Conference "The influence of history, geography, climate and environment on personal traits of Cossacks"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема, над которой я работаю «Реализация регионального компонента в обучении английскому языку через проектные технологии». Актуальность исследуемой темы состоит в том, что вопрос гражданского воспитания в настоящее время стоит наиболее остро и национально-региональный компонент необходим как основной элемент нравственного, эстетического и гражданского воспитания. Содержание материала УМК под редакцией Кузовлева соответствует гуманистической воспитательной цели, основу которой составляют наивысшие ценности, выработанные историей человеческой жизни. Хочу отметить, что в заключение первого раздела «Разнообразный мир» авторы предлагают защиту проектов, включающих изучение родной культуры. На примере одного из них: “The influence of Geography on People and Their Lifestyles” я организовала работу по созданию проекта “The influence of History, Climate, Geography and Environment on personal traits of Cossacks”. Методика данного УМК воплощает возможность транспонирования действительности нашего хутора: уже на первом занятии мои учащиеся были ориентированы на сбор необходимой информации по двум направлениям:

  1. The influence of climate, geography and environment on personal traits of Cossacks.
  2. History of Cossacks culture in my village.

Урок построен на базе проектного метода.

Учащиеся работали в течение прохождения материала первого раздела учебника.

Реализует взаимосвязанное коммуникативное и социокультурное развитие школьников средствами иностранного языка и ИКТ для подготовки к межкультурному общению. Представляет собой итоговый контроль в скрытой форме. Структура урока «Защита проекта».

Форма проведения занятия – конференция, рассчитанная на два часа (сдвоенный урок). Оснащение урока: Необходимое условие – наличие компьютера и мультимедиа проектора, листы с заданиями.

Время подготовки проекта – один месяц.

Первая часть конференции проводится в виде одного из вариантов коммуникативно-диалоговых технологий – дискуссии с игровым моделированием. Имитируется реальная ситуация – телемост с участием Верховного атамана Америки и Канады – Сергея Цапенко с одной стороны и казачат Платовской школы с другой стороны.

При решении задач проекта использовались Интернет ресурсы, благодаря которым учащиеся нашли возможность познакомиться с информацией об американских казаках на английском языке.

Вторая часть посвящена обсуждению географических, климатических и экологических проблем хутора Платово.

Перед началом конференции учащиеся получают листы с заданиями, которые нужно выполнить по ходу конференции и предоставить в качестве домашнего задания на следующем занятии.

Определяется 30-35 минут для презентации.

Цель: научить рассказывать об особенностях своего хутора и его культуры на английском языке.

Textbook: Kuzovlev 10-11 “English”

Unit 1 «How different the world is». (English 10-11) Presentation of the project.

Ход урока

Warming up.

Teacher: Hello, Everybody! Now when boarders are broadening, Internet is enriching its sphere and English has become the World Top Language we are becoming closer to each other using the opportunity of getting in touch with other Cossacks abroad while on the Internet. By the end of the presentation of the project “The influence of History, Climate, Geography and Environment on personal traits of Cossacks” get ready to do the tasks given on the sheets of paper. They are going to be your home tasks for the next lesson. (Приложение 1) Before starting our talk let’s discuss some questions:

Teacher: Do you consider this theme to be interesting for us? Why?

Pupil: I think it is not only interesting but important because a lot of hereditary Cossacks live in our native village.

Pupil: Our village is named in honor of M.I. Platov.

Teacher: What do you know about Cossacks?

Pupil: Cossacks are freedom-loving people. They have always been famous for their courage and stoic character. Besides they have always been valued for their reliability in battles. They are quite patriotic. Behind gentleness, kindness and modesty of Cossacks, great stamina and extraordinary patience are concealed. A. Tolstoy’s point of view can be shared when he wrote in the story ‘True Russian character: ‘… here they are, Russian characters. You think this man is quite simple, but in a severe misfortune the great strength –inner human beauty- appears in him.’ What he meant by inner human beauty was the ability for self-sacrifice, faithfulness and devotion, the ability to love. All these qualities give strength to a person. It also concerns to Cossacks because they are Russians by nature.

