Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Great tea-drinkers"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа


  • совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования и устной речи;
  • активизация грамматических навыков (степени сравнения прилагательных);
  • развитие /поддержание интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка;
  • расширение кругозора, развитие внимания;
  • актуализация страноведческого материала.


  • Образовательная: практиковать учащихся в устной речи, аудировании и чтении с целью извлечения конкретной информации; повторить степени сравнения прилагательных;
  • Развивающая: развитие готовности к коммуникации, мотивации к изучению английского языка.
  • Воспитательная: воспитание уважения к культуре других народов.


  • заварочные чайники различной конфигурации;
  • набор выражений и картинок, изображающих этапы заваривания чая;
  • проекты учащихся “My teapot”.
  • видеопроектор, управляемый компьютером;
  • аудиомагнитофон.

Ход мероприятия

1. Приветствие, сообщение целей урока.

2. Phonetic exercise.

Task: Read the names of the cups’ owners in alphabetical order. [1]

Рис. 1

3. Reading:

Task: Read the text and find out the sentences with degrees of comparisons.

The British and tea. [2]

The British population drinks about 2,000,000,000 cups of tea a day! That is an average of nearly 1,040 cups of tea a year for each person. Tea – mostly green tea from China – came to Britain in the late 1500s, but it was only for the very rich. It became cheaper about three hundred years later, when it was planted in India and later in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). People from all classes started drinking it. But some people thought that too much tea was bad for your health. So they started putting milk in it, to make it healthier!

Afternoon tea is a small meal, not a drink. Now most ordinary British families do not have time for afternoon tea at home, but in the past it was a tradition. It became popular about a hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies invited their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of tea. They started offering their visitors sandwiches and cakes too. Soon everybody was enjoying this exciting new meal.

But the British working population did not have afternoon tea. They had a meal at about midday, and a meal after work, between five and seven o’clock. This meal was called “high tea”, or just “tea”. Some families in Scotland and the north of England still have “high tea” and some restaurants in these areas offer it too. High tea is a big meal with a main dish – meat or fish – followed by bread and butter and cakes. You drink lots of cups of tea with high tea.

Today, most people have a meal between 12 and 2 p.m. In the past, this meal was called “dinner” in working families. But now most people call it “lunch”. “Dinner” has become a bigger meal in the evenings.

Based on British life by A. Colings


  1. How many sentences with the degrees have you found? Read them.
  2. Why did so many people start drinking tea?
  3. What does the word “high tea” mean?
  4. What does the word “lunch” mean NOW?
  5. Is the meaning of the “dinner” the same as some years ago?

4. Listening.

Task: Listen to the text about two kinds of tea which are the most favourite for the British. Do you like them? Why? /Why not? [1]

Рис. 2

5. Writing:

Task: Find out the most favourite kinds of tea of these people. Which is it for each person?


Nick (1,80)                        James (1,92)                                          Anna

Рис. 3                                                                Рис. 4

Olga (1,76)

Рис. 5

Вариант для учителя:

  Lemon tea Strawberry tea Iced tea Tea with milk
Nick (1,80) - + - -
James (1,92) - - + -
Anna (1,55) + - - -
Olga (1,76) - - - +

Вариант для учащихся:

  Lemon tea Strawberry tea Iced tea Tea with milk
  1. Olga doesn’t like strawberry tea.
  2. James likes neither strawberry tea nor tea with milk.
  3. Girls don’t like iced tea.
  4. That who likes lemon tea isn’t the tallest.
  5. One of the boys likes strawberry tea very much.
  6. The shortest of them always drinks tea without milk.

6. Let’s have a rest!!!

Task: Sing the song about tea. [3]

I’m a little teapot

I’m a little teapot, short and stout.
Here’s my handle, here’s my spout.
When I hear the teacups, hear me shout:
“Tip me over, pour me out.”

First you put your right hand on your hip.
That makes the handle that you can tip.
Then you make your left hand form the spout
To tip you over, pour you out.

Now let’s see how clever you can be.
Reverse position and you will see.
You can change your handle and your spout
To tip you over, pour you out.

I’m a little teapot, short and stout.
Here’s my handle, here’s my spout.
When I hear the teacups, hear me shout:
“Tip me over, pour me out.”

Рис. 6

7. Speaking:

Task: Place the pictures in order to make English tea. [1]

Рис. 7


Рис. 8                     Рис. 9                Рис. 10


Рис. 11                                      Рис. 12

Fill the kettle with cold water.

Boil the water.

Warm the pot.

Put ONE teaspoon of tea in the pot for EACH person and ONE extra for the pot.

Pour hot water into the pot.

Enjoy your tea!

Grammar exercise:

Task: Give the characteristic of these boys according to kind of tea they drink. Use the words slim or fat in a proper degree of comparisons.

No calories [1]

-a cup of tea without milk but with lemon


Рис. 13

120 calories [1]

- can of Cola or carbonated drink


Рис. 14

90 calories [1]

- a glass of milk


Рис. 15

10 calories [1]

- a cup of tea with milk

Final task:

Act the drama using all the tea information you know now.

Слова “чайного этикета” (на доске):

Could you pass me a scone, please? / Yes, here you are!

Help yourself!

Enjoy your meal!

Let me be mother! (Do you want me to pour the tea out the teapot for you?)

Would you like a cuppa? (= a cup of tea)

Can I pour you some more tea?

Would you like some more milk?

Yes, please!

No, thanks.

Мероприятие заканчивается чаепитием (по желанию).

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Т.Б. Клементьева и др. “Счастливый английский”.
  2. Материалы Speak out за 2003 год.
  3. Материалы Интернета.