Тренировка употребления прошедшего простого времени с помощью аудирования

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Тренировка употребления прошедшего простого времени с помощью аудирования

Хочется поделиться опытом успешной отработки прошедшего простого времени учениками 3- го класса на основе аудирования. Тексты для аудирования располагаются в порядке возрастания сложности, но, в принципе, рассчитаны на начальный этап данной отработки. Проверка понимания первых трех текстов осуществляется с помощью вопросов в режиме T – P1P2P3. На доске можно написать глаголы в порядке их следования в тексте. Они служат ключевыми словами, по которым дети будут пересказывать текст. Сначала глаголы можно записывать на доске в форме прошедшего времени (т.е. так, как они звучали в тексте). Затем, по мере усвоения материала глаголы будут записываться в форме инфинитива и детям нужно будет самостоятельно изменить их форму. К 4-му тексту, за основу которого взят сюжет из книги “Make your score” И.К. Шевченко, Москва,1996 г., предлагаются задания, направленные на проверку понимания текста.


Mary is a little girl. Yesterday she got up at 10 o’clock. She had breakfast with her mother. She had an egg and cup of tea for breakfast. Then she went for a walk. She went for a walk with her dog. They played games in the park. They came home at 2 o’ clock and had dinner. The girl had soup for dinner and the dog had meat for dinner.


Nelly is a nice girl. One day she went for a walk. She saw a very funny puppy. He could not walk. He was ill. Nelly wanted to help him. She took him home and gave him milk and meat. The puppy was very happy. He liked his new house


Tim was a funny monkey. He liked to jump and run. He liked to eat bananas. One day he saw a parrot. The parrot was very nice. It could speak. The parrot said, “I want to have a friend. Let’s play”. Tim was happy to have a friend. They ran and jumped together. Then they had dinner. The monkey had bananas for dinner and the parrot had seeds. At night they slept and saw beautiful dreams.

My little sister

One day my little sister didn’t want to eat her breakfast. My mother gave her an egg, some bread and butter and a big cup of milk for breakfast. But she didn’t want to eat. “Eat your egg”, said my mother. “I don’t want to”. “Then you will not go to the Zoo on Sunday”, said my mother and my sister began to eat. She ate her egg and bread and butter. She drank her milk too. She wanted to go to the Zoo very much. On Sunday we went to the Zoo with our cousin Jane. She was a big girl. We saw many animals there. The monkeys were very funny. They ran and jumped. Then we saw a merry-go-round. “I want to ride on a merry-go-round”, cried my little sister and when it stopped she got into a car on the merry-go-round. It was fun.

  1. Согласитесь, не согласитесь
    1. My little sister wanted to eat her breakfast
    2. Mother gave her an egg for breakfast
    3. Mother gave her a cup of coffee for breakfast
    4. My little sister didn’t want to go to the Zoo
    5. We went to the Zoo with our father
    6. We saw many animals there
    7. We saw a big wheel
    8. My sister got on the horse
  2. Поставьте предложения в логическом порядке
    1. Then we saw a merry-go-round
    2. She wanted to go to the Zoo very much
    3. One day my little sister didn’t want to eat her breakfast
    4. We saw many animals there
    5. On Sunday we went to the Zoo
    6. “Then you will not go to the Zoo on Sunday”, said mother
    7. “ I want to ride on a merry-go-round”, said my sister
    8. She ate her egg, bread and butter
  3. Закончи предложения

1. One day my little sister didn’t want to eat her….

a) breakfast b) lunch c) dinner

2. Mother gave her….

a) porridge b) tea c) bread

3. She began to….

a) eat b) play c) watch TV

4. We went to the Zoo with our…

a) father b) mother c) cousin