Урок по использованию компьютерных технологий в 9-м классе: "Знаменитые писатели Англии: Уильям Шекспир"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Систематизация, обобщение, углубление и закрепление пройденного материала по теме. Формирование лингво-культурной компетенции.



  • Совершенствование речевого умения в монологическом и диалогическом высказывании, тренировка в аудировании текста.
  • Расширение лексического запаса о литературных стилях, писателях и их произведениях; систематизация и обобщение знаний.


  • Расширение кругозора по теме.
  • Организация учебного процесса как речемыслительного поиска, в котором идет развитие творческой деятельности, догадки, памяти, воображения, способности логически излагать учебный материал, работать в группах, парах и индивидуально.


  • Повышение познавательного интереса к предмету.
  • Воспитание уважительного отношения к зарубежной культуре,
  • более глубокое осознание родной культуры, повышение уровня самооценки учащихся.
  • Поддерживать дух толерантности и принимать другие точки зрения.

Оснащение урока:

  • Мультимедийный проектор.
  • Экран.
  • Информационный текст об Уильяме Шекспире (Приложение 10).
  • Текст с заданием для учащихся (Приложение 4)
  • Карточки с заданиями для учащихся для парной и групповой работы (Приложение 1)
  • Карточки русских эквивалентов литературных жанров (Приложение 6).
  • Карточки литературных жанров (Приложение 7).
  • Карточки английских дефиниций (Приложение 5).
  • Карточки с именами знаменитых писателей (Приложение 8).
  • Иллюстративный материал для урока. Портреты писателей (Приложение 2).
  • Карточки с названиями литературных шедевров и их жанры (Приложение 9).
  • Мультимедийная презентация (Приложение 3).
  • Демонстрационный материал: учебник, словари, газеты, журналы, сказки, энциклопедия…

Ход урока

I. Organization period

Приветствие, представление, предвосхищение темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, students! I’m so glad to see you today. Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.

Dear students, let me introduce myself. My full name is Galina Gennadievna Makarova. I’m an English language teacher. I hope that our lesson will be useful and successful.

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Anticipation of the topic (предвосхищение темы урока)

Slide №1 (изображения обложек книг) .

Teacher: What do you see on the screen?

Students: I see….I see…

Slide №2 (портреты писателей)

Teacher: What do you see on the screen?

Students: I see….I see…

Teacher: Why do you think these books and portraits of famous writers are on the screen? Can you guess what the topic of the lesson is? I want you to begin your answer with one of these phrases. Look at the screen.

Slide №3

(I think that…
In my opinion…
To my mind…)


I think that we shall talk about famous writers and their books.
To my mind the topic of our lesson will be about reading.

Teacher: Yes, you are guite right. Look at the screen. Read, please.

Slide №4 (Famous writers of England: William Shakespeare)

Teacher: But exactly we shall speak about William Shakespeare

2. Warm up (речевая зарядка)

Teacher: Let’s speak about reading in your life? Work in pairs .Walk around the classroom and find your partner.

Use the cards№1
Ask your partner if he /she:

Likes to read?
Reads every day?
Is a slow reader or a quick reader?

For example:

  1. Do you read every day?
  2. Do you like to read?
  3. Where do you take books to read?
  4. Do you have a home library?

Teacher: Your time is up. Sit down, please.

Analyze your interview as following:

  1. How many classmates read books?
  2. How many classmates read in English?
  3. How many classmates read in Russian?

For example: Give me analysis of the interview:

You may say: I have known that 2 pupils read books, 6 pupils read very seldom, 1pupil read in English, all the rest read in Russian.

Teacher: Valya, Misha…analyze your interview.

(Дети дают короткое интервью.)

Teacher: Now I wander what you read? Magazines? Newspapers? Books?

Фронтальная работа с демонстрационным материалом. Это – учебник, словари, газеты, журналы, сказки, энциклопедия…


  • What newspapers do you like to read? (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Krainiy Sever”,”Arguments and facts”?)
  • What magazines do you like to read? (“Cool girl”, “Cool”, “All stars”, “Comics”?)
  • Do you like to read textbooks?

Teacher: I see you read not only textbooks but also magazines, newspapers?

II. The main part of the lesson

3. Let’s talk how reading helps you in your studies?

Please, tell me how reading helps you in your studies? Work in groups, please. Use card № 2 as a plan of your speech?

Card №2

Work in groups. Answer these questions:

  • How does reading help you in your studies?
  • Do you agree that intelligent people should read much?
  • What information do newspapers (magazines, textbooks) provide?

