Урок – ролевая игра, 7-й класс."English is a world language"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Воспитательные задачи:

1.Воспитание цивилизованной личности.
2.Воспитание культуры мышления.
3.Воспитание языковой культуры речи, общения и поведения.

Общеобразовательные задачи:

1.Учиться извлекать из текста информацию и использовать полученные сведения в работе над изучаемой темой.
2.Учиться пересказывать содержание текста с опорой на образец.
3.Активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал.
4.Учиться называть большие числительные.

Оздоровительные задачи:

1.Учить обучающихся релаксационным упражнениям.

Оснащение урока:

ТСО: телевизор, видеомагнитофон, видеофильм, карты англоязычных стран, наглядные иллюстрации по страноведению, раздаточный дидактический материал.

Учебный материал:

Вступительное слово учителя: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. We continue to study our topic “English Is a World Language.” The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. We will speak about these countries today. First of all, let’s watch a videofilm about the international significance of the English language in our modern world. Please, watch and listen to the comments of the film very attentively. Be ready to answer the questions and retell the text of this film. There are some unknown words in the text. Here they are.

Обучающиеся знакомятся с незнакомыми словами.

1. Trade - торговля.
2. Aviation - авиация.
3. Shipping - судоходство.
4. Scientific - научный.
5. To broadcast - вещать.
6. To perform - исполнять.
7. UNO (United Nations Organisation) - Организация Объединённых Наций.
8. World Wide Web - Всемирная информационная паутина.
9. Patience - терпение.
10. Educated – образованный.
11. Generation – поколение.

Обучающиеся хором повторяют за учителем незнакомые слова. Затем ребята знакомятся с вопросами по содержанию фильма.


1. English is a world language, isn’t it?
2. In what spheres of modern life English is absolutely necessary?
3. How many people English is spoken by nowadays?
4. In what countries is English the official language?
5. English is spoken as a second language in India and Africa, isn’t it?
6. How much of the world’s scientific literature is written and printed in English?
7. Is English popular in Russia?
8. Is learning English an easy thing?
9. It’s necessary for all of us to know English. Why?
10. Do you love English?

Учитель читает вопросы и убеждается в том, что вопросы понятны обучающимся.

Содержание текста к видеофильму “English Is a World Language.”

English is a world language. It is the language of international communication.

It is the language of politics, science, technology, trade, commerce and business.

It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping, sports, diplomacy.

Half of the world’s scientific literature is written in English.

English is spoken by more than 350 million people.

It is the native language of 12 nations and the official language of thirty-three more nations. It is the official language of the UK, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand, Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic.

75% of the world’s mail and 60% of the world’s telephone calls are in English.

60% of the world’s radio stations broadcast in English.

Half of the world’s scientific literature is written and printed in English.

80% of the world’s music is composed and performed in English.

It is one of the official languages of the UNO.

English is the language of computer technologies and World Wide Web.

The English language is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa. English is very popular in Russia: it is studied at schools, colleges and universities. 70% of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language.

Learning a foreign language is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English today is necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. English is the choice of our generation and we love it.

Затем ребята отвечают на поставленные вопросы. После этого учитель ставит перед обучающимися задачу пересказать текст фильма. Один из учащихся, используя вопросы в качестве опорного плана, пересказывает содержание увиденного и прослушанного.

Ученик 1.

English is a world language.

It is the language of politics, business, sports, diplomacy.

The English language is spoken by 350 million people.

English is the official language of the UK, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand, Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic.

English is spoken as a second language in India and Africa.

Half of the world’s scientific literature is written and printed in English.

English is popular in Russia. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.

To learn English is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience.

But to know English is necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.

I love English very much.

Учитель: Thank you very much. And now we have a press conference. You should describe an English-speaking country according to the plan:

1. Where is the country situated?(the continent).
2. What is its population?
3. What is its capital?
4. What is its official language?(or languages).
5. What is the weather like in summer and winter?

The countries are: Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

После этого обучающимся демонстрируются несколько видеосюжетов, показывающих англоязычные страны. Эти видеосюжеты сопровождаются национальной музыкой и содержат характерную для данных стран символику.

Обучающиеся должны догадаться о каких странах идёт демонстрация на экране. Демонстрируется первый видеосюжет.

Учитель: How do you think what country it is?

Ученики: It is Great Britain.

Учитель: That’s right. Who will represent Great Britain? You are welcome.

Ученик 2 представляет Великобританию.

Hello, my name is Vera Brown.

I am 14 and I am a pupil of the 7th form.

I am from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.

My country is situated on the British Isles.

It’s total area is 244 thousand square kilometers.

The capital of the country is London.

The population of the UK is 57 million people.

There are many nationalities in GB.

English is the official language in the country.

The English language spoken in my country is made up of Anglo-Saxon, French and Latin.

The country is made up of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland.

I live in England.

My hometown is London.

The climate in the country is temperate and mild.