Pupil: And I think that Cossacks are not only brave, modest, patriotic but reliable too. If Cossacks promise to do something on Thursday, you can be certain that it won’t be postponed till Friday and that they’ll do it exactly at the appointed time. It can be proved by the following fact. According to the legend, during the war with Napoleon, Cossacks swore on Gospel to build a new stone cathedral after their victory, but having returned from Paris they got greedy and built a wooden church. They were terrified to see that the newly sanctified church was burnt by the thunderbolt. Their Awe of God and remorse were so great that they built Novocherkassky cathedral made of stone. It is third in size after the Cathedral of Christ the Rescuer and Isaakievsky Cathedral.

Conference “The influence of History, Climate, Geography and Environment on personal traits of Cossacks”.

Part 1: Satellite Link Platovo-New York

Theme: “History of Cossacks culture”.

Teacher: As you see this topic is really very important. So I’m putting forward a proposal to start Satellite Link Platovo-New York. Dear Cossacks of Platovskaya school I’d like to introduce you Cossack General, Supreme Ataman of the Americas Serge Tsapenko. You can see him in this photo.

Picture1 (Cossack General, Supreme Ataman of the Americas Serge Tsapenko)

Picture 2 (Great Pokrovskaya Rada of Cossacks of Americas)

You know that on the 19th of October, 2008, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) there had place the Great Pokrovskaya Rada of Cossacks of Americas. This was a historic event because for the first time in the history of Cossacks residing abroad there were delegates - representatives of all the Cossacks living in the USA, Canada and Latin America. They had put forward a proposal that the Cossacks in Latin America should join the Cossacks of America and Canada, thus forming the Cossacks of Americas (North and South). It was also attended by delegates representing Zaporozhie, Kuban, Don, Terek, Ural, K.N.O.D. Cossacks and Vilniy Cossacks. The Great Cossakcs Rada took place in accordance with the old tradition of Zaporizhya Sich. A lot of delegates were nominated for Ataman of the America and Canada. The main bulk of the votes was given to Sergei Tsapenko, newly elected Ataman of Cossacks of the Americas (North and South)[1].
Platovo; Pupil: Hello, Serge! Young Cossacks of Platovskaya school are greeting you, we took the oath on the 7th of May, 2007. We have always wanted to get connected with Cossacks abroad. And now our dream has come true. We think it’s a great idea to unite our efforts in the revival of Cossacks traditions. We suggest that we should start our Internet talk.

Ataman Tsapenko: Zdorovo nochevali, my friends! I’m glad to have a chance of communicating with the young representatives of the Great Army of Don. I got acquainted with the information about your school in the Internet. But I’d like to know about the connection between the great ataman Platov and the name of your village.

Platovo; Pupil 1: Our village was named in honor of the anniversary of the birth of M.I. Platov. He gained his glory in the period of wars with Napoleon in 1805-1807. Platov was so brave that even Napoleon wanted to get acquainted with him. It was in Timzite, after the war of 1807, when peace was comprised and the alliance between Russia and France was made. That’s why different celebrations were organized. At one of such celebrations Napoleon had a talk with Platov. He said that he had heard a lot about Platov’s archery and asked Platov to demonstrate his skills. Platov coped with it brilliantly.

Platovo; Pupil 2: As for me I’m proud of our great ataman’s behavior with Napoleon. He presented him a snuff box and Platov gave him his archery instead. Napoleon didn’t forget the brave Cossack and he even wanted to reward him.But Platov answered that Napoleon had nothing to reward him for. And besides Platov had never fought for Napoleon and he would never do it. Napoleon was offended by Russian “Myurat” as he called him. When rewarding generals he passed by Platov without greeting him.

