Разработка урока по английскому языку с использованием краеведческого материала

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Формировать условия для осознания и осмысления информации.
  2. Учить учащихся применять эту информацию в новой учебной ситуации.


  1. Развивать умение читать с различной стратегией (с целью понимания основного содержания, детального понимания, поиска специфической информации).
  2. Способствовать развитию устной речи учащихся, создавать условия для формирования лексических навыков.
  3. Воспитывать чувство патриотизма к своей Родине, к малой Родине.
  4. Расширять кругозор учащихся по теме.

Оборудование: компьютер с проектором, информационные тексты для учащихся, фломастеры, карандаши, чистые листы.

Ход урока


Teacher: Good afternoon, students! Glad to see you. I hope you are fine. Our lesson is unusual. Today we have some guests. Please, look at them and smile. Let’s start our lesson .We’ll work in 3 groups.

I. Стадия вызова.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. You can see many pictures. (через проектор показывают несколько фотографий – пейзажей). I would like you to make a legend, using these words:

  1. beauty;
  2. lake;
  3. Switzerland;
  4. landscape;
  5. high.

I ask you to tell us your associations. I give you only 3 minutes.

(Ученики в группах составляют свои легенды. Слайд 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

T: And now we listen to your legends. The first group will start.

Pupil: To my mind I have seen the landscapes of Switzerland. It is a mountainous country. Tourists from all over the world go there to relax, to admire the snowcovered mountains, to go hiking.

Pupil from the second group: It seems to me I have seen these landscapes. They are devoted to my birthplace, to Altai Republic. It is named “the second Switzerland” for the beauty of the nature. I liked these pictures. I am impressed with the beauty of high mountains, lakes, forests.

Pupil from the third group: We are of the same opinion. These are pictures of Gorny Altai .We recognized the pictures of the Belukha Mountain and the Teletskoe Lake. We went there 2 years ago. We were awarded the tour to theTeletskoe as the best pupils. We liked going by ship to the waterfall “Korbu”. This lake is located between the high mountains. It is the biggest lake of Gorny Altai.

Teacher: Thank you for your legends. It was very interesting and informative.

II. Cтадия осмысления.

Teacher: I will give you the text. I want you to look through this text, to understand it. You must read it using these ticks. Look at the board. ( слайд 7).

T: And tell us , please, what information you know , what didn’t know and your questions.

Pupil 1: I know, that Belukha is the biggest mountain in Altai Republic. I did not know, that its absolute height is 4506 m.

Pupil 2: It was very interesting to know, that the Lake Teletskoe is 77 km. long, the average width is 2.9 km. and the maximum depth is 325m. I didn’t know, that the Ukok Quiet Zone has been a place populated by people at all historic periods.

Pupil 3: I heard about the Ukok “ Ice Maiden.” But I didn’t know where she is. I have a question, what is her origin?

T: There are many arguments about her origin. Scientists found out, that she belongs to the people, named “ selkupy”. They lived in Kemerovo region. Thank you for your questions. The next task is making a cluster. The 1 group makes a cluster about Altai Republic, the 2 about the Teletskoe , the 3 group about the Belukha . ( Каждая группа делает задание. Слайд 8)

T: And now show us your clusters, tell about your drawings. (Ученики показывают и рассказывают свои кластеры).

T: The next task is “Concept circles”. You can compare 2 countries Altai Republic and Australia. You know a lot of information about Australia from your textbook “Happy English”. Find out the likeness and the difference these countries. (Ученикам даётся время, чтобы сделать это задание. Слайд 9).

P1: Common: There are many national parks in Gorny Altai and in Australia.

Australians and our people like the nature and protect it. Australia and our Republic is multicultural.

P2: Difference: Gorny Altai is mountainous land. There are many lakes, rivers, big mountains, forests. Its capital is Gorno-Altaisk, it is a small town. The Republic has its flag and a coat of arms.

P3: Difference: Australia is the flattest continent. It is also a driest continent. There are 2 biggest cities in Australia - Sydney and Melbourne. Australia is in the southern hemisphere. January is the hottest month in Australia. There are no big mountains in Australia.

T: Thank you for your answers.

III Рефлексия.

T: Let’s do cinqwain.I think, you know how to do it, you can see on the board.


  1. Gorny Altai;
  2. Glorious, beautiful;
  3. To visit, to see, to admire;
  4. It is the second Switzerland;
  5. Altai Republic.


  1. Belukha;
  2. Sacred, the highest;
  3. To represent, to attract ,to go;
  4. The biggest mountain of Gorny Altai;
  5. The white top.


  1. The Teletskoe lake;
  2. Dangerous, deep;
  3. To blow, to grow, to contain;
  4. The largest recreational centre;
  5. Ultra- fresh water.

T: And now students, ask questions each other. You can make thin or thick questions.
P1: What is the highest mountain of Altai Republic?
P2: What is the largest lake?
P3: Where is the Quiet Zone located?

T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your working. Your homework is to make the invitation cards to our Republic. Your marks……

I would like to show you some pictures about our nature. You can look and admire the beauty of our Republic (идёт показ слайдов на экране . Слайды 10-20).


Приложение 1
Приложение 2