This is our flag “The Union Jack” and this is our coat of arms.

The Head of the country is the Queen Elisabeth the Second.

Ученик 3 представляет США.

Hello, my name is Paul Winter.

I am 14 and I am a student of the 7th grade.

I am from the United States of America, the 4th largest country in the world.

My country is situated in North America.

It’s total area is 9.363,2 million square kilometers.

The capital of the country is Washington, D.C.

The population of the USA is 250 million people.

It’s a real melting pot.

English is the official language in the country.

But the English language spoken in my country is known as American English.

For example, a film in Britain is a movie in America, a postman is a mailman, the underground is a subway.

There are 50 states in the USA.

I live in Georgia.

My hometown is Atlanta.

The climate in the country is subtropical in the South, arctic in the North, temperate and continental in the central part.

This is our flag “Stars and Stripes” and this is our coat of arms “The Bald or the White Eagle”.

My country’s motto is “In God We Trust”.

Учитель: Do you have any questions?

Ученик:Yes, I do. How long does a lesson last at American school?

Ученик 3: A lesson lasts for 45 minutes. By the way, in the middle of the lesson we always do the next exercise. Will you help me? Come on.

Вместе с ведущим обучающиеся делают релаксационную зарядку.

Stand up.
Hands up.
Hands forward.
Hands aside.
Hands on hips.
Bend left.
Bend right.
Let’s jump
Hands down.
Sit down.

Зарядка повторяется 3 раза. При её проведении обучающиеся проговаривают все действия вместе с ведущим. При этом у ребят происходит осознанное включение и развитие рефлексивного мышления.

Ученик 3: Thank you very much for the cooperation.

Ученик 4 представляет Австралию.

Hello, my name is Mary Gold.

I am 14 and I am a pupil of the 7th year.

I am from the Commonwealth of Australia.

My country is situated between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. Australia is the only country which occupies a whole continent and some islands around it.

It’s total area is 7,7 million square kilometers.

The capital of the country is Canberra.

The population of Australia is 18 million people.

There are many nationalities in Australia.

English is the official language in the country.

The English language spoken in my country is a bit different from British English and American English. For example, we say lollies instead of sweets, runners instead of trainers, freeway instead of highway and so on.

The country is made up of 6 states and 2 territories.

I live in New South Wales.

My hometown is Sydney, the oldest and the largest city in Austrailia.

The climate in the country is temperate in the North and tropic in the South.

This is our flag “The Small Union Jack and Stars” and this is our coat of arms.

Australia is situated in the southern hemisphere that is why we have summer now.

Ученик 5 представляет Канаду.

Hello, my name is Nick Wayne.

I am 14 and I am a student of the 7th grade.

I am from Canada, the second largest country in the world.

My country is situated in North America.

It’s total area is 9.976 million square kilometers.

The capital of the country is Ottawa.

The population of Canada is 25 million people.

It’s as big as Europe.

English and French are the official languages in the country.

In Canada there are people of many nationalities.

There are a lot of lakes and rivers in my country.

There are 12 provinces and 2 territories in Canada.

I live in Ontario.

My hometown is Toronto.

The climate in the country is temperate in the South, arctic in the North and continental in the central part.

This is our flag “The Maple Leaf” and this is our coat of arms.

Canada is known to be the Motherland of ice hockey, one of the most popular games in the world.

Ученик 6 представляет Новую Зеландию.

Hello, my name is Alice Summer.

I am 14 and I am a pupil of the 7th grade.

I am from New Zealand which consists of two main islands and some smaller islands.

My country is situated in the Pacific Ocean.

It’s total area is 268,7thousand square kilometers.

The capital of the country is Wellington.

The population of New Zealand is 3,2 million people.

Some Maori people lived here before the British came.

English and Maori are the official languages in the country.

But the English language spoken in my country is called Kiwi English.

When it’s summer in Europe, it’s winter in New Zealand.

There are 109 Counts in New Zealand.

I live in Wellington.

The climate in the country is subtropical in the South and temperate in the North.

This is our flag and this is our coat of arms.

My country is sometimes called the “The World’s Biggest Farm.”

It is famous for its products: meat, butter, cheese.

Учитель: And summing up. Let’s listen to the representative of Russia.

Ученик 7: Hello, my name is Pavel Petrov.

I am 14 years old.

I am a pupil of the 7th Form, Gymnasium № 10.

My hometown is Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.

I live in Western Siberia.

English is very popular in Russia.

It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.

English is my favourite subject.

It will help me in my future.

I want to be a programmist.

The English language is widely used in the world of computers.

Visiting foreign countries I can communicate with people of different cultures.

I will do all my best to improve my English.

I love this international language.

Учитель: Thank you very much. All of you have worked very well today. Your marks are exellent.

Your homework is to write an essay about the countries you have chosen. At the next lesson we will edit your works and create the album “English Is a World Language.”

The lesson is over, good-bye.

Ученики: Good-bye.