Use these words in your speech.

Books (newspapers, magazines and textbooks) can tell us a lot about…

  • Lives of famous people.
  • The arts and the fashion.
  • The latest discoveries
  • Teenagers’ problems.
  • Politics and politicians.
  • The current events of the world (of your region).
  • Information about science, literature, languages.

Books (newspapers, magazines and textbooks) help to…

  • Educate
  • Become cleverer and wiser
  • Expand outlook
  • Form the moral values
  • Be well-educated people
  • Escape from everyday life problems

While reading (newspapers, magazines and books)

…think over everything
…analyze the events of the books (newspapers, magazines)
…train your mind

Books (newspapers, magazines) teach…

  • How to survive in this cruel world
  • To make people happy

(Опрос 3-х человек.)

Teacher: So many people so many opinions. Well done. You are literate and intelligent people. I’m sure that you spend a lot of time reading.

4. Now let’s refresh your knowledge about literary styles. You have sheets of paper and felt –tip – pens. Write the list of literary styles.

Работа в группах. Учащиеся пишут литературные жанры (лист «А 4» и фломастеры)

Teacher: Your time is up. What styles have you written? (дети называют)

Let’s expand our knowledge about literary styles.

Slides № 5, №6 (литературные жанры)

Look at the screen. You see different literary styles.

У детей на столах английские дефиниции и русские эквиваленты литературных жанров. Я задаю вопросы, а дети выбирают английские дефиниции литературных жанров и русские эквиваленты этих жанров.

Slide №5


Look at the screen. You see different literary styles.
Look at the first column. Find the definitions of these styles.
Choose the English definition to the word “Fairy-tale”.
Have you chosen the English definition? Come to the blackboard and stick this definition.


  • How do we call books about travels and explorations?
  • How do we call books about crime and punishment?
  • How do we call stories which can be put on the stage in the theatre?
  • What is the name of a story which is not so long?
  • How do we call a story about love and adventure?
  • How do we call the art of a poet to write about his feelings in poems?

Teacher: How do we call all these styles only one word? Yes, fiction. What does it mean?

  • What is the name of a story that teaches a lesson, a story in which animals and objects speak?
  • How do we call a story about fairies and other magical people?
  • What is the name of the book about another person’s life?

Slide № 6

Teacher: Look at these new styles.

  • How do we call an unreal story about imaginary people and events?
  • What is the name of a story about stars, spaceships, advanced technology, life on other planets?

Teacher: Listen and repeat these new styles. (Хором и индивидуально)

Sasha, Olga read these words.

Teacher: Give me examples of science fiction and fantasy.

Students: “Harry Potter” is a fantasy. “Lord of the rings” is a fantasy. “Spider Man” is a fantasy too.

“Star Wars” is a science fiction.

Teacher: Let’s compare these two styles. Fantasy and Science fiction have much common; we can’t divide them exactly into fantasy and science fiction.

So the results of your work are in this table. Here you can see our new words with their definitions.

Teacher: What book do we call a bestseller?

Students: It’s a book which is sold large number.

Teacher: Oh, I see that you are able to recognize styles in literature.

4. Now let’s play the literary quiz game. Работа в группах. (Приложение 2)

Slides № 6, №7

Task №1. Match the names of the famous writers and their portraits. Staple them.

Task № 2. Match the names of their literary works and their styles. Come to the blackboard and stick the right cards.

First group №1 work. Now characterize styles of these books.

For example: “The Brown wolf” by Jack London is a short story.

Literary quiz game

Miss Marple Detective story
War and Peace Historical novel
Gone with the Wind Novel about love and historical events
Romeo and Juliet Play
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Adventure story
The Brown Wolf Short story
My Chukotka Poetry
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stove Fantasy

Teacher: So I see that you are able to recognize the styles of literature, writers and their names. Now it’s time to speak about the most famous English writer of all times. Remember me his name.

III. Заключительная часть урока

5. Аудирование

Now listen to the text about William Shakespeare and try to understand as much as you can.

Дотекстовый этап

But before listening to the text you need to refresh proper names.

