Museums in Great Britain. And I’m sure if you have opportunity to go to London, you’ll visit all of these museums.