Platovo; Pupil 3: It’s common knowledge, that Cossacks have always been an integral part of our society. Our ancestors often asserted their Christian faith.

It is always necessary to remember that spiritual values of a society only grow on the ground of respect to the past. The history of Cossacks is closely connected with the history of Orthodoxy which for Cossacks was not simple faith but also the basis of the Cossacks lifestyle. The Orthodox faith was that internal force which determined high spirituality of Cossacks, service to ideals of truth not paying any attention to danger. The main thing they have is that they have kept the Orthodox culture nowadays. I want to ask you if you agree with us that the Orthodox faith was that internal force which determined high spirituality of Cossacks?

Ataman Tsapenko: Certainly.The Great Pokrovskaya Rada of Cossacks of Americas was heldduring the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rada was held at the Saint Nikolas Orthodox Cathedral built in the early 20th century by Cossacks from the first wave of immigration. The Great Pokrovskaya Rada began its work in accordance with the historical tradition, preceded by a service in the St. Nikolas Cathedral. By the way, do you happen to know the history connected with one of the Orthodox holidays - the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Platovo; Pupil 5: I think you are speaking about the famous event of the Don history - the Azov Sitting, when Cossacks showed their greatness of spirit to the whole world. It happened 367 years ago. This event was preceded by a long period of struggle with enemies. At night on the 14th of October 1641 defenders of Azov castle took out the icon of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and they prayed before it all night long. On dawn of the same day, October 15, Cossacks suddenly saw that two-thousand Turkish army had disappeared. The 14th of October is one of the greatest holidays that is celebrated by our pupils – Cossacks in our school.

Ataman Tsapenko: Are you taught Orthodoxy at school?

Platovo, Pupil 3: Yes, we have an Orthodox hour where pupils can get information about the elements of Orthodoxy once a week. These lessons do much to bring up our generation not only spiritually but morally and patriotically. The feeling of patriotism is brought up on the examples of heroic deeds of Cossacks not only in everyday life but in fairy tales too. The moral values have always been prevailing in spiritual image of Cossacks. The Motto of our school: “Everything is useful that is moral”.

Ataman Tsapenko: Lyubo!

Pupil 4: Wе are made so that we remember bad and unpleasant things longer. So a rude word, an impolite gaze cast at a young lady and things like this may leave a deep mark in person’s mind. That’s why at extracurricular classes children are taught to get rid of negative problems, to love their parents and their great Motherland. Is there anything else you would like to know?

Ataman Tsapenko: Yes, our children can’t understand why winter posidelki areso popular with Russian Cossacks? Why do Cossacks often gather on holidays or when guests come to their places?

Platovo, Pupil 2: It was very cold in old Russia and people could do little during winter months. But in spring there was much to be done, and it had to be done in a short period of time. I think they had a good rest during winter months. And it was nature with its climatic peculiarities that made them to gather so often.

Ataman Tsapenko: Why did Russian Cossacks men wear shapki in winter and women platki even in summer?

Platovo, Pupil 3: It was very cold in old Russia, so men had to wear warm shapki called papahi. They protected their ears from cold. It’s an Orthodox principle to wear platki even in summer. A woman shouldn’t go out with her head uncovered.

Pupil 1: Sorry to say our time in the Internet is limited. So we have to say good-bye. Thank you very much for your active participation in this Inter talk. Our Inter talk is over.

Part 2:

Theme: “The influence of Climate, Geography and Environment on personal traits of Cossacks”.

Teacher: It’s common knowledge that personal traits of people of different countries are a result of some factors. What are these factors? I want to hear your suppositions.

Pupil: There is a belief that some personal traits of people from different countries are a result of the influence of geography, history, and environment of the country. The Cossack’s love of compromise is the result of the physical geography. This may or may not be true, but it is certainly true that the land and the climate in Rostov region don’t have extremes. There are no mountains in our place. There are a lot of small rivers among which the biggest river is the Don. It isn’t very cold in winter. As for summer it may be sometimes very hot. But on the whole I think we have favorable climate for growing crops and cattle breeding.

