Использование мультимедийных средств при подготовке учащихся к сдаче экзамена в формате ЕГЭ по теме "Наркотики"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Подготовка учащихся к сдаче экзамена в формате ЕГЭ.

Разделы: “Говорение”, ”Письмо” (сочинение с элементами рассуждения), “Грамматика”, “Лексика”


Учебная задача. Повторение грамматического материала по темам:

  • употребление Past Simple, конструкций Would и Used to;
  • закрепление навыков работы с мультимедийным одноязычным словарем;
  • развитие монологической речи учащихся по заданной теме и навыков написания сочинения с элементами рассуждения.

Развивающая задача. Развитие навыков выбирать и систематизировать информацию, делать выводы, выполнять задание в ограниченный промежуток времени, работать в группе.

Воспитательная задача. Обсуждение проблемы наркомании среди подростков, а также пути ее решения.

Приборы и материалы:

  • компьютерный класс;
  • столы, расставленные для групповой работы;
  • мультимедийные средства (CD к УМК LASER, CD к одноязычному словарю LONGMAN EXAMS COACH, презентация урока);
  • проектор и экран;
  • раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I. Повторение правил грамматики по теме: “Случаи употребления Past Simple, Past Continuouse, конструкций Would и Used to”.

В течение 5 минут ученики выполняют записанное на СD-диске упражнение к учебно-методическому комплексу (УМК) Laser (уровень Intermediate). Затем, учитель вместе с учениками проверяет правильность выполнения задания.

Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.

  1. What were you doing, madam, between 7.30 and 10 o’clock last night?
  2. Why don’t you believe me? I really did go to church yesterday morning.
  3. I used to speak French so well a few years ago. I’ve forgotten everything now.
  4. When my mother was a child she lived in Australia.
  5. I know you’re angry with him, but he did try to get here on time.
  6. My hair used to be much blonder when I was a boy.
  7. Stella was lying in the garden reading a comic when she heard a scream.
  8. I think they did want to come to the party, but they had too many other things to do.
  9. My brother finished school two years ago and he still hasn’t found a job.
  10. When I was ten my parents brought me back to Novograd.

II. Введение темы урока.

Ученикам выдаётся листок с текстом песни о Мэрилин Монро. Дают её прослушать. Во время прослушивания ученики заполняют пропущенные в тексте на листке слова и после отвечают на предложенные вопросы (смотри Приложение).

Текст песни “A candle in the wind”:

Goodbye Norma Jean,
Though I never knew you at all,
You had the grace to hold 1)
While those around you crawled (ползать, волочиться)
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your 2) ...
They set you on (заставлять) the treadmill (монотонный труд)
And they made you change your 3)
And it seems to me you live your 4)
Like a 5) … in the wind,
Never knowing who to cling to (цепляться)
When the rain set in.
And I would have liked to have known you
But I was just a 6)
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did.

Пропущенные в тексте слова:

  1. yourself
  2. brain
  3. name
  4. life
  5. candle
  6. kid

Вопросы и ответы:

Did the singer ever meet Norma Jean? (Marilyn Munroe) Why not?

No, he was only a boy when she was a film star.

How did the singer feel about her?

He admires her.

Why was she a “candle in the in the wind”?

Because the candle is blown out by the wind and her life was destroyed by those around her. 

Беседа с учащимися о Мэрлин Монро, о причине ее ранней смерти.

III. Знакомство с помощью одноязычного мультимедийного словаря longman exams coach с новой лексикой урока по теме ”Наркотики”.

Ученики с помощью словаря отвечают на вопрос, разгадывают кроссворд.

What does the word ”drug” mean?

  1. Legal drugs. A medicine or a substance for making medicines
  2. Illegal drugs. An illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine, which some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed or exited.

Crossword 1 (Кроссворд 1)

  1. Someone who regularly takes illegal drugs.
  2. Someone who sells illegal drugs, especially in order to encourage people to start taking drugs.
  3. Someone who sells illegal drugs, especially to someone that they know.
  4. The illegal activity of taking drugs from one country to another and selling them.

Crossword 2 (Кроссворд 2)

  1. An amount of medicine or medical treatment that you have regularly for a specific period of time.
  2. A powerful illegal drug that can make you very ill or kill you such as heroin, cocaine, etc.
  3. An illegal drug that is less dangerous than a hard drug such as marijuana.
  4. To take illegal drugs, especially regularly.