Listen and repeat:

William Shakespeare [wilјəm ∫eikspi ə]
Mary Arden [mйəri a:dən]
John Shakespeare [dʒn ∫eikspi ə]
Anne Hathaway [ жn θəwei]

Stratford-on Avon [strжtf əd əpn eivən]
Grammar school
Globe theatre, the [gləub θiətə]

Hamlet [ hжmlət]
Othello [ əuθələu]
Romeo and Juliet [rəumiəu жnd dʒuljət]

All’s Well that Ends Well [lz wel ржt endz wel]
Twelfth Night [ twelfθ nait]
Richard III [rit∫a: d рə θə:d]
Henry V [Henri рə fifθ]


Sasha, read the proper names of people

William Shakespeare [wilјəm ∫eikspi ə]
Mary Arden [mйəri a:dən]
John Shakespeare [dʒn ∫eikspi ə]
Anne Hathaway [ жn θəwei]

Teacher: Read the names of the places, which are connected with William Shakespeare’s life.

Stratford – upon – Avon [ strжtf əd əpn ˊeivən]
Grammar school
Globe theatre, the [gləub θiətə]

Teacher: Read the names of the plays

Hamlet [ hжmlət]
Othello [[əu θələu]
Romeo and Juliet [rəumiəu жnd dʒuljət]
All’s Well that Ends Well [lz wel ржt endz wel]]
Twelfth Night [twelfθ nait]
Henry V [henri рə fifθ]
Richard III [[rit∫a: d рə θə: d]

Текстовый этап : первое прослушивание

Teacher: Listen to the text and try to understand the main idea. Let’s check your understanding of the text. Answer my questions, please.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is the greatest poet and dramatist. He was born in 1564 in Stratford -on- Avon, a small English town. His mother, Mary Arden, was a daughter of a farmer. His father, John Shakespeare had several houses in Stratford.

He studied at local Grammar school, because his father wanted his son to be a very educated person.

He got married in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and had three children, a boy and two girls. William lived in Stratford until he was about twenty-one, then he went to London, because he was fond of actor’s profession.

Shakespeare became an actor. He acted at the London theatre called “The Globe”. There he played and wrote plays.

William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Among them are tragedies such as Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet; comedies such as All’s Well that Ends Well, Twelfth Night and the historical plays such as Richard III, Henry V. Besides plays Shakespeare wrote a lot of poetry, especially the Sonnets, which are translated into many languages and are well known throughout the world.

William Shakespeare died in 1616. But his creations are still popular now and millions of people still admire them.

  • What was William Shakespeare? (фронтальная работа)
  • When and where was he born?
  • Did he have a family?
  • What plays did he write? Call me, please.
  • When did he die?
  • Are his creations still popular now?

Teacher: I see you have understood this text. Listen to the text for the second time for more details.

Второе прослушивание

Послетекстовый этап

Read the text and fill in the gaps. The missing words are in your cards.

Read one by one and test yourselves.

William Shakespeare

Task: Fill in the gaps:

Was born, educated, got married, plays, children, popular, dramatist, a daughter, died,

William Shakespeare is the greatest poet and .He in 1564 in Stratford – on Avon, a small English town. His mother, Mary Arden, was of a farmer. His father, John Shakespeare, had several houses in Stratford.

He studied at local Grammar school, because his father wanted his son to be a very person.

He in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and had three , a boy and two girls. William lived in Stratford until he was about twenty-one, then he went to London, because he was fond of actor’s profession.

Shakespeare became an actor. He acted at the London theatre called “The Globe”. There he played and wrote plays.

William Shakespeare wrote 37 . Among them are tragedies such as Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet; comedies such as All’s Well that Ends Well, Twelfth Night and the historical plays such as Richard III, Henry V. Besides plays Shakespeare wrote a lot of poetry, especially the Sonnets, which are translated into many languages and are well known throughout the world.

William Shakespeare in 1616. But his creations are still now and millions of people still admire them

Teacher: Homework: Make a presentation about J. K. Rowling. Use card №3 as a plan. You can use books, encyclopedia, and the Internet.

Card № 3

Find the information about Joanne Kathleen Rowling, the author of “Harry Potter”:

The plan.

1 The year she was born. 1965, England
2 Her place of living. Scotland
3 Her occupation. A teacher of English and French
4 Her own family. A husband and a daughter
5 Her hobby. Writing books about Harry Potter
6 Her works. Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone
Harry Potter and the Fiery Cup
Harry Potter and the Mysterious Room
7 Her awards. The British Award and “The Smarties Prize

Итог: Let’s sum up.

Group №1 worked excellently. The most active students were….Your marks are 5s. Group №2 worked excellently too. But the most active students were….All the rest worked well today. Your marks are 4s for all of you.


What interesting and useful information have you got from the lesson?
What is your mood? How do you feel yourselves?
If you are happy show me that you are guite right. Good bye! Good luck! Thank you for the lesson.