Many years ago nature wasn’t kind to Cossacks. The harsh climate explains the Cossack’s strength, their ability to overcome hardships, as well as their patience and submission. Long ago climate also made them cautious.

The cruel climate, harsh history, and skeptical outlook on life made Cossacks value stability, security, social order, and predictability.

Teacher: Can you describe the geographical peculiarities of your village?

Pupil: If you look at the map of Russia you are sure not to find my native village, it’s so small but I like it very much because I have lived here all my life. It was founded long ago. The population of our village is 1824 people. It is situated in the north of Rostov region. It is not far from Rostov. Our village is situated on the Donetsky ringe which is in the Middle-Russian hill. It doesn’t have large rivers or mountains, but there are vast stepps around Platovo, where the farmers grow field crops. They are also engaged in cattle breeding. There are a lot of different kinds of grass in our stepps and feather grass is among them. Its animals are gophers, jerboas. So the main occupation of Cossacks is connected with land. That’s why they have a great strength of spirit.

Teacher: The natural environment is very important in the lives of people. In fact, it is part of their daily lives. How does environment influence people in your village?

Pupil: The air of our atmosphere is the major and an integral part of inhabitancy of the person. The degree of its impurity concerns to the number of main factors influencing on the health of the person. Air polluters in the village of Platovo are: waste heaps of the working and closed mines and certainly transport. Its number increases every year. When you are coming to my place through the nearest town of Gukovo you can see many waste heaps. There are a lot of them in it but the protection of the environment leaves much to be desired. From the point of view of making the most efficient use of the soil and keeping our environment clean, they are useless and even bad to our health. The mines of course pollute the environment and affect people’s health, as well as they are harmful for nature. Nevertheless every time I see them they make my heart beat with excitement, when I am approaching my native village, the best place in the world, as the English proverb says: “East or West home is best”, or “There is no place like home”.

When we burn coal for energy, we cause pollution. Chemicals called sulfates puff out of coal-burning enterprises. When the sulfates mix with clouds, acid rain falls and harms ponds and plants.

Pupil: In a word the by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground where we grow grain and vegetables. Nearly all the mines lack modern waster-cleaning equipment and pollution monitoring system. This problem can’t be ignored.

Pupils of our school collected the material about the condition of air. A lot of services helped them in their work: epidemiological service, the local medical center and others. A lot of possible research work was carried out by our students. It was found out that waste heaps throw out various gases into the atmosphere: carbon dioxides, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfates, and firm particles. They change, radiating background. When wind blows from the side of waste heaps, coal dust and fumes cover the settlement. Diseases of the inhabitants of Platovo are the result of such situation. 1824 residents live in Platovo. 150 adults have addressed to the local medical center (118 from them - with diseases of breath) in 2007. But it is necessary to admit that, due to the fact that the mine “Anthracite” was closed, the situation began to change for the better. The work on reconstruction of mines has begun. Application of new technologies at clearing the air has been started.

I hope that Cossacks will be able to unite all residents of Platovo: both grown-ups and our younger generation to do everything possible for improving the environmental situation of our village. As we see the environment has given them one more chance to demonstrate the strength of their spirit and helpfulness. So they will show once more their personal traits.


Teacher: In conclusion I would like you to say which personal traits Cossacks are considered to have? (Приложение 2)

Teacher: We see that some personal Cossack traits are a result of the influence of geography, history, climate and environment of our region. We have also known that Cossacks appreciate very much spiritual values such as helpfulness, personal responsibility, responsiveness and respect to others. I strongly believe that we should consider them as a good example in our everyday life. Let’s start attracting positive energy not forgetting that no one exists as an isolated individual. Problems far away will eventually affect us. Helping one another we help ourselves. We arе all beneficiaries of compassion. Each participant of the project has the mark today. At home you should finish the tasks. I wish you good luck. Good bye and let God keep you!