IV. Multi-part verbs по теме “DRUGS”.

Учащиеся выполняют упражнение с помощью одноязычного мультимедийного словаря longman exams coach.

Complete the gaps:

  1. It wasn’t until I tried to come the pills that I realized I was addicted.
  2. I spent three months in … After that I feel better.
  3. When I came .…I remembered with horror some of the things I’d said.
  4. A lot of young people start taking at school.
  5. She always looks as though she’s on
  6. Jimmy died of a drug …
  7. He cannot sleep without tablets. He OD’s … sleeping tablets.
  1. come off – перестать принимать наркотики
  2. in rehab – реабилитация, лечение
  3. came down – отойти от воздействия наркотиков
  4. taking drugs – принимать наркотики
  5. (to be) on drugs – быть зависимым от наркотиков
  6. overdose – передозировка
  7. OD’s on – быть зависимым

V. Проверка домашнего задания.

Чтение с целью понимания содержания прочитанного, поиска конкретной информации, умение догадаться о значении слова из контекста предложения.

1. Matching extracts with gaps

Read the text and complete the gaps (1-6) with these extracts (a-g). There is one extra extract. (12 marks)

  1. At first Laura only saw the good things.
  2. They are put on a three-meals-a-day diet based on fruit and vegetables.
  3. I want to leave my drug life behind and never, never be tempted back.
  4. They come to visit her every weekend.
  5. And that meant I had to shoplift, or steal from people in the street.
  6. But he came to visit me the other day.
  7. They had no idea their daughter was abusing drugs.

A second chance of childhood

As Britain's drug addicts get younger and younger, a unique rehabilitation centre in the heart of the English countryside is helping children come off heroin. Report by Angela Nonstarter.

01 Laura Hardeman, 16, is sitting on a sofa in Middlegate Lodge, a unique drug rehabilitation centre which takes the youngest addicts in the country. They live there like a family in a converted farmhouse. Alongside the detoxification programme, the centre focusses on building up both physical and psychological health - a lot of the children are maladjusted after years of drug abuse and mistrust people who try to help them. They are given help 10 with how to communicate, make relationships and deal with conflict. Homeopathic remedies, massage, yoga and relaxation are part of the daily routine. Because people on drugs often don't eat, they tend to arrive very skinny or even suffering from malnutrition. (1) … and are taught about nutrition, food hygiene and how to cook.

10 Laura has just completed the first stage of the programme to free her from her heroin addiction. She sits looking out at fields as far as the eye can see. Tossing shiny, blonde hair from her shoulders, she remembers Sunday walks in the countryside with her mum and dad; meals in the dining-room where an open fire blazed; curling up on the sofa in the sitting-room to watch a video with her mother and brother; the celebrations when she passed her exams to go to a grammar school; and the time when her parents were proud of their pretty, healthy daughter.

Three years ago her happy childhood disappeared. 'All I had in my mind was getting the heroin I needed for the day,' she explains, '(2) … It's like having the devil inside you; you do anything to get the stuff.'

20 Laura is one of the lucky ones to have a place at Middlegate Lodge. She tells how she came to be here. At the age of 13 she began mixing with a group of teenage dropouts who spent their time in a disused block of flats where heroin dealers did their business. It all happened so easily: 'I was offered some heroin to smoke and I wanted more. I didn't use other drugs, I went straight on to heroin.' (3) …, but later, she says, '1 began to see the horrors. But it was too late to get out by then, I needed the drugs.'

It still horrifies Laura's mother, Juliet, a social worker, and her father, Bob, the manager of a
machinery business. (4) … Juliet says, 'Someone else's mother phoned and said my daughter was on heroin. I listened in disbelief. Heroin is a word you've heard from another world, but you never dream it will come into your world. It shouldn't happen if you have a stable family, a nice home, firm values.' Juliet never stops blaming herself because she didn't realise what it meant when Laura got thinner, her pupils shrank, her clear rosy skin turned pallid and her once shiny hair became dull.

33 Laura has been at Middlegate for six weeks, and she is only now beginning to realise how her addiction caused problems in her family. 'My parents started arguing more. And my brother was very, very angry with me. He used to cry and say "I hate you for what you've done to this family." (5) …’

Laura knows she can recapture her happy memories. 'I'm learning self-discipline.

