Виртуальное путешествие в Австралию

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Использование виртуальных уроков в образовательном и воспитательном процессе позволяет значительно стимулировать познавательный интерес учащихся, развивает навыки работы с самыми разнообразными источниками информации и таит в себе массу других преимуществ. Виртуальные уроки делают процесс обучения более ярким и эмоционально насыщенным. Применение мультимедийных технологий в процессе урока хорошо сочетается с технологией развивающего обучения, а так же проблемным и дифференцированным обучением. В условиях современных реалий компьютерные технологии являются мощным средством обучения, и их применение в образовательном процессе служат серьезным подспорьем для учителя в повышении эффективности обучения и качества образования.

Основными целями применения виртуальных уроков на уроках английского языка являются:

  • повышение мотивации к изучению языка;
  • развитие речевой компетенции;
  • увеличение объема лингвистических знаний;
  • расширение объема знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка;
  • развитие способности и готовности к самостоятельному изучению английского языка.

Современная образовательная парадигма, строящаяся на компьютерных средствах обучения, берет за основу не передачу учащимся готовых знаний, умений и навыков, а привитие обучаемому умений самому добывать необходимые для себя знания.

Пример включения виртуального урока по теме "Австралия" приводится ниже.

A virtual trip to Australia

On line

- go to the site (http://www.australia.com) and click "Getting to Australia" to get the practical travel information you need, including visas, customs, duty-free shopping, and insurance.

- Click on "Getting around Australia" to find out the way to explore the country

- Click on "Accommodation" to find out the different types of accommodation, what facilities they offer and how much they might cost. Choose the type of accommodation, state and region search (press "search".)

- go to "About Australia" and read about Australia's history, culture, facts, films, books and music (click "Learn more" to get more information). Try to answer the questions after:

1. What part of Australia was first used as a colony?

2. How did the early settlers behave towards the aborigines?

3. Why did very many people go to Australia after 1851?

4. When was the new nation born in Australia?

- Click on "Things to do" and discover the experiences that make a holiday in Australia unique.

- Click on "Cities" and learn more about Australia's capital cities.

Test your memory. Do the crossword puzzle.


2. Tropical climate. Population 70, 000. Capital of Northern Territory.

4. Tropical climate makes this city a year-round vacation place.

5. An industrial city. Population about 1 million.

8. Australia's oldest and largest city.


1. Capital of Australian island-state of Tasmania. Cold winters.

3. Capital of Australia.

6. 2nd largest city of Australia. Hosted 1956 Olympics.

7. It has one of the best climates in Australia. Capital of Western Australia.

Key: 1. Hobart. 2. Darwin. 3. Canberra. 4. Brisbane. 5. Adelaide. 6. Melbourne. 7. Perth. 8. Sydney.

- Click on "Nature" to find out where you can get up, close and personal to natures spectacle in Australia.

(Think about three of eight places to immerse yourself in nature, using nature location map and explain your choice)

- Click on "Journeys" to learn more about Australia's awesome journeys and choose some to tell your classmates about.

- Go to "Destinations" to get a snapshot of Australia's states, territories, cities and iconic attractions to learn more about where they are on the map.

- Click "Events" to join the party at one of Australia's many festivals, events and exhibitions. Which one have you liked best?

You're got general information about Australia and now try to answer some questions:

1. By whom was Australia discovered and when was it?

2. What is the official name of Australia?

3. What landscape is typical of Australia?

4. Name the greatest rivers of Australia?

5. What animals do live in Australia?

6. Name big cities of Australia.

7. What is the capital of Australia?


1. Australia was discovered by Captain Cook.

2. It is the Commonwealth of Australia.

3. Much of the land is a useless desert.

4. They are the Murray and the Darling.

5. They are the kangaroo, the dingo, the emu.

6. There are 5 big cities of Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth.

7. The capital of Australia is Canberra.

Fill in the table with the most interesting information you've found about your trip to Australia.

Do you know that:

1. Australia is the only nation that occupied a whole continent.

2. About 100 species of birds in Australia are found nowhere else in the world.