(6)… It's only in the past couple of weeks that I have really seen what an unhappy existence I was leading as an addict.' If she can hold on to this memory, Laura may be able to avoid returning to drugs.

2. Multiple choice 

Choose the correct answer according to the text. (4 marks)

  1. The young addicts need to be built up psychologically because
    a) they are undernourished when they arrive;
    b) they need to keep to a fixed routine;
    c) they have problems trusting other people;
    d) they are following a detoxification programme.

  2. Before she started taking heroin, Laura:
    a) passed exams to go to Middlegate Lodge;
    b) watched videos all the time;
    c) lived in a farmhouse with her family;
    d) led a happy life with her family.

  3. Laura's mother blames herself for what happened because:
    a) she didn't know who Laura's friends were;
    b) she didn't understand why her daughter looked unhealthy;
    c) she never took Laura to the doctor;
    d) she had heard of heroin before.

  4. Laura's addiction affected her family because:
    a) there was a lot more conflict at home;
    b) they had to pay a lot for her to go to the centre;
    c) the parents thought they had a nice home;
    d) they had no happy memories;

3. Vocabulary

What do these words from the text mean? Choose the best answer – a), b) or c).

1 skinny (line 7) 2 straight (line 23) 3 stable (line 29) 4 pallid (line 31)
a) very lonely;
b) very thin;
c) very tired.
a) directly;
b) gradually;
c) painfully.
a) healthy and safe;
b) secure and steady;
c) small and rich.
a) cold and dry;
b) red and shiny;
c) pale and unhealthy.

VI. Беседа по вышеназванному тексту.

Развитие монологической речи учащихся, закрепление активной лексики урока.

Учащиеся отвечают на следующие вопросы, используя слова-опоры.

Where does the story take place?

What happened to the girl? (13 years old, spend time in place, heroin dealers do business, to be in rehab)

How does her mother help to stop taking drugs? (blame herself, find the center, visit her daughter)

What can you say about drug rehabilitation center? (detoxification programme, massage, yoga, relaxation, help how to communicate, make relationships, deal with conflict)

VII. Групповая работа.

Учащиеся садятся в 4 группы по 4-5 человек. Каждой группе выдается задание (сформулированная проблемная ситуация). Время -6-7 минут. Учащиеся обсуждают решение данной проблемы. По истечении регламентированного времени один человек от группы формулирует вывод.

Темы для дискуссий:

  1. Why do people take drugs?
  2. Your friend started taking drugs. What can you do to help him or her to come off?
  3. Imagine the situation: parents find out that their child is on. What must they do to help their child to stop taking drugs.

VIII. Подготовка к написанию сочинения с элементами рассуждения.

Учащимся объявляется тема сочинения. Ознакомление с планом сочинения, содержанием каждого параграфа. Учащимся предлагаются некоторые утверждения по вышеназванной проблеме. Ученики знакомятся с ними и решают в какой части своего сочинения они могут их использовать.

Обращается особое внимание детей на наличие 3 абзацев, слов-связок, наличие лексики официального стиля.

Discursive writing

Some people suppose that if a person starts using drugs he is hopeless. Others take the view that it is a desease which can be treated.

What can you say for and against people who are addicted.

Write 200-250 words

Use the following plan

  1. Introduction (State the problem) The drug problem in your city or country
  2. Arguments “for” How some people think we should help addicts?
  3. Arguments “against” Why some people think we should not help addicts
  4. Conclusion. Give your own opinion

Read these comments about the drug problem. Decide which are for or against the essay title.

  • Addicts should be able to register with a chemist to get their drugs. In this way they wouldn’t have to depend on drug dealers.
  • Taking drugs is a crime. Drug addicts should be put in prison.
  • These people are just criminals. They rob people to pay for their drugs.
  • We need to have special rehabilitation centres where we can help addicts to rebuild their lives. Prison is not a solution; these people need help, not punishment.
  • Drug addiction is just a habit, like smoking or biting your nails. Drug users can give up if they want to.

Homework: Write your essay (200-250 words). Remember to use linking words, especially in paragraphs 2 and 3.

IX. Домашнее задание.

Написать сочинение на заданную тему.

X. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.